This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, December 18, 2021

Current Events-Vaccines

Oh ok, that didnt take long. Maybe it will take longer while it sits in the Supreme Court.

I cant help but think that the reason why everything is moving so incredibly fast is because they want chaos/disorder but not too much of it either.

Current Events-COVID

Yea, I mean, what good is a horse if you dont have a rider? This is starting to look really serious.

Current EVents-COVID

Dam, Chris, dont sound so sure...

Current Events-COVID

First one to lockdown...Holland.

Current Events-COVID

‘It is almost certain that there are now hundreds of thousands of new Omicron infections per day,’ experts warn.

Tougher Covid restrictions are needed before the new year to prevent “considerable pressure” on the NHS, government scientists have warned Boris Johnson, as rates of the Omicron variant surge.

Umhum, exactly, they're gonna lockdown again. They have their sights on the economy. The next question becomes:

Does the world economy go down or does the US economy go down first?

Current Events-COVID

US health officials have warned that a “tidal wave” of Omicron is likely to crash upon the country’s hospitals as France said the new coronavirus variant is now suspected to be responsible for up to 10% of new confirmed cases in the country.

“GET BOOSTED NOW. Tidal wave of Omicron likely coming to a hospital near you soon,” said Dr Tom Frieden,

Headliner from English newspaper states :

"Omicron ‘spreading at lightning speed in Europe"

But the first sentence of the piece is about...the US???

Smells funny...

Current Events-COVID

Dam, sounds serious, National Guard is being summoned, doctors are burnt out, infections are up, hospital admissions are up, and Omicron and Winter haven't even arrived.

Current Events-COVID

The new narrative for the pandemic is now undoubtedly clear:

The new variant is very contagious. There will be many infections. 

"Several people in line said that though they felt fine, they wanted to get a test as a precautionary measure because they were going to be traveling."

Ok so if you're feeling fine, why get a test? If you want to take "precautionary measures" then mask up, practice social distancing, and dont stay in crowded places too long. Getting a test only serves the purpose of the agenda, which at this juncture, is to get as many people tested so that they can say there's too many infections, so that they gotta lockdown. 

“I have a nephew and a niece that I’m going to see, so I just would like to not give them Covid because I know they’re unvaccinated, so I’m just trying to be extra careful,”

Oh ok, so it's easier for you to believe that you wont get infected from the time you took the test to the time you see your family than it is to believe you're not being lied to? You're not being "careful". You're only going along with the agenda. I wouldnt be surprised if some of these people getting tests are getting benefits from somewhere...or someone.

To hype it up even more, the NFL and NBA, are going along with the narrative too. How much influence do those two entities have worldwide?


Friday, December 17, 2021

Current Events-Vaccine

A complete and total aberration. A disgrace. A crime against humanity. 

A bit like abortions except abortions can be legislated. This atrocity is simply left up to "Science" and "scientists".

Current Events-Vaccines

Please be advised that the vaccine is approved under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) and that children have the absolute lowest mortality percentage rate.

Current Events-National Security

Ok, well, it looks like somebody has been summoned to clean house cause stuff's getting done finally. 

Current Events-Vaccines

So I guess it's all a matter of the alphabet...and no, not google's parent company. The Greek alphabet is used to name Covid variants. We are now on letter Omicron.

Alpha for Austria and Australia. The two would appear to have the most fascist, totalitarian, draconian, radical measures for non- compliance with vaccine mandates.

The former will first fine people for not taking the injection. If you refuse to pay the fine, or I guess cant pay the fine, you will go to jail. 

The latter just skips a legal process altogether and just throws you into some sort of "remote area away from society" camp. 

Who's next? Argentina? 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Current Events-China

It looks like the US wants to scrutinize China's human rights violations. It is something China has failed to address over the years. 

Current Events-Economy

I dont trust neither Pix or Whatsapp. 

“Rápido, seguro, barato, transparente e aberto.

Might be fast alright but it definitely aint secure, especially not now in its infant stage. As far as transparency and openness...there's nothing transparent or open about anything digital. 

