This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Current Events-BO's antics

Mr. Obama issued a broad call for “a better politics” that began with common principles, and said his agenda isn’t political, pointing out “I have no more campaigns to run.”

LOL, he said this so "matter-of-factly" that people couldn't help but laugh. He is a skilled cynic. 

Current Events-International Economy

A few worthy-of-mentioning facts from this article:

1- The absolutely stunning decision by the Swiss National Bank to decouple from the euro has triggered billions of dollars worth of losses all over the globe.

2-China has been quietly stockpiling gold for years now. In fact, it is stockpiling so much gold that many have speculated that it may be building a gold-backed yuan currency that would make the Dollar pale in comparison on the global market.

3-Germany Has Already ‘Called’ – The World Second Largest Holder of Gold Has Demanded Repatriation of Its American Holdings

Current Events-International Security

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress next month on the threats posed by Iran's nuclear ambitions and the rise of the Islamic State.

Whatever happened to Iran anyway? They've been kind of quiet for a while now since they were sanctioned a while ago and had their currency fall kind of like Russia. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Current Events-DAVOS

Davos arrives as world on verge of nervous breakdown

Kind of an exaggeration but for a reason prolly...

LONDON — Do-gooding captains of industry and government will travel up a Swiss mountain this week for the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos with one hefty task on their minds: how to make the world a better place.

"I think it's clear the conversations in Davos will be more serious than in recent years because the threats appear more imminent," Goldin said.
Islamic extremists show no sign of slackening their barbarous pace, as evidenced in the recent attacks in Paris and Nigeria. Fears have resurfaced over Greece's upcoming elections and what they might mean for the future of the eurozone. Plummeting commodities prices have thrown emerging markets into disarray.
Economic growth in China has stalled. Cybersecurity looks increasingly perilous. A global Ebola crisis claimed more than 8,400 lives. Russia's proxies in Ukraine may sow fresh volatility. And with 2014 the hottest year on record, there is of course climate change.
"Decision-makers meeting in Davos must focus on ways to reduce climate risk while building more efficient, cleaner and lower-carbon economies," former Mexican president Felipe Calderón told USA TODAY. "They also need to boost growth at a time of growing economic uncertainty."
But Davos is more than a well-heeled, high-altitude setting to recount all that's wrong with the world. Klaus Schwab, the German-born founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, said this year's theme — the not-atypically vague "New Global Context" — is partly about creating the conditions to restore confidence and trust in the world's future.
There is good news for the American delegation, who will arrive in Switzerland on the coattails of an economic growth rate that at 5% is motoring ahead of its European peers. Growth is flatlining, or worse, in France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere in Europe. With deflation in the region also a clear and present danger, those countries for the first time are staring down the barrel of quantitative easing or similar monetary stimulus measures from the European Central Bank this week.

Current Events-International Economy

Chinese shares plunged more than 8% Monday after the country's securities regulator imposed margin trading curbs on several major brokerages, a sign that authorities are trying to rein in the market's big gains.

Markets generally settled down after volatility provoked by the Swiss central bank's shock decision Thursday to untether the Swiss franc from the euro. Japan's central bank is not expected to make any major moves in a policy meeting that wraps up Wednesday.