This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Monday, December 31, 2012

Current Events-Heavenly bodies

Acts 2:19
I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.

Daniel 6:27
He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. 

Current events-dairy inflation

"Unless Congress acts to update its legislation on farming, milk prices could rise sharply in 2013."

 First time I heard of this piece of news...milk @ $7?!

Food prices are expected and already gone up anyway. Im just not sure why this piece of news has been somewhat concealed.

Monday, December 17, 2012


"Theodicy, the attempt to rationalize why an all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful God would allow such pain, is the hardest nut to crack for religions that believe in that sort of deity."

In running into this term while watching everyday tragedies unfold before my eyes, I can't help but realize that we have lost complete and total sight of the promise we have, given to us by God, through Jesus. God never said this world would be peaceful or that it would be alright or that it would be fixed. Throughout his Word, God explicitly tells us that this world is IMPERFECT, BROKEN, FALLEN, DOOMED, and DESTINED FOR DESTRUCTION

But we have become so enamored with it, that we would rather REPAIR it, or at least try to, as opposed to embracing God's Word and promise of a new heaven and a new earth.

COME LORD JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The struggle...

The following excerpt from a devotional sent to me recently reminds me of one of my favorite posts:

"Persecuted Christians know they are in a fight. Every day they struggle. Not being conscious of a daily struggle may be sure sign that one is losing the battle of life... They should have struggles if they wish to please God. But so many Christians in the world today seem surprised at the language of struggle today."

Romans 5 :

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  

Francis Schaeffer once mentioned, “the god of personal peace and affluence,” where we don’t mind what goes on in the world so long as our space and prosperity is not affected? 

This is certainly prominent in contemporary christian settings. It's almost as if the church of our age forgets the fundamental beliefs of the faith, the foundation of which is Christ, especially the Blessed Hope. We think, or rather, are sure that Jesus isn't coming back in our lifetime for some reason. So we adopt the newest acronyms the WORLD offers us, something like "YOLO", standing for "you only live once". Not only that, we avoid talking about things like the Apocalypse, the 2nd coming, the Rapture, the New Jerusalem, just because it makes us feel uncomfortable or because the book of revelation is "allegorical". We have so many reasons why we shouldn't live like the disciples admonished us to-like it is the last day- either because it's crazy or because it's impractical. 

I pose the same question again, found in this post :


Friday, December 14, 2012

Current Events-birth pangs

While 170 tremors shake the town of "Christmas" (navidad) in Chile...and a devastating earthquake shook Christchurch in New Zealand a year or so ago...

Current Events-Birth pangs

At approximately 6am EST, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck southern California followed seconds later by a 6.1 magnitude earthquake in the same vicinity.

Current Events-Damascus

Or in case Syria puts up a front a little longer than necessary...

Current Events-Universalism

Tolerance of others' belief is a sign of maturity.

The post labeled "eschatology" (11/1/10) contains the following statement :

Since religion plays a major role in the world, the mahdi's solution to bring unity on that spectrum would be to appear muslim to the muslim, atheist to the atheist, agnostic to the agnostic, hindu to the hindu, buddhist to the buddhist, etc. The reason why I dont mention Christians with that list is because Christians, the LIGHT of the world, can not only see darkness but can also REVEAL or DISPLAY it thus spoiling the selfish party. It is ultimately a matter of self vs God. Wasn't it so with satan and God? PRIDE?

Religious or philosophical utopia would be achieved by means of 'tolerance'.

With one crucial detail. If you prefer not to "be yoked with unbelievers", you will be viewed as intolerant, and in essence, excluded from the New Order. Quite a paradox since "tolerance" appears to be the thesis.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Current Events-Heavenly bodies

As many as 100 shooting stars an hour are possible.

Current Events-Babylonian economy

"The Federal Reserve on Wednesday is widely expected to move to buy more Treasury bonds to push down long-term interest rates and stimulate the economy"

Interesting, since “borrowing costs for home buyers, car shoppers and businesses are already near historic lows.”

