This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Current Events-Economy

WASHINGTON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - The Biden administration is considering a new China tariff probe if talks fail to persuade Beijing to follow through on promised purchases of U.S. goods, energy and services, officials from the largest U.S. business lobbying group said on Wednesday.

Officials from the largest US business lobbying group can say whatever they want. 
I find it hard to believe Joe Brinden is going to double-down on a Trumpian principle that has turned out to be as chaotic as the tariffs on China.
Wait. What if Brinden starts bucking at China?!?!

The wrath of Joseph

Current Events-Wars

Cutting off the Nord Stream 2 pipeline could damage Russia's economy but could also have negative impacts on Europe at large. Moscow supplies nearly 40% of Europe's natural gas.

Im sure Putin was and is aware of the Nordstream deal but given the global economic turmoil that may see a change in world economic policy in the near future I think that would be a worse blow to Europe more so than Russia. 




Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds[a] of wheat for a day’s wages,[b] and six pounds[c] of barley for a day’s wages,[d] and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

Symbolically, this passage seems to indicate a common experience in real-world crises: war and famine give way to inflation due to supply and demand.

According to the UN, approximately 12% of the world population , two years after covid and before the Ukraine war, were starving to death.  

Inflation and the Bible

1 John 4:18

 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Current Events-World Economy

“Me deu vergonha que nosso presidente, diante de Putin, criticou os Estados Unidos e o FMI, sendo, além disso, a Rússia parte do FMI. É algo que não se faz, porque é o mesmo que ir aos Estados Unidos e criticar a Rússia”, disse a representante da Juntos pela Mudança.

The IMF is not a fraternity that requires diplomatic relations between its members per say. It's a monetary fund. I wouldnt worry too much about being politically correct within the IMF and would reserve diplomacy to matters pertaining to the UN since the former ultimately will respond to the latter. 

From what I gathered, Fernandez went seeking economic diversity from a new partner partially BECAUSE of the way the IMF dealt with Argentina. It sounds like she believes the US has greater leverage within the Fund because of its quota. If that's the case, that's even more of a reason for Buenos Aires to seek counsel elsewhere. Besides, Russia isnt at war with the US or anybody for that matter. At least not yet. There is a dispute involving NATO and the former Soviet republic of Ukraine which the US is involved in. 

In any case, the situation appears so dire, that there isnt a whole lot to lose either way. 

Current Events-AI

You can try whatever you want Bezos but the closest you're going to get is staying propped up artificially. And because you so do, you will not be allowed to eat from the Tree of Life. 

Immortality can't be bought. It has to be granted.

And only the Giver of the [breath] of Life can grant it. 

Current Events-Economics

There may not be a one-size-fits-all CBDC model...YET. It's too early in the process but that's not to say one won't stand out above the rest nor that there won't be a new reserve currency that may be directly tied to the world CBDC when it is established. 

Besides "resilient", CBDC's may be accessible for the while on national levels but the WORLD CBDC wont be accessible unless you pledge your allegiance to the world.

Current Events-Cyberwars

The very real possibility of a hack attack taking place worldwide isn't limited to the Russian Federation, nor is it limited to financial institutions as previously demonstrated. China and Iran are two others that have probably engaged in that type of activity as well.

The threat is very real and poses grave danger to a world totally and completely dependent upon the INTERnational NETwork. It has become, for some people, in many ways, more indispensable than water.

And if it that's the way it is now, imagine what it will be like in the future when the net becomes truly indispensable? During the time where mere ACCESS to the net will require a pledge? At a time when reality will be artificial and as such, totally contingent upon 666? 

Many have warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence falling in the hands of the wrong people. Imagine a select few individuals, or individual(AC), being able to control WWW through AI? Or worse, imagine AI being able to do so autonomously?  

Current Events-Wars

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Current Events-Covid

There they go again trying to hijack what was a highly popular vaccine movement against POLIO and Ze Gotinha for the sake of COVID. 

COVID and POLIO are very different both from a pathogenic perspective as well as "vaccinology" since the latter produced a vaccine that PREVENTED the disease from being propagated and spread. THE COVID INJECTION DOES NOT PREVENT EITHER!

AGAIN. THE. COVID. VACCINE. DOES. NOT. PREVENT. A. PERSON. FROM INFECTION. That's where the argument can be made that it is not a vaccine to begin with! That's why the CDC had to change its definition of "vaccine" multiple times!

The writer argues against the anti-covid vaccine movement by suggesting developed nations have greater access to information and resources to fight against totalitarian approaches by government entities under the guise of medical "necessity". As if it's their fault they have a more advanced and sophisticated approach to a crucial aspect of society. What's the alternative? Developing nations should do the exact opposite of what developed nations are doing because they lack the resources? That's absurd. 

Arguing against the writer's ideas that vaccines are "safe" and "effective" is a waste of time not only because no one has enough data to process-especially for children, who had the vaccine approved for less than a month ago-but because there have been DOCUMENTED cases of SIDE-EFFECTS, MORBIDITY AND EVEN MORTALITY! It doesn't matter how few cases there have been. 

