This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Vaccines-what's the carrot?

This person, Leana Wen( per wikipedia Leana Sheryle Wen is a Chinese-born physician, an op-ed columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst.) , and a excerpt from an interview with CNN:

DR. LEANA WEN: My main concern is that we're not going to reach herd immunity because of vaccine hesitancy. And I know that's hard for a lot of people to believe, who desperately want the vaccine right now, and they're thinking, "oh, it's just a small percentage of people who are actually anti-vaxxers," and that's true, there's the anti-science, anti-vaxxer contingent

But there are many more people, millions of people who for whatever reason have concerns about the vaccine, who just don't know what's in it for them.

And we need to make it clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life.

Wow. Give her some credit for telling her true intentions at least. But to make people take an emergency use vaccine in order to gain freedoms they already had is pretty evil. 

And the window to do that is really narrowing. You were mentioning about how all these states are reopening. They're reopening at 100%.

And we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status.

Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?

Double wow. This lady actually asked "what the carrot is going to be." As in, what's the bait? Wow. You shouldn't have to "incentivize" anyone to do anything they dont want to do lady. What's your agenda? 

The devil must have been made aware of something because he is moving mighty fast to get this across. As we know, his time is short. Maybe that's what he became aware of.

So that's why I think the CDC and Biden administration needs to come out a lot bolder and say, "If you are vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms you have."

Those were all freedoms people already did have. 

Here she is, bragging about getting a placebo of the vaccine.

As giddy as Bill Gates of hell...

Current Events-Shortage of chips 

The shortage has already been rippling through various markets since last summer. It has made it difficult for schools to buy enough laptops for students forced to learn from home, delayed the release of popular products such as the iPhone 12 and created mad scrambles to find the latest video game consoles such as the PlayStation 5.

But things have been getting even worse in recent weeks, particularly in the auto industry, where factories are shutting down because there aren’t enough chips to finish building vehicles that are starting to look like computers on wheels. The problem was recently compounded by a grounded container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week, choking off chips headed from Asia to Europe.

Oh, so that's what was in that behemoth of a ship...chips.

What if there was a shortage of implantable RFID chips? Those needed to put on people so that they can function/make purchases in a technocratic world?

Dont worry TOTW. There won't be a shortage. 

Speaking of chips though...

The rapidly growing field of neural interface technologies has attracted the likes of Elon Musk and Facebook.

Mr Musk has recently revealed that his Neuralink startup has already tested a wireless chip on a monkey’s brain that allows it to play video games.

Vax comp

Worthy to note:

-The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use authorizations for three COVID-19 vaccines so far. 

There is a big difference between emergency use authorization and full approval which usually takes years for the FDA to grant.

What technology does each vaccine use?

What about safety and side effects?

What do we still need to know?

It remains unclear how long any of these vaccines will continue to protect people. While the small number of early trial participants have maintained levels of protective antibodies for nearly a year, companies will continue to follow volunteers for two years to see if their immunity begins to wane. Periodic booster shots to extend immunity and/or protect against new variants of the virus might be needed.

And although a growing body of research suggests that vaccines will also protect people from passing on the virus – even if they don't have symptoms – that remains to be confirmed.

Since the FDA has not granted full approval to any of the vaccines, anyone who has taken it, is a volunteer, without indemnity or compensation of any kind. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Phillipians 3

 18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. 20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

Come Lord Jesus!

Jesus was going up to Jerusalem...

On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!”

Current Events-Vaccine

Since scientists haven't had much time to follow up with vaccine recipients, there's no consensus yet about how long vaccine-induced immunity lasts. This uncertainty is one reason experts are hesitant to advocate anything other than the standard two-dose regimens of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

There are more UNCERTAINTIES than anything with this trial on the human race.

Delaying or skipping the second dose places a lot of pressure on the first dose to provide solid, long-term immune protection, Princeton University researchers wrote Tuesday. They expressed concern that switching up the dosing regimen could lead to a "broad range" of outcomes among vaccinated people.

"A broad range of outcomes." Needless to type, that's a vague description about what COULD happen.

Anytime there’s a bad headline about these vaccines, it’s going to add to vaccine hesitancy: Dr. Amesh Adalja

So what do you suggest Dr? Just conceal the information? After all, the vaccines are for the greater good based on your "expertise"?

Current Events-East Vs West

Nothing to add to this New York Times piece.

Precise & concise.

Current Events-East vs West 

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's top diplomat said Thursday that the country's relations with the United States and its allies have “hit the bottom” and no date has been set for sending the Russian ambassador back to Washington.

The thing is, everything would suggest an outright victory for Babylon but what if it gets struck with an economic blow prior to a military one?

Current Events-Vaccines

Just one of the many issues with a new type of vaccine(mRNA) being rolled out onto humanity...

Which brand to take? 

Current Events-UN, WHO, China and COVID

THE UN and China are in it together. 