Smells like economic manipulation.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Current Events-Socialism

How many people knew that the federal government “took over” AIG as part of the bailout in 2008? Governments taking control of the private sector is a move towards socialism.

Current Events-Babylonian economy

So who owns AIG now? Didn’t the company change its name to 21st century? So China now owns American Insurance? LOL…

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Current Events-heavenly bodies

This link from a brazilian newspaper says a meteor broke off as it entered the atmosphere somewhere in Texas. Usatoday has not reported on this.

Current Events-Knowledge

SCIENCE, O, SCIENCE, how clever you are!

Current Events-heavenly bodies

Why is this even being talked about?

Channel of the state...A move towards it.

The post on January 4th, 2011 suggested a move towards universalization of "channels"(scary when the word "mediums" pops in your head as you type this) whose source will be the WWW....

6!     6!     6! 

"Pick the video-streaming service that best fits your lifestyle. Be content with your content."

Just remember that the time will come when the State will dictate EVERYTHING that CAN go on the web. EVERYTHING the State approves will be viewable. There will not be a single thing that the State does not approve of. Literally, people will become what the State wants them to, since we are what we eat. That censoring is already taking place can be seen on the youtube website, as more and more videos are being taken down for whatever reason.

The following link gives a list of posts that come under a search of "channel of the State"....

UPDATE 3/1/15

A Google research team is adapting that model to measure the trustworthiness of a page, rather than its reputation across the web. Instead of counting incoming links, the system – which is not yet live – counts the number of incorrect facts within a page. "A source that has few false facts is considered to be trustworthy," says the team ( The score they compute for each page is its Knowledge-Based Trust score.
The software works by tapping into the Knowledge Vault, the vast store of facts that Google has pulled off the internet. Facts the web unanimously agrees on are considered a reasonable proxy for truth. Web pages that contain contradictory information are bumped down the rankings.

Current Events-Babylonian economical dilemma

"Even if the United States falls off the "fiscal cliff," the hit to the economy will probably be gradual."

This is speculation. Although it seems that "gradual" falls, shifts, or collapses are advocated by the IMF as found out later in this post.

"And while the fiscal cliff probably figured into the recent market pullback, it's not the only contributor."

This is true. But the "market" is an extremely unpredictable machine to begin with anyway. Most people see it as an indicator of world trends pertaining to a wide array of global issues.

"Resolution to this issue, the continuation of positive trends in housing and manufacturing, and fundamental tax reform could help give the economy a boost."

This is a statement made towards the distracted masses. The economy must be shattered in order for a global economy to be unleashed. The fact the economy/dollar is being setup for failure is evident in policies that pertain to money handling. The links below show that a move towards a global currency is clearly underway. This is no longer "conspiracy theory".

I was going to attempt to debunk all of this person's arguments in this article but have found it unnecessary in light of the facts listed below.

Reserve currencies come and go. Before 1944, the world reference currency was the Pound Sterling. After World War II, the international financial system was governed by a formal agreement, the Bretton Woods system. Under this system the United States dollar was placed deliberately as the anchor of the system, with the US government guaranteeing other central banks that they could sell their US dollar reserves at a fixed rate for gold until 1971 when FIAT was introduced.

However, The Triffin dilemma (or the Triffin paradox) is a theory that when a national currency also serves as an international reserve currency, there could be conflicts of interest between short-term domestic and long-term international economic objectives. This dilemma was first identified by Belgian-American economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s, who pointed out that the country whose currency foreign nations wish to hold (the global reserve currency) must be willing to supply the world with an extra supply of its currency to fulfill world demand for this 'reserve' currency (foreign exchange reserves) and thus cause a trade deficit. The use of a national currency (i.e. the U.S. dollar) as global reserve currency leads to a tension between national monetary policy and global monetary policy. This is reflected in fundamental imbalances in the balance of payments, specifically the current account: some goals require an overall flow of dollars out of the United States, while others require an overall flow of dollars in to the United States. The Triffin dilemma is usually used to articulate the problems with the U.S. dollar's role as the reserve currency under the Bretton Woods system or more generally of using any national currency as an international reserve currency.

