This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, March 5, 2011

What if there were no remission of sins?

Where would i be (where would i be if he hadn't died for me)
woould i be
would i be (and if he never gave his life for me )
i would be (lost)
you would be (lost)
we would be (lost)
this world would be so lost

what if there was no remmission of sin
you got what you deserved by what you put in
you would be (lost)
we would be (lost)
this world would be so

i'm so glad that he's coming
thank God he planned this production
abandoned granger in heaven
to plan him something to stomach
he could have come and just made a man surpass judgements
instead he came to the earth kept him own commands and instructions
he worked with daddy, he helped with family and loved ones
he played in sand with his cousins
he prayed with granny and mother
no temper tantrums in public
grew in stature and muscle
in favour with God image
which i gave a grand introduction


now take the moment and think about what i saw
think about what it cost
think of the word he crossed
without it i would be lost
you would be without hope
and together we would be tossed
back and forth everything that we gain would really be lost
thank God for the cross
saved me and made me holy
but it wasnt it parts Jesus redeemed to hold me
mind body and soul me
had to redeem me socially
cause he knew that we openly
talk to eachother vocally
and redeemed me emotionally
cause he knows knows that we're prone to be
flying off the handle, we be loosing control of he
redeemed us physically so if we go on sick leave
we could cry out to Jesus and he could keep up from 6 feet
but if he doesnt we trust him, may not get it
we bless and we cannot judge him
he's got much better judgement than us
redeemed us spiritually, raised us up from the dead
now i'm alive and its clear to see from the blood that was shed

Where would i be (where would i be if he hadn't died for me)
woould i be
would i be (and if he never gave his life for me )
i would be (lost)
you would be (lost)
we would be (lost)
this world would be so

what if there was no remission for sin
you got what you deserved by what you put in
you would be (lost)
we would be (lost)
this world would be so


Current events-international economy

$104 for a barrel of oil...

Current events-world order/disorder

Saudi Arabia trying to stay ahead of the crowd....if Saudi Arabia has will the oil prices...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Current events-world order

It started in Wisconsin....then Ohio....I guess it will be interesting to see the order the dominoes fall...

an op-ed article written on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 by richard cohen

that writer titles "Obama's Farrakhan test"....

Nation of Islam leader anoints Barack Obama...

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam in the USA, speaking on "saviours' day, February 28th. There, he uses bible verses to accentuate his message, which for the 1st hour of the video includes the following :


9:11 - "My subject is from the book of isaiah the prophet (19:20)he said...'and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the lord of hosts in the land of Egypt for they shall cry unto the lord because of the oppressors and he, the lord, shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."

9:57- "Nehemiah the prophet writes(9:27) 'therefore you delivered them into the hand of their enemies who vexed them, and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven and according to thy "manifold" mercies thou gavest them SAVIOURS, PLURAL, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies.' These 2 scriptures , isaiah and nehemiah, one is god himself sending a great one to be a SAVIOR and that one is making many saviors to send them to save a people distressed and oppressed.

17:04 - "he knew his future when he was SIX years old."

17:31 - "he was made from black AND white so that he could slip in among us undetected as the bible says he would come as a thief in the night."

19:03-  "he is a savior but he also is a destroyer..."

19:31-  "but one that is to destroy the enemy of peace so that those who live on our planet after such a destruction will never again have to worry about a mischief maker or a peacebreaker breaking the peace of the members of the human family."

20:10 - "in the book of isaiah (40:12) the question is asked who else has held the oceans in his hand? who has measured the heavens in his fingers? who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale? what kind of a man is this who came among us? "

22:19 - "and the earth weighs six [six] SEXTILLION tons...a unit 6 by 21 zeros...."

22:57 - "he weighed the water (chuckles) of lake michigan...this is a GOD coming after a people that need a god to save them!"

23:31- "this is he who came...this is the son of man that the world has been looking for. He came from the east as it was written and he came to the west for wheresoever the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered together. He had power as the book of habakkuk prophesies his brightness was as the light he had horns coming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power . Think about a god so angry at the condition of his people and the misuse of the power of the oppressor against his  people that his own fury upheld him. Just think about that...his own fury kept him going...the bible  teaches he had for a long time held his peace but now he would cry out like a woman in travail and isaiah saw him treading the winepress alone his  garments stained with the blood of his and our enemies. Yea that's the one who I represent today."