Current Events-China

China on Wednesday accused the US of "political manipulation" as Beijing faces criticism over a World Health Organization report on the origins of COVID-19.

China is starting to get a little too cute and bold with its actions. But then again, they own Babylon. Babylon is guilty of being too dependent on credit. They owe the world a lot of money. ESPECIALLY China. The Chinese are just waiting for the right time to crash the dollar. 

It's just a matter of time.


With regard to the possibility of China selling treasuries as relations sour with the US..."“it's just not a weapon China can use easily," said Gertken. "China only owns about 5% of Treasuries, so they can move the needle but not much more than that.”

But it is a weapon it CAN use...

Current Events-Vaccine

Italy made COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for all health workers on Wednesday, with those who refuse facing suspension without pay.

It will be mandatory for everyone living on planet earth to be vaccinated against COVID. It's just a matter of time. You don't get vaccinated, you're a threat to others. The only question that remains is what's gonna happen to those people? Detention camps? Ostracized from society? Prevented from buying or selling?

In other news, within the same article...

Last month, Italian doctors and nurses criticized a decision to place three healthcare workers under investigation for manslaughter after a vaccinated man died following his shot in Sicily.

It used to be just side effects, or actually experiencing symptoms of the disease. Now people are DYING AFTER TAKING THE SHOT.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Current Events-Economics

In February, money supply growth hit yet another all-time high. February's surge in money-supply growth makes February the eleventh month in a row of remarkably high growth, and came in the wake of unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various stimulus packages.

During February 2021, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was at 39.1 percent. That's up slightly from January's rate of 38.7 percent, and up from the February 2020 rate of 7.3 percent. Historically this is a very large surge in growth, year over year. It is also quite a reversal from the trend that only just ended in August of 2019 when growth rates were nearly bottoming out around 2 percent. In August 2019, the growth rate hit a 120-month low, falling to the lowest growth rates we've seen since 2007.

In other words....INFLATION is around the corner. Followed by currency collapse or removal of dollar as world's reserve currency.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Current Events-East VS West

CARACAS (Reuters) - Russia has supplied Venezuela with doses of EpiVacCorona to be used as part of trials of the Russian coronavirus vaccine candidate, officials said on Tuesday.

Russia has said that more than 115,000 EpiVacCorona doses have been deployed in its national inoculation program, calling it "100% effective" in producing antibodies - though some trial volunteers have expressed concerns about its efficacy.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said his government will receive 10 million doses of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, Russia's flagship inoculation, but so far has received only several hundred thousand doses.

Oh ok, so latin americans are guinea pigs now? This whole thing is just so very sinister...


Article title:

Don’t worry if you catch coronavirus when fully vaccinated — it can happen.

Huh? Yes. You read it. 

"We know that vaccines are safe and effective at stopping disease. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, those currently being administered to the population have been shown to reduce severe cases and to be extremely effective at preventing hospitalization and death. These outcomes are encouraging. We also need at least 75% of the country to take the vaccine in order to control the pandemic."

So there's contradicting information about the efficacy of the vaccine. Ultimately, in a world of deception (remember, DECEPTION is what caused the fall of Man) liars want to spit out as many lies as they can so that no one can be certain of anything based on data alone. CONFUSION is part of the plot. (1st Cor 14:33) Whenever you are not certain of something, a person is inclined to simply "go along with the flow". 

He goes on to further provide tactics about how to persuade someone who is hesitant about taking the vaccine. Life experience alone should tell you that anyone that is trying to convince you of anything, has an agenda. And BEWARE of those with an agenda. The serpent certainly had one in the garden. If the vaccine is so efficient and it is saving lives and those who do not take it are putting the populace at risk, why not just exterminate those threats? 

Because the time is not yet come.

The vaccine itself is not the pledge needed to be part of the new order that will prevent you from buying or selling. At least not yet. It is, however, a precursor, one of many conditions that will be imposed upon the inhabitants of the earth in the near future.

Don't worry if you experience symptoms after your first jab. It's also normal.

Don't worry if you are subject to side-effects. The vaccine makers aren't. They aren't legally liable as evidenced by their disclaimers.

Will you have to get multiple shots? It's unknown.

How many vaccine makers are there? Several.

What is the efficacy of each vaccine? It varies.

Is it a new type of vaccine (mRNA)? Yes.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.

Evaluated for Safety

mRNA vaccines have been held to the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards [332 KB, 24 pages]external icon as all other types of vaccines in the United States. The only COVID-19 vaccines the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will make available for use in the United States (by approval or emergency use authorization) are those that meet these standards.

How many of the vaccines have actually been rejected by the FDA? What is the difference between an "approval"  and "emergency use authorization"?

The three vaccines currently being used in the U.S. — from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson — have been given the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization, a faster process that’s not as rigorous as full FDA approval. Other vaccines that have previously been required by colleges and other schools, such as shots for measles or rubella, had full FDA approval.