In the wake of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the governor of the People's Bank of China explicitly named the Triffin Dilemma as the root cause of the economic disorder, in a speech titled Reform the International Monetary System. Zhou Xiaochuan's speech of 29 March 2009 proposed strengthening existing global currency controls, through the IMF. This would involve a gradual move away from the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency and towards the use of IMF special drawing rights (SDRs) as a global reserve currency. Zhou argued that part of the reason for the original Bretton Woods system breaking down was the refusal to adopt Keynes' bancor which would have been a special international currency to be used instead of the dollar. American economists such as Brad Delong agreed that on almost every point where Keynes was overruled by the Americans during the Bretton Woods negotiations, he was later proved correct by events. 

Zhou's proposal attracted much international attention; in a November 2009 article published in Foreign Affairs magazine, economist C. Fred Bergsten argued that Zhou's suggestion or a similar change to the International Monetary System would be in the best interests in both the U.S. and the rest of the world. While Zhou's proposal has not yet been adopted, leaders meeting in April at the 2009 G-20 London summit agreed to allow 250 billion SDRs to be created by the IMF, to be distributed to all IMF members according to each country's voting rights. On April 13, 2010, the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of the IMF published a comprehensive report examining these aforementioned problems as well as other world reserve currency considerations, recommending that the world adopt a global currency called the "bancor" and that a global central bank be established to administer such a currency. In this report, the current issues with having a national global reserve currency are addressed. The merits, difficulties and effectiveness of establishing a multi-currency reserve system are weighed against that of the SDRs, or "basket currency" strategy, and those of establishing this new "global reserve currency". A new multilateral framework and 'multi-polar system' for managing capital flows and national debts is also called for, but the IMF cautions that it prefers a gradual shift to this new framework, rather than a sudden change.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Current Events-Wealth Redistribution

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it was "only fair and reasonable that the developed world should bear most of the responsibility" in fighting the gradual warming of the planet.

Although feasible, this is still nonetheless a  pretext for socialism…

Current Events-Tracking

So facebook desires to have a policy that disregards its “customers”…that in of itself says a lot. As far as the vote, it wouldn’t surprise me to see facebook publicize the 300 mil were gotten, only to do what they wanted to do anyway at a later time…

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Current Events-"fiscal cliff"

LOL, look at his demeanor. It would not surprise me a bit if “Washington really does fail to avert the looming series of tax hikes and spending cuts, the White House will portray Republicans as the culprits for insisting on protecting tax cuts for the wealthy, an effort the administration is laying the groundwork for now.”

Laying the groundwork for the collapse of the green-back, that is.

“"This is a choice of the Republican Party," said Dan Pfeiffer, White House communications director. "If they are willing to do higher rates on the wealthy, there's a lot we can talk about. And if they are not, then they'll push us over the cliff."

That’s quite an ultimatum.

"If the president really wants to avoid sending the economy over the fiscal cliff, he has done nothing to demonstrate it," the speaker said.

And why do people put it past BO to let the USA go over the cliff? 

This particular link hails someone as a "stage-hero"....


WHAT WERE THE MOST LOOKED UP WORDS IN 2012? Sure, this is entertainment, but for entertainment’ sake, they were…

TOP 2, SOCIALISM and CAPITALISM, followed by Democracy, globalization, marriage and bigot.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Current Events-Economic collapse

I actually saw ads playing on TV about this matter. I dont remember ever seeing commercials about political issues that are not up for vote. Is it being hyped up or is it serving as some sort of omen? They have even given it a title, labeling it the “fiscal-cliff”. What can American citizens do about this “fiscal-cliff”? Nothing. So why is it being advertised?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

An eschatological epiphany concerning Babylon...

