This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Current Events-China

Another interesting piece found in the same Brazilian newspaper regarding China. This time, there is strong reaction to former President Dilma Rousseff's assertion that China's style of government can enlighten western ideals both socially and economically. 

Of course, most of the reaction comes from ultra-right Brazilians who are completely hypnotized by American society and oblivious to its exceptionalist past as well as its current state of affairs.

This hypnosis prevents people from seeing the UN vision which i assure you the majority of people of this world will undoubtedly accept and many will actually long to be part of. 

The American Dream was never meant to be an all-encompassing approach to solidarity and unity for the rest of the world which catered to its demands for the majority of the 20th century. It is no different now, in the 21st century.

Joe Brinden is the only "hope" for American leadership in the new order. "Hope" because the majority of Americans are quite satisfied with the current status-quo, that of American hegemony. They too, are oblivious to the UN's vision.

China on the other hand, is exactly what the UN wants. Whether you like it or not, Chinese society is the closest thing to the model desired by the UN. Surveillance, biometrics, civil and economic responsibility as well as a collective approach to the betterment of worldwide economic affairs are all part of the globalist agenda. 

I dont think Rousseff's statement was meant to be taken as a literal account that would suggest China is some sort of paradise because it is not. There is no such place on planet earth but for whatever atrocity China may be responsible for, the US can account for twice as many both abroad and domestically. 

The Chinese model of economic and social policy, is second to none when it comes to the UN's vision. 

The writer ends his article noting that China did not proceed the same way most countries did by way of some sort of economic stimulus. They instead relied on savings. 

And that's what savings should be for. Emergency funds in case things dont go as planned or in case some unforeseen event (like a pandemic) takes place. Not for status aggrandizement, selfish ambition or useless spending. That is the whole point of being financially responsible which also happens to be something China has been an expert at while the US has failed miserably. Just look at the clock.

$29,000,000,000,000+ ... and counting. (National)

Perhaps that is the point China has been trying to make all along. 

As of 6/2021, who owns most US debt(International)?

1. Japan

2. China

7. Brazil

In order to keep the status quo, the US chose to keep borrowing because they could. After all, they have the world's reserve currency. The same one used to conduct oil transactions. And the same one taken off of the gold standard in 1971. Think about that. Fifty years of "print as thou wilt". And you think it wasn't gonna come back to haunt them? 

China is keenly aware of this. And it is the same China that can pull the economic plug on the US. Trump declared war by raising tariffs on Chinese imports which may turn out to be the biggest mistake ever second only to the Gold Standard debacle. 

The repercussions are already noticeable. Think supply chain crisis...

Current Events-China

Do ponto de vista do governo Biden, um dos objetivos da cúpula é estabelecer uma aliança de países democráticos em oposição à China, na tentativa de isolar o regime de partido único e sem eleições livres.

Actually, there are many people who believe that Joe Brinden's government and party is in direct alliance with the very CHINA it claims to be against. But how much sense would it make to tell the truth to the American people? In the age of deceit, speaking their native tongue of lies is what governs their policy, both foreign and domestic. The same applies to Europe when it makes the same anti-China claims.  

As far as China itself, it may be a bad example of "democracy" but it is the best example of order. For all the "democracy" Babylon claims to present, even with claims of election theft from the far-right, it fails to keep order in spite of the many luxuries its currency should afford it. It should be the prime example of order yet its police departments and fire departments are all facing shortages because of vaccine mandates which has led to a spike in crime in most major cities. 

Check this out for a comparison:

So if a country is in order, and demonstrably so, why would there need to be elections? Has democracy somehow achieved deity status? Is democracy the only thing that a nation should claim to possess and use it as a token of "freedom"? Are citizens of countries that claim to be democratic always happy and content with being given the illusion that they somehow control their countries' paths because of elections? Hardly so.

My personal experience has always been that every nation that has instituted "democracy" has at least half its populace up-in-arms because their candidate is not in power. And when the next election rolls around, the other half is up-in-arms for the same reason. The end-result is always the same. Nations are divided. 

This will only change when the UN takes over, and right now, The People's Republic of China has the best model for such a government. America is far behind when it comes to the concept of globalization thanks to the exceptionalist policies of Trump. 

When China makes the argument that it possesses a "democracy" that works, it is difficult to argue against it especially in light of one that quintessentially mimics the exact order desired by the United Nations.


Friday, December 3, 2021

Current Events-Global warming

A nice piece by Claudia Costin, outlining the actual environmental aspect of climate change as opposed to the economic side of it.

When considering -“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” and that God "made man in his image, in our likeness, so that he may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground” and that He commanded Adam and Eve to "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” and that " I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food"-the account of creation in Genesis, one can't help but advocate for taking care of the habitat we live in.  