A Closer Look at How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work

At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

Ok, so how about if China hadn't used it as a weapon in the first place? It's turning out to be a a biological weapon that advances the UN agenda forward mightily.

Is there any semblance of truth left in this world??? Telling the truth is becoming a revolutionary act.

"If you were ever to be exposed to the infection again, your body would basically be able to respond quickly and more robustly that second time around," he added. "That's why you tend to have more strong side effects from that initial vaccine."

So if my natural antibody reaction would do the job why the need for a vaccine?

In this case, a patient died of COVID AFTER being vaccinated. He had no issues prior to the vaccine. All of a suddem, AFTER taking the vaccine he develops COVID and dies. This testimonial coming from an actual doctor. 

What if the vaccine itself contains the virus? What if people are being injected with the virus??

And how come CHINA was in the news all day everyday and now it's completely MIA? So China shows a couple of videos of its totalitarian state netting people, kidnapping people and it's completely free of a virus that is breaking the world down? 

And people actually beLIEve the UN. What a powerful delusion.

Current Events-China

Part of the appeal China has over the UN is its totalitarian approach not only to the pandemic-regarding its own people-but also to religion.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


And there it is folks...the circus coming full circle. One image has her fully sporting a mark...ON HER FOREHEAD! Their third-eye! 

Eventually, the pink movement and all the pussies will lead the new world only to hand it over to the biggest clown of them all. 

The devil's son.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Current Events-China

LONDON (Reuters) - China proposed a set of global rules for central bank digital currencies on Thursday, from how they can be used around the world to highly sensitive issues such as monitoring and information sharing.

Oh yea, thats the PAP. Pretty Ambitious Panda.

Why? Because it is backed by the UN. Which is backed by Satan.

A CBDC that gains wide acceptance in international trade and payments could ultimately erode the dollar's status as the de facto currency of world trade and undermine U.S. influence, many analysts say.

WHich is what we have been saying for a while now...

Search "reserve currency" on the blog...

Current Events-China

A drop in the currency on Thursday to levels last seen in December was followed by the People’s Bank of China setting the reference rate to the dollar at the weakest level in almost three months. On Monday, the authorities fixed the yuan even lower.

This much currency manipulation coupled with war games of military and biological nature is um...


Current Events-COVID vax

The stakes are high: If, say, one-third or more of the U.S. population declines to get vaccinated and has not contracted covid-19 severe enough to develop a sufficient antibody response, the coronavirus disease could continue to infect people at rapid and uncontrolled rates, experts say. Estimates suggest at least 70% and as many as 90% of residents will need to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, or the point where the disease stops easily spreading across communities.

Ok, it's becoming an issue way faster than I thought it would...

Current Events-FTW...and FOR THE WIN!

Ok, how about this for a proposition? If Im entitled to a vaccine and I do not desire it, can I give it to someone in the world who does? I mean, wouldn't that make things more practical in separating TOTW and those NOTW? After all, being vaccinated will allow you to go back to "normal living". 

From the article...

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, 62% said unvaccinated people should not be allowed to travel on airplanes. That, I would like to do. Come on, I will wear a mask, Furthermore, 55% believed that unvaccinated people should not exercise in public gyms. That I can live without. Sit in movie theaters Haven't been to one in 7+ years and before that it was 5+ years. Or attend concerts. Never been to one, unless the Jeremy Camp singalong at the patriot center counts as a concert. :) :p.

And 72% said it was important to know if people nearby (and certainly within six feet) were vaccinated. The only thing that is important enough for me to know about someone near me is if you are the blood of the Lamb and thus if your name is written in the Book of Life.

When it came to avoiding those who could cause them potential ill, non-smokers had it much easier than the vaccinated will.

Other countries are considering similar passports, weighing privacy concerns against the joys of being maskless in public. White House officials said any such passports should be free, secure and issued by a concern other than the federal government.

For this, all we need to do is follow the lead of those convention-goers who insist on wearing their passes in public, flaunting (if not lording over everyone) the fact they are attending a series of inconsequential seminars involving obscure topics. And drinking at a no-host bar filled with two kinds of light beer.

Health care as it should be: As the Affordable Care Act turns 11, Biden's COVID stimulus helps it live up to its name

Anyone determined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards to be fully vaccinated shall be given a Vaccination Passport to be displayed from a lanyard, the color of which is among the WHO-approved hues.

The passport guarantees VIP (Vaccinated Impervious Person) access to any restaurant, bar, theater or the like boasting a section in which people are allowed to mingle in conditions not requiring masks or distancing. VIPs will be allowed to shake hands, clap one another on the shoulder and even share a socially acceptable hug (if all parties give consent).

Imagine that? A world VIP. LOL!

Who else can express the view which those NOTW already share? Bring him in!

Fast forward to 1:11...FOR THE WIN!