Current Events-Economy

At this stage in the game, with the pandemic doing what it's doing, with economies worldwide facing high inflation, and nothing but uncertainty everywhere I dont think it's very wise to kick one of the UN's financial institutions out. In fact, that's quite unprecedented. If you dont like the new guy coming in for whatever reason you can use that as leverage as well as the fact that they erred on their predictions.  

You have to look at the bigger picture and that is a global economy. When the re-distribution begins, who do you think is going to help? Donald Trump? I think not. Does Brazil now have an "exceptionalist" outlook that mirrors Trump's? I hope not.  

Current Events-Economy & VR

The only way speculative currencies can incorporate themselves into the financial system is if they do so in a speculative environment, like metaverse. Right now, metaverse is still disney world (fantasy) but i suspect in the future the lines between reality and artificiality will be so severely blurred that it will be hard to tell the difference. In fact, the time may come where artificiality will be perceived as the norm.

UPDATE 2/16/22

It would seem like with all things taking place in present day society, the "metaverse" (fake world) is not far behind.

"Há muito interesse do cliente em aprender mais sobre o metaverso", disse Christine Moy, chefe de cripto e metaverso do JPMorgan, em um comunicado. A realidade atual é e o que precisa ser construído em tecnologia, infraestrutura comercial, privacidade/identidade e força de trabalho, a fim de maximizar todo o potencial de nossas vidas no metaverso.”

They want people to shift their focus from Actual Reality to Virtual Reality and they make it adorable enough as bait. Unreal but "genial" from an evil perspective to make something look so harmless and innocent. 

Im still stuck on how they re going to make people actually forget or disregard actual reality. Make them wear the device 24-7? Far from practical.  

Current Events-National Security/Economy

A wise move. A lot of people thought the US was being a bit naive to think that everything was normal after Trump practically declared war on China with his stance on tariffs.

Apparently, part of the reason is because of the Human Rights violations against minority groups in China. 

A quote from Dr. King always worth remembering...

Im not who I should be.

Im not what I wanted to be.

Im not what Im going to be,

but Thank God, Im not what I was.


Current Events-COVID

French league soccer player leaves game due to chest pains. These are no longer isolated incidents as there were three such occurrences just this past weekend.

Here are the other two:

And then today, Sergio Aguero, was forced to retire due to a heart condition.

Covid is very real. We do have the right to choose whether or not to take the vaccines but we should also do our parts to prevent ourselves from developing serious symptoms.

Here is a more extensive list of athletes who have suffered some sort of issue after taking COVID vaccine.

No wonder they are moving full speed ahead with the agenda. What if the whole world found about these? I guess some people would question it.

But unfortunately, I think the vast majority would just brush it aside and say "oh well, we gotta do what we gotta do", especially those familiar with the plan.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Current Events-COVID(coverup)

So apparently, the next move in the Covid saga is an attempt to cover-up the possibility that the vaccines are actually working opposite of what it was intended to in some people. This is how the vaccine works according to the CDC:

  1. First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. The mRNA will enter the muscle cells and instruct the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein. ("HARMLESS") yet the spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it. Or at least, that's the way it's supposed to work. What if for whatever reason the cells aren't capable of breaking down the mRNA? Is the person stuck with just the spike protein and thus a strain of the virus?
  2. Next, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn’t belong there. Is this what doctors who are against the vaccine mean by "the immune system attacks our own bodies"? This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. Again, at least that is the way it is intended to work. This is what your body might do to fight off the infection if you got sick with COVID-19. And yet again, given that it's a trial vaccine, they can't be sure that that is the way it will happen in every specimen(after all, that is what everyone who has tried the vaccine amounts to be, a trial test).
  3. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. The benefit of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the potentially serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19. Yet they risk being subject to other side effects as well as death albeit not immediately IN MOST CASES. 

In Ireland, people are dying because of "air pollution". In Brazil, there's a "flu" outbreak and they're recommending people take the flu vaccine on top of the covid one.

UPDATE 2/8/22


Aside from "air pollution" and "flu", add "broken heart syndrome" to the list. Amazing how what appeared to be a respiratory disease has now suddenly become a cardiovascular one.

