This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Current Events-Vaccine mandates

The White House is delaying its mandate for contractors to get vaccinated against Covid-19 until Jan. 4, the administration announced Thursday, as it rolled out more details about its sweeping vaccination mandates.

Probably to give the administration more time to think itself about what to do and how to do it once SHTF.

Contractors previously had until Dec. 8 to get vaccinated, per a September executive order from the White House. They now have until Jan. 4, as do health workers at hospitals and facilities that participate in Medicare and Medicaid.

Under a separate policy, companies with 100 or more employees will also have until Jan. 4 to mandate full vaccinations for their workers or offer a plan for weekly testing. But by Dec. 5, they must require unvaccinated workers to wear masks and undergo weekly testing.

Ok, now couple that with the fact that more than 50% of unvaccinated people will not get vaccinated for any reason (table 2) and we can see what's likely to happen.

1) People will pay for their covid tests in lieu of taking the vaccine for a time-being only to receive positive PCR's and have to stay home on unpaid leave, be forced to quarantine, and eventually quit their jobs. This is the outcome that will impact the economy. 

2) Constitutionalists, congressmen and anyone who feels like they are being attacked by the government will revolt in one way or another. This is the outcome that will impact the social well-being.

3) Chaos will likely ensue given that the mandates are being rejected by police, firefighters, and other EMS personnel across the country not to mention other essential positions like waste management (think NYC streets), utilities (electricity, water , etc), mechanics, and even intelligence agencies 

Who would have ever imagined that the possible collapse of  American society would be a matter of the vaxs vs. the vaxnots instead of  the haves and havenots?

Friday, November 5, 2021

Current Events-AI

Yea, whatever system China uses is 100 times more efficient.

Current Events-Global warming

That's a good start. Put an actual figure on emissions in order to begin calculations.

Let the numbers tell the story starting with the US and China.

Current EVents-Inflation

That's quite optimistic to say the least. The key factor influencing inflation(supply) has already set the stage by way of the QE's which are now being tapered. You can prevent hyper inflation from happening in the immediate future but you wont be able to offset it forever. 

At least they're not being totally reckless with the economy.

It's easier to manage when you can see everything in front of you. But what about when the unforeseen materializes?

Current Events-Covid

Well yea, if they took the shot they will definitely take the pill. Then a tattoo and eventually a chip. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Current Events-COVID(GOF)

Fauci resembles the dude on MAD MAGAZINE cover but anyway...

He's like the mad scientist that probably got no play when in high school or college while everyone else was partying taking "shots". 

So now he wanted revenge(of the nerds) by supplying the jocks with his own "shots".

But this is crossing the line by any definition.

Current Events-Babylonian demise

Perfect storm, snowball, dominoes...

Whatever you wanna call it. Everywhere you turn, there seems to be an overwhelming sense of...doom?

And i dont like to rely on feelings but the facts lead to it.

And it's like..."Someone do something, now!"

But who? And what or how? 

At least we know one of the w's, when.


Current Events-UN 

"Mas nao existe um estado global". Ainda nao Wolf. Ainda nao.

"Os principais bens publicos"...just as outlined by

Why cant that video be seen in the US? ;)

O Xi nao foi pq nao gosta da nocao de que os EUA sejam considerados lideres na nova ordem. 

Good piece Wolf. Except "china isnt offering a global approach"? Really??

Current Events-Global warming

I dont know. Im of the opinion that Xi and Vlad didnt show up because they dont like the idea of the US seemingly leading the way...

Current Events-Global warming

Makes sense doesnt it?

Current Events-China




Current Events-China

Again, a balanced life-approach is highly wise. It shouldn't take governments to tell its people to live so. 

Current Events-COVID(China)

The scary part is not that more stringent methods will be implemented. It's that more stringent methods i.e authoritarian type lockdowns like in Koalaland, are going to be the norm worldwide.

Current Events-COVID

No masks in open settings. Good

Opening up public spaces to 100% attendance(encourages crowding). No good.

Vaccines. Should NOT be mandatory. Mandate isolation if necessary but not in concentration camps! 

Vaccines for children 5-11. Despicable

Social distancing is extremely hard to enforce although it is highly important because aerosols that are more directly transmitted have a greater tendency to  concentrate.

Vaccine passports. Too authoritarian although it will be the norm

I dont think people realize how contagious the virus is EVEN WITH VACCINES. EVERYONE is still experiencing symptoms. Expect more lockdowns within 6-12 in Sao Paulo.

The virus isn't meant to be eradicated. At least not until the RESET takes place.