The fact that secularists use it to advance other agendas is a separate issue regardless of whether or not one considers it to be "good" in nature.

Current Events-China, US, and the UN

This type of stuff is what the US should have been doing, regularly, since the dollar became the world's reserve currency if in fact it were serious about leading the world into a more United Nations.

What did they do instead? Started wars all over the place (with a special interest in oil-rich countries), removed all credibility from its currency by going away from the Gold Standard (Nixon, 1971), racked up an unbelievable amount of debt, all the while leading the world astray with the intoxicating wine of her adulteries (Revelation 17).

Granted, China isn't your picture perfect of a leader either. It has its well-known shortcomings. For one, it must tackle its lack of a green enough agenda and make it a priority but from an economic [(only G20 nation with positive GDP according to IMF (as of 6/2020)], civil (one of a handful of countries with a zero-tolerance to COVID) and technological (worldwide leader in biometrics alongside India and unquestionable world leader in terms of surveillance) perspective, it has surpassed American leadership by far. 

America chose Trump and he basically undid everything Bo had accomplished multilaterally, beginning with Paris, and sent America back decades in terms of globalization. Trump's "America First" approach might as well have been "America's Fist" approach, declaring war on the noblest of agendas for the sake of wealth and prosperity.

Therefore, “‘Come out of her, my people,’[b]

    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
for her sins are piled up to heaven,
    and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given;
    pay her back double for what she has done.
    Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
Give her as much torment and grief
    as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
In her heart she boasts,
    ‘I sit enthroned as queen.
I am not a widow;[c]
    I will never mourn.’
Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
    death, mourning and famine.
She will be consumed by fire,
    for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Current Events-China

It sounds like a losing proposition at best and reverse psychology at worst. Going against China is going against the UN.

Europe doesn't want that so they just have to act like they're doing something about China's role.

In a world of deceit, everything is an act.

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. 

Current Events-Economy

If oil prices are down, why would OPEC consider raising supply? And why should it consider doing so while a new COVID variant has been found which is likely to decrease demand further?

Current Events-Artificial reality

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of metaverse is an ostrich. And how it digs its head on the ground in hopes of altering its surroundings.

Current Events-Inflation

All 3 events had an impact on the inflation despite how much she wants to underestimate the first and given the fact the last two are very much tied together.

1- Two trillion+ bills.

2- Supply chain issue

3- Supply & demand imbalance.

Is it possible to make sense of life away from people?

Thays Lira posed the question in one of her pieces under the "living well" section of a Brazilian newspaper.

I like how she started with questions.

To me, the answer is very simple. 

Yes, it is possible, if a person manages to answer the following two questions 

1-Who am I?

2-What am I doing here?

Identity & Purpose.

Many people go their entire lives without being able to answer either one of those questions, or worse, never asking those two questions to begin with. And so they end up in a circuitous maze, going to and fro, chasing after the wind their entire lives. In doing so, they feel obligated to engage others as much as possible to try to make sense of it all. People get to the point where they actually NEED people and become DEPENDENT on people in order to function. Sadly, it happens more often than not. 

If that spiritual truth isn't enough, from a practical standpoint, people in today's society live life constantly trying to prove something to one another, which has also been proven to be futile since that, too, is an endless, draining cycle.

It's probably even easier, practically speaking, to make sense of life away from people after you spent decades around people and realize, especially in today's day and age, what people are all about. When you find out what people are all about and realize it goes against what you believe in, it's easier to not look back for it is written "whoever puts his hand to the plough and looks back, is not fit for the Kingdom of God". Living life in the pursuit of pleasure, is in direct opposition to living life in the pursuit of God. 

I like how Thays ended her piece:

WHen you realize you are not the center of it all, you are able to exercise your freedom.

One of my favorite posts is the one where i reference the Jones', found below.

And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbor...

and the Joneses will be the Joneses. They buy and build, sell and tear down because their desire is to outdo their neighbors who themselves are trying to outdo them. And so goes the same ol' tired process and the same ol' way of thinking...

They do everything they do because they think, they want, and they ARE better than you. Everything revolves around the "who's better" matter the subject. And whatever it is you're the best at, is the one subject and/or thing you always want to engage in. O, the futility of life and the rationale that comes with it! We are animals! That's it. Nothing but a bunch of animals. Howbeit that we do the same things a dog does? We eat. They eat. We drink, they drink. We dump, they dump. We piss, they piss. We do the deed, they do deed. And yet man still stands to subdue all creation; a design of God.

The only thing a man gets from being better than the next is a feeding of his pride. Who builds and buys for a reason other than the one Solomon mentions? And even when that takes place, man still finds misery behind the idea that comes from not being the best. Truly, godliness with contentment is great gain and a gift from God. Besides that, man is left to that same old circuitous thinking, a chasing after the wind. When does he ever catch it? Lol....HE NEVER DOES.