25:35 -  "in comparison to the power that has made itself known in north america and now throughout the world...let me make u acquainted with him..."

26:05 - "he comes as a thief in the night...he comes to spoil the goods of strong men. The one that has come has come to destroy this present world and burn it with unquenchable fire."

26:59 - "this IS the time of the destruction of the enemies of god, the enemies of peace, and the enemy of a righteous civilization. He has unlimited power to heal, to regenerate the earth, and purify IT from the stench of the wicked who have poisoned the earth, the atmosphere, the water and poisoned the very hearts and minds of the human family. In the book of matthew the question is asked how can any man enter a strong man's house and carry off his possession unless he first ties up the strong man...then he can rob his house. Whether you know it or not, this is the time of war. The prophet Joel says...'proclaim you this among the gentiles... prepare war, not peace, prepare WAR, wake up the mighty men of war and let all men of war draw near let them come up."

28:33- "all that love war over peace that love wrong over right and injustice over justice this is the day of your doom the end of your world has arrived!"

29:07- "what you are looking at in tunisia, in egypt, in yemen, in jordan, in lybia, in bahrain and soon VERY soon in all the nations of the world and even sooner to take place in america. So don't you get bent out of shape with what you see happpening there, while its happening there YOU better prepare because it WILL be coming to your door. AMERICA!"

30:39 - "this is a sign that the great mahdi that the muslim world has been looking for, is present in the world, that the Christ that u hoped for, the Christ that we long for, is present in the world and all tyrants will be set down. God is stimulating the rise of the masses and soon it will come to these shores...indeed it has already begun."

1:00:33- "Your function is to help me, build that which was in the nature of "hira", he is free now, and your job is to help me BUILD the kingdom of God on earth and only THEN will you have a place in the kingdom. You are not under that sword anymore, you are under another sword. And IF you dont help me, deliver this people, that you have sworn to keep down, and build a world that all of us can live together in peace, then you will find yourself under the sword of the judgement of god..."

1:05:30- "What you are looking at is the wisdom of the gods. What you are dealing with is the wisdom of man and a little man at that so when you marvel at what you see from that wheel you are marveling at the wisdom of god who is also a human being!"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Current events-international security

The mahdi is very much hands on...the time is NOW!

Have grace and salvation always existed?

Was there salvation and grace before Christ?

This is a good question. I think that complicated/difficult questions are part of the walk. Why? because we dont know/have the answer to all questions. Many times, questions may be planted in our heads for different reasons. Many times, questions(seeds) are planted so that our faith may grow and in so doing build up the church. Other times, questions are planted by the enemy in an effort to grow and cultivate doubt. It's really about what we choose to take care of. What do we want to make grow? Our faith or our doubt?

But what the questions that we dont know the answers to can do is serve as a test of faith. In other words, if God were to ask "are you going to let a difficult question(since the important part is easy, Jesus IS God) stop you from believing in Me? This notion is similar to what took place in the garden. We wanted to KNOW, hence the fall. We weren't able to just BELIEVE.

Man has always been saved by faith since witnesses have ALWAYS existed (romans 1:20). Nowadays, the witness of God, is God incarnate, Jesus Christ. Salvation comes from accepting HIM. Before God manifested Himself in the flesh, the witness was the Law, which pointed towards the future, and God incarnate. Salvation came by believing what the Law said and what it pointed to. Before the Law, the witness was Creation. Salvation came by believing that God was responsible for Creation.

Faith is what saves. Whereas today, we look to the PAST in believing that God has already manifested Himself in the flesh, those who came before such manifestation looked ahead to the FUTURE.

The next questions then would be:

What about those who had no access to the law? Or what about those who have no knowledge of Jesus?

Well then, in that case, their witness would be creation. Where the law or God incarnate does not have the ability to witness, creation itself is the witness.

Grace and salvation have always existed since grace is part of the power of God and salvation a byproduct of that same grace.