Current Events-COVID

The head of vaccine alliance Gavi, which is leading a U.N.-backed push to get COVID-19 vaccines to developing countries, said that he’s seen early signs that rich countries are beginning to withhold donations out of fears about the omicron coronavirus variant — warning any new hoarding could lead to “Inequity 2.0.”

It sounds like they just want developing nations to take more of the vaccines. In an utopia, nobody would believe there are sinister reasons for wanting to do so. However, in actual reality, it's possible that they want higher mortality in developing nations. Let's not be naive about it. 

The UN has a depopulation plan outlined in its charter. It's not a secret. It's just that not everyone is aware of it.

Current Events-COVID(spike in vaccinated)

In South Korea, a spike in cases amongst the vaccinated has led to 86% occupancy in ICU's.

Current Events-Vaccines

Google threatens to fire non-vaccinated employees.

I wouldn't expect anything less really.

Cmon googs, dont be evil. ;)

Current Events-Economy(debt ceiling)

Well, we knew it was going to be approved but if the current debt is $28.9 trillion and all they got was $2.5 trillion to $31.4 trillion...

Um, and the Chuckster is saying that's gonna get them to 2023???

I doubt it. And that's not considering the possibility of running into unforeseen events. 

And if the Fed dares raise interest rates...pfff....GOOD LUCK!

Current Events-Vaccines

Im not sure if that's supposed to be good news but i guess if good news is what you want, then hey, how about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Interestingly, if you do a google search of the meaning of the word "gospel", google doesn't like calling the Gospel "good news".

It prefers "good story".

The classical Greek word euangelion means “a reward for bringing of good news” or the “good news” itself

Cmon googs...dont be evil...;)

Current Events-Wars and rumors of wars

I think everybody needs to sit down and talk and come up with a resolution ASAP so nobody is triggered. These are serious times people. 

Current Events-Earthquakes

Magnitude 7.4 in Indonesia. 

For reference, highest ever recorded was 9.4 in Chile in 1960.

Current Events-Global warming

100+ degrees near Siberia? Really?? Very alarming indeed...if true.

Current Events-COVID

Apparently Omicron spreads " faster" than any other variants. 

What exactly does that mean? That it's more contagious?

I think if they want to further that narrative, it's because they want more people in quarantine. And if they want more people in quarantine, that means they want another LOCKDOWN.

My guess is this time around, the LOCKDOWN will be more severe in length and "strength", meaning work from home, essential services only but to an even larger scale.

It might not implode the economy this time around but I think the third time will be the charm, probably next year's winter season. 

Current Events-China

A lot of stuff can happen between now and February but I still think China overreacted when the US announced its intentions to boycott. 

Current Events-COVID(covering its tracks)

It would appear the new trend within the pandemic is to now label covid-like symptoms as the influenza.


My guess is so that people won't lose trust in the vaccine for COVID-19.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Current Events-Travel discouraged

It would appear Hong Kong is the pacesetting trailblazer when it comes to discouraging air travel. 

UPDATE 12/24/21

Flights being canceled all over the place.

UPDATE 1/18/22

You can also blame 5G. Apparently, "The  frequency could interfere with airplane systems that measure altitude."

Interesting because US airlines are not cancelling flights. 

Current Events-COVID detention

Little Babylon to vote on this bill. The language is as follows:

“An act to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.”

In summary, the state of New York is requesting authorization to remove and detain citizens under a health emergency. That would include you, anybody you've been around, and anybody that has been around who you've been around. It sounds like they would take socially distancing to a whole  different level.   

The bill was introduced several years ago, pre-filed in January of this year but has never really come close to becoming law. 

Will it be different this time around? Only time will tell but just the fact that such a radical bill is in committee is dumbfounding. 

Current Events-COVID vaccines

Omicron is spreading faster and vaccineffectiveness may be waning per WHO.

I guess that's ok. Just take your booster and you'll be good to go. And if that "wanes", then just take one after that. Just keep boosting yourself despite the fact that the WHO noted that the emergence of omicron had prompted some countries to roll out Covid-19 booster programmes for their entire adult populations, even while researchers lack evidence for the efficacy of boosters against this variant.

That appears to be the direction this is all going. 