Would like to thank the site for providing precise, concise, detailed opinion on the following relevant matters.

The New World Order cannot happen while America is strong. We must be reduced to a third world country by being tricked into destroying ourselves economically and militarily.
This makes sense and is verifiable as current events. The USA owes the world trillions of dollars. Obama is reducing defense spending
That is the function of the two political parties, both of which are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, which is in turn controlled by the Rockefellers and Morgans.

Ive never delved deep into the whole idea that exclusive individuals/bankers have so much control probably because I can’t get my head around some dudes having so much power but I do find feasible the idea that politics is all a show.

The main tool by which they accomplish the economic and militaristic destruction is the Federal Reserve (also a product of the Rockefellers, Morgans and Rothschilds as well).The amount of inflation created by Bernanke since 2008 will have devastating economic consequences once the money gets out of the banks and begins circulating.
Not an economic expert but where is the money sitting at now if this premise is true?

One important answer has to do with how quickly money circulates through the economy. If money isn’t circulating, it isn’t going to affect prices. If the government gives a trillion to the wealthiest banks, and they just hold on to it, then it isn’t circulating and prices aren’t affected. On the other hand, if the American government were suddenly to hand out a trillion dollars to the poorest people, and they put it into circulation (spent it) immediately, one might expect prices to rise.
The dollar will inflate like crazy, and foreign investors will begin to get rid of them. That will be the beginning of the end of the dollar: it will hyperinflate and we will see an economic crash much worse than The Great Depression.
This is common economics for dummies knowledge or common sense. What do we tend to do with things that aren’t worth anything to us? You might keep that old photo album because it holds sentimental value to you but what about that old burned up frying pan sitting in the kitchen?  
The U.N. will step in to "save" us by loaning our government the money it needs to spend itself out of depression.
And it would only make sense for the “world” to “bailout” the USA. The USA would then be FORCED to become part of the world against its usual individualistic approaches. When you owe someone money, it symbolizes them owning you, you are at the mercy of lenders no matter the entity. So if the only thing in the way of the SWO is the capitalist superpower, what better way to accomplish your goal? Either destroy it from within or destroy it literally. What happens if a vote is taken to see if the American people want to be loaned this money form the WORLD BANK or IMF and the vote is no? Would the world materialize the sentiments of Vladimir Putin. Is the USA truly a parasite in need to be rid of?
This will be the most critical point: the point of no return. If we accept the U.N.'s "help", The New World Order will be cemented in our future.
With certainty because then the sovereignty of the USA will have been stripped away. No  matter who you say you are, if your lender comes in to cash in and you don’t have the means to pay him, you are technically his slave.

Current Events-New World Order

Ran into this while googling "there is a chance, the president of the United States can use this catastrophe to carry out the new world order" found in this favorite video of mine  (@ 2:35). Interesting definitions provided here particularly #5 which I go into detail in the next post.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Current Events-heavenly bodies

More and more news directing our attention to the heavens...

When the church is raptured, one reason those left behind will give is people have been abducted by ufo's. VERY popular amongst new agers.

Current Events-Caliphate

Once Damascus goes down, who else is left standing? Make way for your messiah Ishamel!

Current Events-Nat'l Economy

The "fiscal cliff" could launch the collapse of the economy. That's what's scary.

Current Events-heavenly bodies

Power Grid Outage, # 2 on my list.

In fact, said NASA heliophysicist Lika Guhathakurta, it's true that the sun is currently in an active phase of its cycle, meaning electromagnetic energy has picked up. Large solar flares can impact electronics and navigation systems on Earth, but satellites monitoring the sun give plenty of warning and allow officials to compensate for the extra electromagnetic activity when it hits our atmosphere…

What kind of warning could a satellite give to prevent the sun from acting up? If the sun wants to act up, the sun will act up. How will officials “compensate” and what exactly will they “compensate” for? Are they gonna put up a shield to protect the atmosphere?