I would be pleasantly surprised if this low stays put with the new rules in SP.

UPDATE 12/15/21

SP has covid outbreak but it is officially being labeled a "flu" outbreak.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The city of São Paulo has once again registered an increase in hospitalizations due to suspected Covid-19. In the past 7 days, 1,170 hospitalizations were recorded, an increase of 47.5% compared to the previous 7 days, when 793 new patients were admitted.

UPDATE 12/28/21

Covid and flu being blamed for uptick in ICU's and persons with respiratory issues (not diagnosed as covid) have doubled (112%) in relation to previous month.

Current Events-Wars

I dont think so either. Military efforts are always last resort and by then it means all out war is already broken out. Although that is the guy that said he would tell the world if Enrique wanted to use a nuke.

The question strategically important is Taiwan?

Only China knows. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Current Events-China & US

It really does appear the divorce is final and all parties are packing up and leaving.

Will they go to court? Or will they go to war?

Current Events-China

It's always difficult to advocate for totalitarianism.

But what if the rule being forced upon the people is unquestionably wise?

I guess there is an exception to every rule.

Current Events-China

The Chinese government sees a storm and takes shelter.

The US government sees a storm and buries its head in the sand.

A few European leaders make their stance...

I dont understand how tyrants didnt foresee resistance to their experiments. Then again, maybe they did and are fomenting it further.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Aquecimento global farsa?

Im open to the possibility that global warming is happening and that all the data used to support the notion thereof is true. There are some stranger than normal events taking place climate-wise worldwide. However, as an individual, it's intangible since my immediate surroundings aren't noticeably impacted.

But just like COVID (which in my opinion is real), it is being used to advance other aspects of the UN agenda, namely, wealth re-distribution which im not opposed to either.

For the most part, Im for globalization and all nuances that go alongside it. I dont believe in any type of national exceptionalism and most definitely not American exceptionalism. 

Per UN charter, i could even be considered your prototypical UN citizen. As far as carbon/emissions, when I drove, I used to drive a low emissions car. Now I walk. Ive never had a desire to have children. I speak 3 languages and understand 5. A minimalist in practice and in theory. 

I will draw the line when the entity forces me to pledge an allegiance to it in order to be able to buy or sell(function) within its confines. 

Climate change and COVID-19 are real.

But so is the Mark of the Beast.


Current Events-Global warming

Umhum, the clock is indeed about to strike twelve Boris. Just ask BO. 

What yall must do...DO QUICKLY.

Can women be pastors?

According to the Word...34 As mulheres devem ficar em silêncio durante as reuniões na igreja. Não devem tomar parte nas discussões. Sejam submissas, tal como mandam as Escrituras(Genesis 3). 35 Se tiverem questões a apresentar que o façam aos maridos em casa; não é próprio para as mulheres falarem nos cultos da igreja.

Na minha opiniao, podem liderar em adoração, outras mulheres, e crianças  ja' que "há um assunto que quero que saibam: é que Cristo é a cabeça de todos os homens. O marido é a fonte da mulher. Deus é a fonte de Cristo. Todo o homem que, quando está a orar ou a profetizar, cobre a cabeça desonra a Cristo. E uma mulher que, em público, ora ou profetiza com a cabeça descoberta desconsidera o seu marido, porque é como se tivesse a cabeça rapada. E se ela recusar cobrir-se, então que rape o cabelo. Mas se é uma vergonha uma mulher ter a cabeça rapada, então que a cubra. Mas um homem não deverá ter nada na cabeça enquanto está a cultuar. O homem, feito à imagem de Deus, reflete a sua honra, e a mulher é o reflexo da honra do homem. Com efeito, o primeiro homem não foi tirado da mulher, mas a primeira mulher foi tirada do homem. E Adão, o primeiro homem, não foi feito para benefício de Eva, mas Eva, sim, foi feita para Adão. 10 Assim, a mulher deve cobrir a cabeça com um sinal de autoridade, por causa dos anjos."

Also, in my opinion, if a word of the Lord comes to a woman by way of prophecy, and the woman has shown to be a truthful witness, she should be allowed to speak so long as it is done in an orderly manner and in accordance to gathering rules established by the elders of said gathering which should include head covering (if married) and head shaved (if unmarried).

This is done in order to ensure that agendas outside the body of Christ(per article, feminism/pink movement) do not permeate or influence the sanctity of the gathering. Or do you not know that feminism objectifies women? Are not feminists advocates of the sexual revolution? Do they not intend on mudding the waters of the two genders and further advocate for the addition of secularist ideals like multi-genderism? 