Current Events-Russia

Again, just like its partner, Russia's decisions and subsequent arguments made to support them, have sound judgment.

Using a scientific/economic issue to advance a political agenda doesn't make any sense.

Furthermore, “Positioning climate change as a threat to international security diverts the attention of the council from genuine, deep-rooted reasons of conflict in the countries on the council’s agenda,” said Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia.

And if that's not enough, The Kremlin said Tuesday that Russia vetoed the U.N. resolution on climate change because it considered it “unacceptable” for nations that had harmed the climate through swift industrial development to impose restrictions on other countries. “The climate agenda cannot be a factor containing or limiting countries’ right to development,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Current Events-Wars & rumors of wars

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...

Current Events-Russia & China

It's good to see a relationship where there's no room for betrayal. The Cubs are in it together 'til the end. 

On the other hand, the Eagle must be careful not to trust anybody too quickly since it has alienated itself to the world because of Trump. Its neighbor to the North is cool with Xi. Its neighbor to the south is representative of all of Latin America which it has neglected and abused for a long time. 

It has no choice but to fly across the pond for some sense of belonging. 

Geopolitics, one of the most underestimated elements of diplomacy...

Monday, December 13, 2021

Current Events-Vax boosters

So aside from governments all over the globe requiring that people get a third injection in order to have a valid vaccine passport, you also got health department websites crashing all over the place.

Also, in case you didnt know, the Covid vaccine revolution is a never-ending cause. The disease will never go away. Variants will keep popping up and people will be required to take injections in order to have the freedom to move up and about. 

Not very desirable. However, the powers that be will do whatever it takes to advance the globalist agenda. Throughout the entire Covid saga, they have utilized the soft-hard approach. The bend-but-dont break defense. The push 'em just enough tactic. And it has worked. 

First, vaccines wouldn't be mandatory. And voila, not only are they mandatory, but some places have covid camps for people who believe in Human Rights. Then, there wouldn't be vaccine passports. And voila, there are places where you cant leave your house without it. It sounds like an AMEX slogan but it's true. Get as many people as you can to go along with the soft approach. Then, when met with resistance, use force. Think Koalaland.

But fear not. You will have an alternative world to live in where your life in the flesh will be relegated to staying in your box as much as possible while your artificial life will flourish in the galaxy of METAVERSE or some other VR dimension.

Current Events-US economy

It's not all Brinden's fault. Reckless spending and unchecked borrowing has been happening for a long time but the most flagrant move was the removal of the gold standard.

Imagine the irreversible damage incurred by 50 years of "print as thou wilt"...

Current Events-Cyberwars 

A simulation of a worldwide economic cyberattack led by none other than Israel took place last week. 

Imagine the chaos if such an event were to actually take place...

Current Events-Artificial grid/Virtual reality (metaverse)

“Você terá que decidir”, disse ele, “quando quer estar com outras pessoas, quando quer impedir que alguém apareça em seu espaço ou quando quer fazer uma pausa e se teletransportar para uma bolha privada para ficar sozinho.” Fora dessa lista estava a opção de sair ou não entrar no metaverso completamente.

Um, Zuck. I dont need virtual reality to be able to do those things dude. Im ok with actual reality. 

If that's why you're telling me I should join mickey mouse world then I know there's a more sinister, ugly truth lying in there somewhere.

This article suggests that you can't make money while in metaverse yet although that is likely to change in the future.

It makes me think of UBI and bitcoin. Can the two go hand-in-hand in the future? UBI for your life outside the metaverse and crypto/digital while you're in there. For Zuck, he'd rather you mingle in metaverse forever. Get inside the literal "matrix", forget about life in the flesh, and just go along with what you encounter in the metaverse.

There is a list of a few "employment opportunities" that may be available in the metaverse(or for the metaverse?), in the near future.

Wanna get married in the metaverse? You can but governments in the flesh won't recognize its validity. LOL. Not yet. 

How about that for a concept? A future DIGITAL world government. It would definitely make it easier for the AC to rule...