One popular rumor that the planet will undergo a complete blackout from Dec. 23 to 25 earned a "What?" and blank looks from the panel of scientists.

Kinda surprised to hear the scientists had a “what” look after the same scientists suggesting that electromagnetic energy has picked up and that this can impact energy on earth.

Ultimately, concerns about Earth's fate would be better focused on slow-acting problems such as climate change rather than some sort of cosmic catastrophe, said Andrew Fraknoi, an astronomer at Foothill College in California.

Yes, of course, the redistribution of wealth pretext has to be mentioned and reinforced. Im not saying global warming isn’t happening….just saying that it is being used as pretext.

Current Events-Health

Pandemic, # 3 on my list.

Current Events-Economics

Wise move by Persia.

Current Events-7 year peace treaty

This is another step towards the 7 year peace treaty.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Why does faith make things happen? Why does it move mountains?

God has laid a heavy burden on man. He has made it "difficult" to believe in Him due to His unseen nature. So faith makes things happen because it is the "evidence"  of one's thoughts and perceptions of what is true even though unseen. It is as though if God were saying..."I have made it difficult to believe in me....yet you have stepped outside the realm I have placed you in which is what may make that difficult and thus can begin to see me and how I see". He says:

I have given you eyes. Yet forget what you can see.
I have given you ears. Yet forget what you can hear.
I have given you hands. Yet forget what you can touch.
I have given you tongue. Yet forget what you can taste.

God asks the "impossible". Blessed INDEED is the One who believes and yet has not seen! Why?
Because God has revealed Himself to Him. And if God has chosen YOU to reveal Himself to, you ought to be dead! But because God gave Himself for you, you just get a chance to taste Him.

Why does faith make things happen?

Because it is an act. Believing is an act. It is an action. Like running, walking, eating...they are verbs. To run. To walk. To eat. TO Believe. The english language gets the best of it since the verb is TO BE. Again, since God simply BE, HE IS! All He did was SPEAK and it BE because HE BE! But believing in GOD is not just any kind of act. It is THE act. Since believing in God = power.

Why does believing in God = power?

Because God is the source of all things. He is the source of all energy which is what makes things happen. There is nothing on earth or out of earth that didn't originate with Him. Believing in God is the most powerful thing a human being can do because it entails gifts FROM God which allows for a life WITH God, FOR God, and OF God.

The incarnation of God or the defeating of death?

Which of the two is the more awesome deed? Both are difficult to even begin putting into words. How do you articulate such amazing deeds? The thoughts themselves are beyond understanding, imagine putting yourself in a position of believing them...The Maker of the heavens. The Designer of mountains. The Filler of oceans. The Thrower of bolts. The Originator of dust and so man...visits the work of His own hands. How do we begin to explain that?! WHERE DO WE START?! Hallelujah. See, that's one thing I wish I could do something about. But all I have is words to TRY to begin expressing The "greatness" of God, as if "greatness" did Him any justice.

Producing and starring in your own movie has happened before. But how far apart are movies compared to all of creation? Movies end. We don't even know how it all started. LOL! How can the very notion of God not bring about all emotions into being? How do you hold yourself from crying at the thought of God? Why do we stop the joyful laughing at His sovereign plan? How do we not scream at all His deeds? No wonder He promises joy abundantly, He knows what knowing Him does since He knows Himself. One thing I am certain of...He made us infinitely small so that we can stand in infinite awe of Him. That makes sense. Since He is that much larger than us, it is impossible to outsize Him, outthink Him, outargue Him, out anything Him.We can never begin to come close to understanding the majesty of God. WHAT A TRUE GOD! He is beyond understanding and rightfully so. His Being is addictive because of it. We can never get enough God. One gaze at the sky...and a tear drops like the rain on the good and the wicked. Not only for its beauty but for the thought behind the thing that makes it possible, sight. 

