This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, April 2, 2011

grocery stow

As I was walking down life's highway many years ago
I came upon a sign that read
Heavens Grocery Store.

When I got a little closer
the doors swung open wide
And when I came to myself
I was standing  inside.

I saw a host of angels.

They were standing everywhere
One handed me a basket
and said "My
child shop with care."

 Everything a human needed
 was in that grocery store
 And what you could not carry
 you could come back for more

 First I got some Patience.
 Love was in that same row.
 Further down was Understanding,
 you need that you know..

 I got a box or two of Wisdom
 and Faith a bag or two.
 And Charity of  course
 I would need some of that too.

I couldn't miss the Holy Ghost
 It was all over the place.
 And then some Strength
 and Courage to help me run this race.

 My basket was getting full
 but I remembered I needed Grace,
 And then I chose Salvation for
 Salvation was for free

 I tried to get enough of that to do
 for you and me.
 Then I started to
 the counter to pay my grocery bill,

 For I thought I had everything
 to do the Masters will.
 As I went up the aisle
 I saw Prayer and put that in,
 For I knew when I stepped outside
 I would run into sin.

 Peace and Joy were plentiful,
 the last things on the shelf.
 Song and Praise were hanging near
 so I just helped myself.

 Then I said to the angel

 "Now how much do I owe?"
 He smiled and said
 "Just take them
 everywhere you go."

 Again I asked
 "Really now, How much do I

"My child" he

"God paid your bill
 a long long time

Friday, April 1, 2011

1 Corinthians 14

1 Corinthians 14

Gifts of Prophecy and Tongues
 1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. 2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue[a] does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.[b] 3 But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. 4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. 5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues,[c] but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues,[d] unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified. 

Follow God and crave his presents, especially the present of telling the future and what the deal currently is. For anybody who talks spiritually only bestowed things doesn't talk to men but to God. Why do you think people look at him weird? He talks that way so that the communion between him and God can be strengthened since words/communication/prayer is essential. But everyone who makes the esoteric exoteric do so for the sake of building up fellow men. Talking in spiritually only bestowed things builds up the person doing so. But he who makes the esoteric exoteric builds up a whole lot more people. Spiritually only bestowed talk is good but making the esoteric exoteric is better. He who does the latter does better than he who does just the former, unless the former is able to somehow be translated into laymen's terms.

 22 Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is for believers, not for unbelievers. 23 So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and some who do not understand[g] or some unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind? 24 But if an unbeliever or someone who does not understand[h] comes in while everybody is prophesying, he will be convinced by all that he is a sinner and will be judged by all, 25 and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare. So he will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, “God is really among you!” 

Spiritually bestowed talk then can serve as a sign for curious unbelievers; talk that gets straight to the point is for believers since they are more interested in growing. If believers congregate and communicate in exclusively spiritually bestowed talk, there will be some confusion in both unbelievers and believers. But if everybody talked straight to the point, the believers who understand would be edified and the unbelievers might just feel the conviction of the Spirit.
Orderly Worship
 26 What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.  29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. 30 And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. 32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

So then, what do we do? When we gather, everyone ought to chip in with a praise, a teaching, a spiritual secret and a translation of such. There's not a vessel who can't do at least one of these. Spiritual secrets should be unveiled by two or at the most three people and one at a time, interpretation included. If interpretation cant be provided, the secret ought to be whispered between that person and God so that it isn't simply wasted.

Two or three of those with profound discernment should speak and let everyone else listen. If something comes to mind to anyone, the speaker ought to stop since God reveals truths to EVERYBODY. Prophets are to be kept in check by prophets since prophets want glory for God and not for self.

Current events-national economy

What happens if unemployment benefits are zeroed out?

Current events-inflation

Wal-mart CEO expects inflation in the months ahead...beginning in June....

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Glory be to God, who makes all moments possible. Glory be to God, for His promises are glorious. Glory be to God, who thought of all things before things came into being. Glory be to God, for He delights in the innocent. Glory be to God, for joy is the fruit of His spirit. Glory be to God, for His love nothing can surpass. Glory be to God, who rejoices in the Truth. Glory be to God, the Father of nature. Glory be to God, who places us at this moment in His story. Glory be to God, who will come back and MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. Glory be to God for allowing man to pursue whatever he wants even if what man wants is not what he should seek after.


Current events-environment

10,000 times? Why does the world not stop whatever it is doing and do something?!

Oh the beauty of...


Before her, there is only One, the Son, His Being.

The first of twin girls, one of the Most High's most beautiful children,
and right after her, Wisdom.
It was through the latter, that little earth was created, and through the same one the universe!

Glory is born!

Let's see...are we small? On one hand...we can ask:

Why does man deny Sovereignty?

Maybe for the same reason the ostrich lays her eggs on the ground
   and lets them warm in the sand,
15 unmindful that a foot may crush them,
   that some wild animal may trample them.
16 She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers;
   she cares not that her labor was in vain

On the other hand...

Why does Sovereignty deny man?

Because her testimony is worth more than man's since she was before man.
Could she reject man? By all means.
But what about Wisdom?
By no means.
She knows that it is good for man to seek her...
But sovereignty is beyond man's reach, way over his head.
Why should she care to stoop to that level?
Does man and his little home(earth) deserve any attention?
She's too concerned looking up, serving as a witness to the Most High,
since she knows it's a "good thing"(for lack of a better word since words dont
do any Justice, woohoo!, another daughter!)

Sovereignty is a virgin. Just being near her is a big deal. If we enter into her presence,
it was only because the Most High has allowed it. We are blessed.
If we dare be more than blessed (hallelujah!), maybe we can have a word with her.

But let's not be disappointed.

Maybe she will always be His and ONLY His. He has given us others:

If we want one that wants us, let us choose Wisdom.
If we want one that worships like us, let us choose Glory.
If we want a quiet one, let us choose Justice.

If we don't want any of the three...then let us keep what we have.
Nobody, no children, no thing.

Maybe the better question is...why does Sovereignty reject us?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011