The endless race, the everlasting competition, neverending. And we don't get tired of the same game. Who's prettier, who's richer, who's stronger, who's smarter...whoever is prettier isn't stronger, and whoever is richer isn't smarter, and who's wronger? Not the one who has all of these and yet discovers that happiness and contentment are from God, the same one who takes from one and gives to the other who will later give it to yet another. The audacity of man to think God has left HIS creation to chance. HALLELUJAH! Praise be to the Most High God! Maker of heaven and earth! How awesome your deeds and majestic your ways! Everything you do is perfect. Not a thing undone unless you undid it. Creator of earth and every moment in it.

And how dare you o man, question the power and sovereignty of God? How can dust speak? How dare we try to subject God to the laws He has subjected us to? LOL! How dare we try to engage God in matters of earth using arguments of earth?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHO GOD IS!? HAVE YOU ANY IDEA!? OF COURSE NOT. That's why He allows us to wander around in our minisculeness...we small. Truly, a heavy burden it is to try and begin fathoming the Most High. We small. Too small. But if we recognize that, He reveals Himself to us, allowing us to become and have more of Him. Is there anything more important or that makes more sense than to be more like God? His eternity drips on us and when it does, all else is irrelevant. WHO CAN ARGUE AGAINST THAT? LOL. What a task my Lord! LOL. How can I begin to come near you in this dogness!? LOL. It's almost the hope YOU give me. I wish that the day of transformation would come fast (UPDATE: AND IT HAS! THANK YOU FATHER! FINALLY! HALLELUJAH!)...but then im left to consider that You still have plans yet almost at a loss...I long for a new body yet I long to see what You have in mind. What a treat to see your plan unfold...Romans 12:2

Does perfection not entail the complete and total leaving of the world? Does it not mean operating in a separate realm? Is it anything less than being engulfed BY and walking IN the Spirit? Does it not include the resentment of others operating in the world? Does it exclude the bitterness of the enemy? Does it not subject the flesh to ITS desires?

Competition is left for those of us who have yet to fully grasp that there is only one winner. We compete because we have not realized that in spite of all our efforts to outdo our neighbors, we ourselves have been outdone by the winner, bickering like losers unaware of who it is all about. We want glory, but it's all His. Get used to it. Get over it. Embrace it. Love it. Live it.


Current Events-China

I kinda agree with Japan on this one. You can't preach against bullying then go around bullying. 

Ex PM Abe has the right to his individual opinion. He is not a spokesperson for Japan.

Current Events-Economy

And she is probably right. Why would anyone want to export anything when they are being charged extra for doing so? 

Trump messed up trying to bully China and now the US will pay for its mistake until someone fixes it. 

China is the engine that keeps the world economy going. 

Current Events-COVID

So they're IN THE US, where Fauci is, and still didnt get Fauci's and the CDC's memo that masks are not required in open spaces. 

And they represent SP which supposedly has a 100% vaccine turnout.

Current Events-Economy

So apparently, in some countries, banks are instituting their own types of banking mandates by no longer offering some of their services to customers who refuse to download their apps on their mobile devices. 

Other countries, like Sweden, have transitioned over to a 90% cashless rate.

I guess soon enough, you wont be able to buy or sell unless you have a good enough mobile device. 

Current Events-COVID camps(Australia)

Government authorities worldwide vehemently denied there was ever going to be a need for lockdowns. And there were lockdowns.

Government authorities worldwide vehemently denied there was ever going to be a need for vaccine passports. And there are vaccine passports.

Government authorities worldwide vehemently denied there were ever going to be mandatory vaccines. And there are mandatory vaccines.

Government authorities worldwide vehemently denied there were ever going to be quarantine camps. And there are now quarantine camps.

And so on and so forth...

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Current Events-COVID

In other words, make it as close to logistically IMPOSSIBLE for people to travel to the United States.

As far as the total isolation of Babylon and its promised plagues...the key will be when no one can get in...AND when no one can get OUT.

Current Events-COVID

Europe considers mandatory vaccines even though many countries of the union have more than 60% vax rate, 4 of the omicron patients in Germany were vaccinated, and of course, as mentioned a hundred times before, vaccines DO NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION OF THE DISEASE.

Again, it feels like they (the media, the powers that be, etc.) think they can just hammer this into people's heads if they keep saying it. For their intents and purposes, it would probably have been easier to lie about it and say the vaccines do stop transmission than to say it doesn't and expect people to forget about it. I mean, they've lied about everything else.

Current Events-Russia

I think Vlad sees an opportune moment to try and rekindle with B in BRICS, who also happens to be in the G20, while noting that Brazil will fill one of the seats in the UN Security Council for the next couple years (22-23).