See, we take God for granted. We take His awesomeness for granted. And the one thing that makes us do so is that which HE has given us. O the depth of your ways FATHER! How can we come close to fathoming You?! You have laid a heavy burden upon us indeed. 

Current Events-AC

'The crucifixion of the president was meant metaphorically,' he told Fox News. 'My intent was not to compare him to Jesus.'

I guess some people see him as their savior. I don't.

This is not the first time Obama has been controversially compared to Jesus. Most recently, actor Jamie Foxx drew flak when a pre-recorded BET special began with his exhorting the Soul Train Awards crowd to "give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama."

Have any other presidents ever come close to being compared to Jesus Christ or be deemed “savior”? I know many have been labeled anti-christ but this one is different. He is being lauded as a messiah.

“Truth” is the name of this unusual painting of President Barack Obama as Jesus Christ. The piece is on display at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston.

“You are made up of your truth, whatever you believe it to be. You are, what you believe.”

Someone also suggested he looks a bit like a gay coming out the closet.

This is not the first time Obama has been equated with God. The first sighting was in an article in Newsweek, in which Evan Thomas wrote (with a straight face, one presumes):

“I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above—above the world, he’s sort of God.

Bottom line is this:

Putting yourself on the same level as Jesus Christ, whether willingly or unwillingly, directly or indirectly is dangerous. Mr. O'Mahdi, just like anyone else claiming to be christian and whose image were used to portray the Savior should denounce this and request it be taken down. However, we all know Mr. O'Mahdi just says he is christian.

Let us not forget that Jesus was assassinated. The ultra-islamic world went ballistic when they claimed their religion was being blasphemed because a few scandinavians drew pictures of their prophet. What if some ultra-christian fanatic dislikes this event just as much and uses it as fuel for behavior equal to muslims in that instance? 

This is serious stuff, which by the way, USAtoday failed to cover. It is important to get news from multiple media sources, not just mainstream media.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Current Events- The Mark

"So we can locate students, but it's not about tracking them."

Yea, whatever. It's not about "tracking" them but about "locating" them.  So it becomes a matter of semantics...

"of the 4,200 students, the Hernandez family is the only one who has asked out of the program."

And how relevant is that? Just because the issue originated in a high school, doesn't mean we should act like high schoolers; after all "EVERYBODY IS DOING IT".

"Yet the biggest motivation was financial. In Texas, school funding is based on daily attendance. The more students seated in homeroom when the first bell rings, the more state dollars the school receives. If a student is lingering in the hallway or the library when roll is called, the marked absence hurts the school's bottom line."

NO. The biggest motivation is CONDITIONING.

The lawsuit cites scriptures in the book of Revelation, stating that "acceptance of a certain code ... from a secular ruling authority" is a form of idolatry.

Depending on how scripture is interpreted, EVERYTHING is a form of idolatry. However, the scripture being alluded to is found in Revelation 13 and talks about not being able to buy or sell. The previous article talks about reading palms of students to buy lunch.






Monday, November 26, 2012

Current Events-The mark

There is a plethora of ways to keep track of people nowadays. The technology is so vast that the fact it is readily available has become news not so new anymore...

Current Events-Climate

Climate deniers often claim that solutions to global warming are part of a "global socialist agenda," Mann told LiveScience.

"The fact that the World Bank — an entity committed to free market capitalism — has weighed in on the threat of climate change and the urgency of acting to combat it, puts the nail in the coffin of that claim," he said.

Um, I question the "World Bank" being an entity committed to free market capitalism....

Current Events-Climate

Former UN guy promises people will be scared with information soon to be released.
THE next United Nations climate report will ''scare the wits out of everyone'' and should provide the impetus needed for the world to finally sign an agreement to tackle global warming, the former head of the UN negotiations said.

Read more:

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Since your lovingkindness is better than life itself, my lips will forever praise you...