Let these movements and anything else similar to them-which seek to destroy the image of God on earth, man-have their say and space in secular society, away from the church, for it is detestable in the sight of God.

However, because of the rebellious times, just like Eve rebelled against God and gave to Adam, we see women pastors all over the place. As a man, you ought to forsake that gathering for it is in direct violation of the order of things established by Christ.

Why vaccinate children?

Because part of the UN agenda includes depopulation. The same principle applies to abortion. And is of the devil.

Current Events-Mandate consequences

FDNY union leader warns COVID vaccine mandates will spike emergency response times, send city into 'chaos'

Mayor de Blasio's Nov. 1 deadline will get 'NYC residents killed,' Andrew Ansbro says

And not just in NYC but anywhere that chooses to follow suit.

I just haven't been able to figure out why or how the establishment did not see this coming. Perhaps they knew it was going to happen but  didnt see it as an issue?? But if that's the case, then the probabilities that this is all a deliberate act are pretty high.

Which begs the question? Why chaos? and why now? 

Because order, of a new kind that is, can only come AFTER chaos!

Bush Sr kind of alluded to it when he was alive.

He mentioned the UN's founders, "rule of law" and "not the law of the jungle".

Are the masses to blame for going along with such a plan? 

Im not sure they know what they're doing...or NOT doing. 

Current Events-COVID

So there we much for your "vaccine". DId it prevent you from getting the disease?? NO! Therefore it's not a vaccine. 

Did it prevent you from transmitting the disease? NO! Therefore it's not a vaccine.

It prevented you from experiencing serious symptoms? Good for you. Studies show that would have happened even without the vaccine.

How do we really know who has and who hasn't been vaccinated without proof anyway? 

If you were trying to get everyone to come to your birthday party ASAP, wouldn't you call your friends and tell them everyone was already there? Those "numbers' that suggest 50% of populations are vaccinated could be used to explain the point im trying to make. It puts an increased pressure on people to get vaccinated since most are under the "follower" mentality. In Sao Paulo city, that number is supposedly above 90%. Is it possible? Yea. Is it believable? Hardly. 

Since the vaccine does nothing to prevent the spread of the disease, it is useless to take the vaccine without practicing the other safety measures i.e socially distancing, mask wearing, avoiding crowded spaces, etc. 

CHINA, AGAIN, is handling this pandemic flawlessly much like they are handling their economic policy and the Taiwan issue. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Tamo junto Dona Fátima!

An awesome testimony...impossible to fully vouch for whatever fact or fiction may be told by the writer, nonetheless...

All glory be to God for the victories He has granted you, and for filling your life with His presence. Take it not for granted. 

Witnesses like these bring hope to a lost world and encouragement for the believer.

We must always be ready to provide a testimony for the hope we profess.

And just a reminder, a testimony is not a sales pitch. It is rendered from the bottom of our hearts.

Come Lord Jesus. 

Current Events-Wars and rumors thereof

Stalemate for now. 

Current Events-Israel

Come Lord Jesus.

My stance

Ok. I feel like it's time to answer the world's demand for the universal acceptance of vaccines. I will reply to the "greater collective" argument, the one that suggests I dont have the right to make an individual decision regarding my own temple if that decision "impacts" the rest of society since that appears to be the main, albeit fallacious, argument for accepting the injection.

But before I answer, I will ask what gives you (world, govt, system, satan) the right to demand that I do anything to my very essence based on some triviality like your "vaccine" which:

A) does not prevent the spread of the disease which is what you say supposedly harms society?

B) does not prevent death which would actually work for the advantage of your cause since once the infectious is deceased, the spread of the virus ceases?

C) has been proven to possess possible side effects up to and including death, which again, works to the advantage of your argument?

D) has been produced as an evil solution to an even greater evil cause?

E) alters that which has been bestowed upon me by my Creator (DNA, natural immunity)?

These are the logical premises for my objections.

I dont feel compelled to provide my spiritual objections to this atrocity aside from the fact that it is part of the delusion that Paul spoke of in his 2nd letter to the church in Thessalonica. (2:11) 

Brothers and sisters. It is not easy for us to come to the full realization and ultimate fathoming of the fact we are the generation the Lord spoke of in Matthew 24. But if "Today, if only you would hear his voice,
“Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,[a]
    as you did that day at Massah[b] in the wilderness,
where your ancestors tested me;
    they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For forty years I was angry with that generation;
    I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray,
    and they have not known my ways.’
11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
    ‘They shall never enter my rest.’” 

Be. Ready.