Consider also the fact that the US, is in the midst of a crisis and that Brazil would have a lot to gain from a renewed relationship with Russia and China, if anything as a diplomatic tool for leverage with the United States.

BO being led into...

Or let in by Joe Brinden.


Obama brushed off the criticism today, saying that immigrants should learn English but that Americans should learn a foreign language as well. "You know, this is an example of some of the problems we get into when somebody attacks you for saying the truth," 

Oh how I know BO...Oh how I

But as a globalist, being monolingual is

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Current Events-COVID

"So it's time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID," Cramer said on his long-running business program "Mad Money" on Monday. "Require vaccination universally. Have the military run it. If you don't want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court." 

16“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. 18On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Current Events-COVID

This is also the first time I heard this...

A cover-up for COVID and/or the vaccine under the guise of...TRAFFIC AIR POLLUTION.

In Ireland, people are having heart attacks and strokes because of air pollution according to this article.

Add "broken heart syndrome" to the list.

Current Events-COVID

So this is a new one. I hadn't heard of this punishment yet. 

In Greece, if you dont get the injection, you get fined the equivalent of $110 a month.

Talk about coercion/extortion and totalitarianism. It doesn't get anymore blatant than that. It's gotten to the point where governments dont care if they overstep boundaries set forth by whatever laws are established by sovereign nations. 

Poor retirees. They had to choose between going broke or dying slowly. 

And it's only gonna get worse.

Current Events-Wargames

NATO & US says Russia "would pay a high price" if it invades Ukraine.

Current Events-Economy

EVERYTHING is moving faster...

Current Events-COVID

Headline reads:

"Vaccine mandates were once unthinkable" were lockdowns and passports.

It was all "conspiracy theory" up until the point where it became reality.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Current Events-Metaverse


Outra gigante de tecnologia a anunciar seu próprio metaverso foi a Microsoft. Batizado de Mesh, a empresa pretende a partir do ano que vem adotar novos recursos que vão permitir reuniões via Teams (plataforma de videoconferência) com avatares em 3D. De acordo com a Microsoft, as empresas que utilizam o Teams poderão utilizar essa função para que seus funcionários possam interagir em um mundo virtual.

Everything being geared towards "virtuality".


Disney também está apostando no metaverso.Imagina ter um avatar e conseguir abraçar o Mickey Mouse? 

That's right. Your avatar will be able to hug Mickey Mouse in Disney's metaverse. 

Current Events-Wargames

Even their games are top-notch. Is there something China doesn't do efficiently?

Current Events-Russia

Russian diplomats (27 of them) being expelled from Washington. The total number has been reduced by 90% since 2017 (1200 to 120).

That's not very friendly.

This is the word of the Lord

My people in your native land thirst for a fountain of hope. 

GO! And Give them something to drink and do not look back.

For Babylon's days are numbered.

Thus saith the Lord.

The supremacy of Christ...

In its simplest of terms, is to affirm that Jesus is God.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Current Events-Vax side effex

CoronaVac - Bell's palsy

Johnson & Johnson/Jansenn - thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)

Moderna - myocarditis and pericarditis

The sources do mention these side-effects are far and few in between. However, the family members of those who have experienced them will tell you otheerwise...

Current Events-Earthquakes

India-Myanmar border. 6.1 magnitude

Current Events-COVID

And then there's Germany's health minister hoping that the sight of air force planes transferring patients across the country will act as a “wake-up call” to millions who are still holding out on getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

I mean...if you want mere "sights" to convince people to get the shot, how about images from supposed overcrowded hospitals all over the world? And even then, I suspect that people who have not yet taken the injections, haven't done so out of their own personal convictions about the agenda. There aren't many people who remain ignorant about what it's all about...

Current Events-Earthquakes

7.5 in Peru.

Current Events-COVID

New York governor declares State of Emergency in NY.

“We continue to see warning signs of spikes in COVID this winter, and while the new Omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York State, it’s coming,” she tweeted, adding she signed an Executive Order to help the state boost hospital capacity.

Im not sure if she's attempting to be prophetic, if she's being facetious, or if she wants panic. 

How do you declare a state of emergency prior to an event taking place? I mean, it's different with things that can be prognosticated like the weather or a large-scale protest. But this variant isn't even serious in the place it originated from where scientists are saying there are only very "mild symptoms" associated with "Omicron".

But ok. "It's coming". 

Current Events-COVID(omicron)

And someone noticed that "Wow, 72 hours ago no one even heard the name Omicron variant.  Now, in less than three days, a variant has been identified, global travel has been halted, states of emergency have been declared, and now we see a pharmaceutical company announcing the variant-specific vaccine trial that will begin in the U.S. in a few weeks."

It would seem that something is telling the agenda to speed it up...