What is life that it should take time away from gazing at your breathtaking grace?
What can compare to the One outside of time and space?
Nothing is the reply.
Why even wonder why...

What is more beautiful than your majestic hand?
Creation is a witness to your glory but only some understand.
This is by design, and I feel blessed beyond measure.
I bought the land because I found my treasure.

I never understood...
why invest so much in the temporary?
I always thought...
it seems so ordinary.

On this side there's only one thing for sure,
and all know it.
But the other side is right next to it.

If beauty and glory are worth so much,
then what is the price of eternity?

Current Events-speculation

Without questioning media sources’ motives, there are more and more news regarding events that can be perceived as cataclysmic, world-ending, and apocalyptic.

It's as if the end-times are becoming entertainment genre. 


I can’t help but notice the “this story is part of Barack Obama” thing again. I looked at other headlines and none mention “this story is part of…”

Current Events-speculation;_ylt=AveLfu5hg2LT13qGKD0cy0LyWed_;_ylu=X3oDMTVxZGEwc2drBGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IE5ld3MgZm9yIFlvdSB3aXRoIE1vcmUgTGluawRwa2cDYjMyZThlOGMtZDFiMC0zNmQwLThkOTItMTVlZDA3NTZjNDFlBHBvcwM0BHNlYwNuZXdzX2Zvcl95b3UEdmVyAzY4MzJjNjkwLTMzMjktMTFlMi1iZmZmLTU5MGZhOTljZWY3MA--;_ylg=X3oDMTQydXRrZ2tlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDMDk1NTdlNzgtNjlkNi0zNjI4LTg0ZDktM2UxZTMxY2NjZGM0BHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZHxtaWRkbGVlYXN0BHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQR0ZXN0A1Rlc3QzX0Zsb2F0aW5nX1VTX01vc3RQb3A-;_ylv=3

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States blocked on Tuesday a U.N. Security Council statement condemning the escalating conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, setting the scene for a possible showdown between Washington and Russia on the issue.

Either that or maybe Washington wants to appear sympathetic to the Jewish cause. Why does Satan hate Jacob so much? Because he is God's chosen. 

The New Age

At its core, the new age doesn’t deny the existence of God the Creator. At its highest levels, knowledge is bold enough to not have to brush off mentions of satan as mere foolishness or humor. Instead, knowledge takes the accusation right on and rationalizes it just as done in the garden. Higher degree illuminists claim that Lucifer, is the one responsible for endowing mankind with knowledge and/or intelligence. 
Since knowledge puffs up, those who love to be puffed up are prideful because of how much they know, and thus will unquestionably accept rhetoric  that stems from any thinking that advocates for knowledge as supreme. Unknowingly, secularists and their worldly way of thinking follow new ageism and all of its lies because knowledge has led to the fooling of the masses. This is why TRUTH is bigger than knowledge/intellect. Because Truth has no need for concoction. It simply is. And there is nothing more absolute than just being. No need for explanation. No ifs or buts. But for darkness to convince the masses, it must think its way through. It has to fool people into believing it as truth because if it were to simply tell the truth, it would lose.
Those who have already pledged an allegiance to satan have been given a “stake” into his worldly affairs. Power, money, knowledge, vanity, sadism, all intertwine in the kingdom of darkness. Again, the boldest soldiers of the army of darkness are in possession of knowledge that their serfs do not have. These bold ones accept God the Father as Creator but do not accept that God the Father is worthy of worship. Rather, they believe that the one worthy of worship is Lucifer, whom they credit with giving mankind knowledge, their prized possession. However, they miss out on another obvious truth. Satan is the materialization of selfishness which is an opposite of love. Selfishness and hate are closely knit together. With this in mind, members of the army of darkness must believe that satan is capable of loving them at some point. If not, then they are masochists. Neither scenario appears impossible. It is also very possible that these with esoteric knowledge accept the Word as true and as such, and in their boldness, also provoke the Truth to materialize so as to suggest that cards have been left unturned. Otherwise, why would they carry out a plan that leads to their destruction? Is it possible that those deemed for destruction and those who see that can accept their destiny with arms wide open? Maybe.
Knowledge is misleading. It is said that “knowledge is power”. But consider what knowledge brought forth: DEATH! 
Given this truth, I can make the argument that only God should possess knowledge since humans are obviously unable to handle it.
From a Christian perspective, this begs the question:
If I trust God, then why do I need to know anything?