The polio vaccine has a 99% effectiveness rate. It PREVENTED the person from acquiring the disease. The covid injection does not even accomplish that.

The media is unquestionably trying to advance the agenda and because of that many in the "developed" world consider it to be the enemy.

Current Events-Russia

The media may be overanalyzing this image a bit.

Either that or Vlad means business and doesn't want anyone to get the impression that a deal suitable enough for the Federation is close to being reached.

Current Events-Artificial grid

Difficult to foresee what exactly will propel people to exchange actual reality for virtual reality.

Perhaps, an immortal avatar? 

Current state of society

When even the innocent aren't spared secularism, that speaks volumes about the present state of society.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!

Current Events-Covid

How did the Canadian government expect people to react? Did it seriously expect EVERYONE to simply go along with the inhumanity? Forcing people to take an injection that has side-effects and poses a risk to an otherwise healthy human being is a violation of human rights. It's that simple.

If there's a risk there MUST be a choice!

Messing with people's livelihoods drives them to do things that they would otherwise not do. 

Im seriously shocked at the the Canadian government's decision to implement this type of mandate.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Being aware of is not the same as being aligned with...

As believers, it is very important for us to be aware of the political environment especially in these last days. It is our duty as believers to be informed and to inform other believers about eschatological matters

The UN Charter outlines all of its goals clearly.   

It focuses on "oneness" and "singularity" in every aspect. 

In terms of politics, it seeks just ONE government. A WORLD government.

In terms of economics, it seeks just ONE currency. A WORLD currency.

In terms of philosophy, it seeks just ONE religion. A WORLD religion.

It's ok to be ok with climate awareness and it would be ok to conduct business matters in a single currency.  Those are non-fundamental matters of faith. Your faith isn't compromised based upon whether you believe in global warming or whether you buy bread with Chinese yuan.

None of that presents a problem up until the point where in order to take part in that "oneness", you are forced to pledge your allegiance to it. 

The world is quickly turning the tide in the spectrum of politics. Nations that are cognizant-and most are-of the UN Charter are aligning themselves with the agenda in ways that would allow them greater, easier access to the global union and all of its "benefits". The force is so strong, that nothing will be able to stand against it especially at top-level since all governments serve the same purpose. 

Thus a rebellion can only occur on an individual basis. Aligning yourself with a political perspective, as a Christian, presents quite the dilemma. It is as follows:

1- If you align yourself with the left, you are setting yourself up to accept world citizenship which in time will lead you to take the Pledge.

2- If you align yourself with the right, you are setting yourself up to lose because the world government will be socialist in nature and you will not be able to buy or sell unless you take the Pledge.

The Christian is therefore left with just one viable option:

3- Align yourself with God. 

Having opinions about political/social issues is not the same as having political affiliations but the more affiliations you have, political or not, the more compromised your faith becomes.

The article further mentions discord between Christians who have chosen to affiliate themselves along the political spectrum. On one hand, the left, you have the believer who says he believes yet possesses liberal views on social issues. On the other hand, the right, you have the believer who says it's not possible to have faith without being conservative. On one hand, you have a leftist walking in the Spirit on the other you have a rightist who has yet to be sanctified. And then, lastly, you have the conservative who says the following...

"If you call yourself a Christian and still lean left, there are two possibilities"

1-You dont really follow the teaching of the faith; 

Which in my opinion, unless due to ignorance, would deem the person a non-believer or at least a believer that isn't yet walking in the Spirit.

2-or you follow them but dont fully understand what the left is about.

Which in my opinion, sounds quite plausible. After all, it could be argued that Christ was a collectivist. He just didnt think government should be the one to mandate such an approach. 

I would care to add a 3rd possibility:

3-He doesnt necessarily see a connection between political/social opinions and faith. This happens a lot with younger generations of Christians. 

This is why I think Christians should abstain from politics. The last scenario is a perfect example where politics may have led to division within the Church. 

Tying faith with politics does more damage to the former since it is independent of secularism.  

Christianity and Politics...what do they have in common?

Quite a loaded article filled with presumptions about Christianity, politics, and what the two have in common, if anything.

For the Christian, it's ok to have opinions about political and social issues. After all, even though we are NOTW (not of this world), that is spiritually, we still exercise our being here, that is, on planet Earth, until further notice. 

If you believe in God, chances are you are probably pro-life and against abortion because you value the sanctity of life, however, does that mean we should demand our way in a secular society and by default on individuals thereof? I am against the act of abortion, and my wife (if I had one) and I would not carry it out but I cannot stand against someone who wishes to have an abortion because that would be imposing my view on their end and that's not love. The same principle would apply to another secular issue which is civil unions. As Christians, we are opposed to this for it is detestable in the eyes of God and thus the unholy ceremony is prohibited in church. However, we cannot stand in the way of the state wishing to grant that which it has the authority to do. 