UPDATE 2/16/22

Current Events-Joe Brinden

Just like his boss(BO), Joe Brinden is not one to lack personality. The two of them portray likable personas. If I didnt know who they were on the inside, Id be inclined to like them. 

But Joseph, if you can go on the Late Night Show, you most certainly could have made it to the Army-Navy game man.

Not a good look to take spectators and LOL'ers more seriously than Cadets and Midshipmen.

Current Events-Vaccines

Just because the Nuremberg Code isn't "law" does not mean it can't be used as a reference point when arguing for the defense of Human Rights.

Current Events-Vaccines(EMERGENCY ALERT)

Last week, the FDA issued a new report about the Pfizer vaccines it has approved. In all, 19 pages worth of redundancy, were apparently nullified, or at least undermined by the "Acting Chief Scientist" when she sincerely signed the correspondence, in wholeness, where:

IV. Duration of Authorization This EUA(1) will be effective until the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use(2) of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic is terminated under Section 564(b)(2) of the Act or the EUA(3) is revoked under Section 564(g) of the Act.  

Is the FDA still viewing the PFIZER product as a resource to be used under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)? 

The verbage would seem to indicate so since the abbreviation "EUA" is mentioned twice and "emergency use" is mentioned once, just in the closing statement.

It is mentioned once on page 1 (citation), thrice on page 3 (citation), once on page 4 (no basis for preclusion), once on page 6 (no basis for preclusion), twice on page 7 (support authorization of booster), thrice on page 8 (booster, twice for authorization), once on page 9 (terms and conditions), 5 times on page 14 (consistency-twice, scope twice,  "despite the fact that it does not meet certain requirements otherwise required by applicable federal law", terms/availability), once on page 15 (issuer request for change), 4 times on page 16 (submission of CoA's, submission of quarterly reports, availability of records, post-authorization studies of target population), once on page 17 (stakeholder administration of vaccine), thrice on page 18 (providers' recordkeeping, advertisement, AND THE WHAMMY OF ALL WHAMMIES!!!!!)

Condition Related to Export Z. If the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID‑19 Vaccine is exported from the United States, conditions C, D, and O through Y do not apply, but export is permitted only if 1) the regulatory authorities of the country in which the vaccine will be used are fully informed that this vaccine is subject to an EUA and is not approved or licensed by FDA and 2) the intended use of the vaccine will comply in all respects with the laws of the country in which the product will be used. The requirement in this letter that the authorized labeling (i.e., Fact Sheets) be made available to vaccination providers, recipients, and caregivers in condition A will not apply if the authorized labeling (i.e., Fact Sheets) are made available to the regulatory authorities of the country in which the vaccine will be used.

The term "Comirnaty" is mentioned in the letter but it would appear to be for naught, or perhaps only mentioned for legal purposes. 

The letter also explicitly states that the "known and potential benefits" outweigh the "known and potential risks" which brings the Nuremberg Code to mind.

For me, personally, if there is a risk, of any size, there must be a choice. 

Current Events-China

And Dan is right...

Current Events-Artificial intelligence

Yea, perhaps the metaverse is indeed where the gates of hell may be opened. It appears innocent enough doesn't it? The place where your avatar can hug mickey mouse? 

But im sure they dont want just "workplace meetings" to take place there...they want you to literally LIVE there. The youth are already conditioned to doing so on Twitch, a streaming site. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Current Events-Channel of the state

Social media giant penalizes people for posting fact about COVID vaccines, more specifically, claims that people who have received the vaccine can spread or shed the virus (or symptoms, or immunity) to unvaccinated people.

So there it is...the internet, led by social media giants, quickly becoming the Channel of the State. 

Type "channel" in blog search box for original post.

Current Events-COVID (Fake news)

SanPavlo...the only place on earth with a 100% vaccination rate according to tabloid UOL. LOL!

Except SP! The world's only place with "100%" vaccination rate. 

Current Events-A disgrace

This person is neither a pastor, nor a Christian. Same-sex marriages are reserved for the government to grant, not the Church. Just another person doing the devil's bidding...

Withdraw from such persons, if she is even real. This newspaper, like many other publications, has shoddy articles, questionable characters, and even worse principles. Based on the images, it does appear to be fake though.