This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Current Events-Economy

"Quando se espera que a pressão inflacionária diminua --como é o caso hoje--, não faz sentido reagir apertando a política monetária", disse ela. "O aperto não afetaria a economia até que o choque já tivesse passado."

So in other words, Lagarde suggests there is no point in doing the right thing because doing so would not have an immediate impact on things.

The good thing, for me at least, is that there is no need for any practical doing. There is no way to stop the agenda and doing so now is akin to standing in front of a Japanese bullet train. It's moving full speed ahead and it has a set destination and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The most that can be done is stay informed so it doesn't catch you by surprise.


Friday, November 19, 2021

Current Events-Economy

E se a inflação de hoje não for transitória, conforme diz a maioria dos banqueiros centrais?

The difference between monetary policy today and in the 80's is that there is a considerable amount of globalization taking place. This means that the overall objective is no longer unilateral or nationalistic even if leaders remain ignorant of the truth.

Inflation is part of the agenda and is a byproduct of the pandemic. The more fiat currencies lose their value, the stronger the push for CBDC's becomes. 

The central banks are not going to come out in the open and say inflation is here for the long run because that has a bearing on consumer confidence which has an impact on banks' bottom lines.

The banks know what's coming. 

Current Events-Wars

Por variadas razões, a relação Estados Unidos-China pouco tem em comum com a realidade da Guerra Fria.

Except the suspense that revolves around every geo-political move made by the Chinese. 

a China não se coloca como uma alternativa ideológica aos Estados Unidos

I strongly disagree with that. Just ask the UN.

a competição, no campo militar, traz desafios estruturalmente distintos (estamos preocupados com a capilaridade de ameaças cyber, para além dos desafios nucleares)

That I agree with.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Current Events-China

Welcome China. The undisputed leader of the New World.

Current Events-Russia

And if the Panda is bucking, so is the Brown bear.

Big Vlad has again expressed concern over western jets carrying "dangerous arsenal" in close proximity to Russian territory (20km) and that NATO and its allies do not take Russia's "red lines" seriously enough especially in regards to Ukraine and the Black Sea.

NATO, whom Russia cut all diplomatic ties with, did away with the opportunity for dialogue according to Putin.

Current Events-China

Um, I did a double-take (watched it twice, back-to-back) with this video released last Sunday. (60 minutes in Australia)

I will not form a detailed opinion or speculate on the contents thereof but it got my attention. Here are just a few excerpts:

1-"A conflict that could reshape the world order."

2-"We have this naive faith that American military power is infinite, and its NOT."

3-"Use all your imagination. Think about all the nightmares you can think of and what will happen will be ten times worse than your worse nightmare. You are talking about the possibility of Armageddon."

4-"I just wanna make China understand that we are not gonna step back and we are not going to change any of our views." Joe Brinden

5-" A war between China and the United States would soon escalate out of control and that would be ARMAGEDDON. ARMAGEDDON. AND ARMAGEDDON!"

6-"Fundamentally, given the power that they(China) have now in their military, they could act anytime from now on."

7-"In short, do you think Australia needs to prepare for war tomorrow? Absolutely."

8-"This situation that is developing right now is an existential threat to Australia as a liberal democracy."

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Current Events-Wars

China’s military has deployed long-range bomber planes to its border with India, in a move described by analysts as a strong but measured warning to its neighbour.

What did India do?


I cant help but think that all of this was caused by the pandemic especially in places that were already dealing with social collapses.

Im not sure there has ever been a time in history where it's almost impossible to keep up with all the news.

I dont think its an exaggeration to say these are chaotic times. Maybe it feels that way since there is information galore but even then...

What's crazier is that the prospect of things getting worse before they get better is very real.


Current Events-Covid

Latest measures around the world regarding Covid and vaccines.




While China and Australia? are on some sort of lockdown mode.

Oh, and literally 10 seconds after posting this, the Czech Republic followed Austria's footsteps.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Current Events-Covid vax

Well, there's a solution for that. Boosters.

Current Events-War games

So Russia wants Ukraine and China wants Taiwan. Russia provides Europe with gas/energy while China provides everyone with supply/labor. 

Does 2+2 = 4?

Maybe this will help.

Nordstream 2 + 2 countries = x ?

Current Events-Economy

Cryptocurrency is at best a triviality, at worst a scam. When the World Bank/IMF/UN begins to issue CBDC's, cryptocurrency will already be extinct except in the metaverse. The only thing crypto transactions do to the world economy is remove fiat currencies from circulation.

Current Events-US & China

WASHINGTON/PEQUIM (Reuters) - O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, pressionou seu equivalente chinês a respeito das práticas de direitos humanos na China durante uma teleconferência de mais de três horas na segunda-feira, enquanto Xi Jinping alertou que seu país reagiria a provocações a respeito de Taiwan, disseram autoridades.

I still dont fully grasp the importance given to the Taiwan issue by China but they must have their reasons. Some people even think that it will be the catalyst for WWIII because if China takes Taiwan and the US does nothing about it then China will be perceived as the world's new superpower, a vision Babylon would not appreciate. On the other hand, if the US defends Taiwan, it would lead to war.

A China está atrasada no compromisso de comprar 200 bilhões de dólares adicionais de produtos e serviços dos EUA, mas, segundo autoridades chinesas, Xi disse a Biden que é importante evitar politizar o tema.

Yea, that was Enrique's misdeed. Nothing that cant be reconciled in the future if Biden leaves it alone and doesnt try to twist Xi's arm over it.

Sounds like it was an overall passive yet constructive meeting compared to the turbulence between Xi and Enrique.

Current Events-Singularity

Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook, on Wednesday announced a partnership with Microsoft that will allow customers to integrate Meta’s Workplace enterprise social network software with Microsoft Teams.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Current Events-Global Warming

Campos Neto ressaltou ainda que quando a transição para o mundo mais sustentável começar a bater no preço de alimentos e de energia, como está ocorrendo agora, "obviamente governos vão se questionar".

That's true. That's why the US and China need to lead the world by shouldering whatever financial burdens developing nations may incur.

Campos Neto disse que os bancos centrais precisam estar mais preparados para a transição para a economia verde. Isso porque questões climáticas tendem a afetar cada vez mais a inflação e a política monetária, como a alta de alimentos decorrentes de quebras de safra e a elevação no custo da energia.

“A bandeira de energia saiu de menos de R$ 2 para R$ 14,40 por falta de chuvas. Temas climáticos afetam a política monetária”, declarou.

That will be even more evident from now on.

O presidente do BC criticou a imposição de impostos sobre as emissões de gás carbônico, como alguns países propuseram na 26ª Conferência das Nações Unidas para Mudanças Climáticas (COP26). Segundo ele, um mercado global e funcional saberá financiar projetos de forma mais eficiente que governos.

His point of view may be theoretically true but a carbon tax is practical in nature. The need for solutions, right now, outweigh the need for ideas. That's if you fully believe in global warming.

Current Events-China

I guess Joe Brinden is a definite step up from Enrique as far as China is concerned but Im not sure he has as much leverage as he thinks he has to suggest how China/Xi should "behave".

Then again, maybe it's all "soap-operash" diplomacy.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Current Events-Economy

I seriously doubt that and i find it even more hard to believe that it will be part of any type of worldwide digital centralization. 

Crypto is worth even less than paper because eventually the latter can be turned in for something.