Another issue, gun-rights, more prevalent in the United States than anywhere else in the world, is highly controversial because radicals hijack Christianity in order to advocate for their Constitution given right. Their 2nd amendment is what grants them the right to bear arms, NOT Christ Jesus. Even though I would not exercise that right, I cannot stand against someone who would since politics allow for it. 

It's quite alright to stand against something without demanding our own way. Simply put, we can carry out our own spiritual convictions, and lead by example in our own lives so that it serves as a testament to what we believe. That should be reward enough for us to live by instead of trying to get everyone to think and act like we do. 

What's not ok is to have or make political AFFILIATIONS because politics has to do with power/government. If you look through the article, you can see what takes place in the realm of politics. Things mainly derived from deceit. Things like slander, gossip, concealment of information, corruption, theft, etc. By aligning yourself with a candidate, we willingly or unwillingly become subject to them and become apologists for the candidate or party they're affiliated with and in so doing lose focus on our own campaigns, that is, our walk with Christ.  

Take a look at Donald Trump, who in the power bestowed upon him by constituents, stomped on other constituents, help up a bible upside-down in front of a religious building and patted himself on the back for doing the work of the devil. Do you really think he cares about Christianity aside from the fact that many who call themselves Christians gave him their vote? Do you think he cares more about God than he does about holding the highest position of the lone superpower of the world? He may be aligned with your views on political and social issues but that doesn't mean he cares about the things of God. The very fact he wants to be in power is a testament to his ultimate desire, self-aggrandizement. This desire is something all politicians possess although to varying degrees, with some more so than others. 

Jesus was clear on how he felt about either of the two (power & government). For proof, consider the fact He declined Satan's offer (3rd temptation) and stood against Rome and the Pharisees on multiple occasions. Also, remember what government really is and what better example of what it wishes to become than the beast of Revelation.

Abstain from political affiliations for they serve no Christian purpose in secular society. 

Current Events-Babylonian affairs

Defunding police + police killings + most armed nation in the world + # of citizens buying firearms for the 1st time highest ever = not good.

Defunding police + police killings + most armed nation in the world + # of citizens buying firearms for the 1st time highest ever + leading country in # of covid related deaths = not very good

Defunding police + police killings + most armed nation in the world + # of citizens buying firearms for the 1st time highest ever + leading country in # of covid related deaths + inflation/currency devaluation/supply chain crisis = not very good at all

Defunding police + police killings + most armed nation in the world + # of citizens buying firearms for the 1st time highest ever + leading country in # of covid related deaths + inflation/currency devaluation/supply chain crisis + a country divided among many different sects = you get the point

Current Events-Covid

Again, another important piece of information regarding Covid that is best judged individually.

For those who took the vaccine, have you experienced needles in your chest? If so, was it before or after?

Like Joe Brinden said, "we are all doctors". 😂

Current Events-Cyberwars

If this allegation turned out to be true, wouldn't it mean China already HAS hacked the US? And if so, wouldn't it mean China has the capacity to do so in the future?

Now there's a big difference between hacking a private news agency and the government, the latter of which I find would be much more of a complex if not impossible operation.  

In either case, that's serious stuff. 

Current Events-UN

The United Nations is keenly aware of Pyongyang's doings and continues to monitor the situation closely. If further disturbances create an unmanageable atmosphere, the Security Council shall reconvene at such a time where all concerns, including that of the States of America, shall be addressed in a constructive manner.  

Current Events-UN 

It shall be granted. 



Scheduled in principle for May.

Current Events-UN

BEIJING/ MOSCOW/WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - China and Russia on the opening day of the Winter Olympics declared a "no limits" partnership, backing each other over standoffs on Ukraine and Taiwan with a promise to collaborate more against the West.

Let the games...BEGIN!


2 Crônicas 7:14

 14 então, se o meu povo a quem dei o meu nome se humilhar, orar e me buscar, arrependendo-se dos seus pecados, eu responderei desde o céu, perdoarei os seus pecados e sararei a terra.


 is what the reality show BBB22 is. Not only do its followers idolize other human beings, they also idolize everything that each one stands for and worse, what the broadcasting corporation (globo) stands for, which is of the devil.

In exchange for fame, they agreed to do the devil's bidding by propagating filth and immorality in unprecedented ways thus leading the people astray.

May the Lord deal with it accordingly.

15 Se não estiverem dispostos a servir o Senhor, decidam hoje quem querem servir. Será os deuses dos vossos antepassados, dalém do Eufrates, ou os deuses dos amorreus, aqui desta terra? Quanto a mim, eu e a minha casa serviremos o Senhor!”

Current Events-Economics

Very unlikely to happen. Declarations of war can't be taken back. Anyway, if that was a Trump-era tariff, why would the US continue along with it when it has the power to change the law? 

Any further allegiance to Trumpian policy would suggest continued hindrance to the collective (UN) agenda.