Current Events-Obamamahdi

Is he a marked man? Someone tried to wound him last year too, around this same time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Current Events-WAR

A truce has been reached. But for biblical purposes, it doesn't count unless AC signs it himself.

Matthew 24 - a reference regarding desolation

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

This is how the bible outlines the 7 year peace treaty, its breaking after 3.5 years, and Jesus' warning of the Great Tribulation.

Daniel 9 - 7 year peace treaty

25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[f] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[g] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[h] In the middle of the ‘seven’[i] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him



At least 10dead.

This certainly will have an impact on current truce talks.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Current Events-speculation

"Middle East ready to boil over any day," the 81-year-old News Corp. chairman and chief executive wrote

"Israel position precarious. Meanwhile watch CNN and AP bias to point of embarrassment."

"Can't Obama stop his friends in Egypt shelling Israel?" he continued.

Current Events-WAR

An interesting observation on the upper left hand corner of this article. It said:

“This story is part of Barack Obama”
Now it has been changed to "this story is part of the Israel-Gaza conflict"...

Current Events-WAR

Explosion on video.

Current Events-WAR

UN getting involved…

Current Events-WAR

I suspect an evacuation would only be needed if some other countries got involved. Hamas itself wont cause anyone to leave.

Current Events-WAR

An interesting twist to an already escalating important event...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

An epiphany...



Current Events-WAR

MR AC, who according to the bible is to sign a 7 year peace treaty in the holy land, weighs in on the latest conflict.

10:44AM EST November 18. 2012 - BANGKOK (AP) — President Obama said Sunday that an incursion by Israel's forces into the Gaza Strip could deepen its own death toll, cautioning against an escalation even as he defended Israel's right to defend itself. To Palestinians, Obama warned the latest crisis could crush peace hopes for years.

"Israel has every right to expect that it does not have missiles fired into its territory," Obama said at the start of a three-nation tour in Asia.

"If that can be accomplished without a ramping up of military activity in Gaza, that's preferable," he said. "It's not just preferable for the people of Gaza. It's also preferable for Israelis, because if Israeli troops are in Gaza, they're much more at risk of incurring fatalities or being wounded."

Current Events-WAR

11:31AM EST November 18. 2012 - GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — An Israeli envoy held talks with Egyptian officials Sunday on a ceasefire in his country's offensive on Gaza as Israel widened the range of its targets, striking more than a dozen homes of Hamas militants and two media officials.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Current Events-WAR

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Hamas rocket squads aimed at Jerusalem for the first time Friday, along with commercial hub Tel Aviv, showing off their expanded reach as Israeli airstrikes pounded the Palestinian territory for a third day. Israel called up 16,000 reservists, moving a step closer to a possible ground offensive in the Palestinian territory.

The air raid sirens sounded in Jerusalem after the start of the Jewish Sabbath in the holy city, claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital and located about 75 kilometers (47 miles) from Gaza. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the rocket landed in an open area southeast of the city.

Earlier Friday, Gaza militants fired toward Tel Aviv and an explosion was heard in the city, but no injuries were reported. Hamas had first targeted Tel Aviv on Thursday, an unprecedented achievement for the group.

"We are sending a short and simple message: There is no security for any Zionist on any single inch of Palestine and we plan more surprises," Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Hamas militant wing, said of the rockets aimed at Israel's two main cities.

Current Events-WAR

3:38PM EST November 16. 2012 - GAZA CITY — Many Gazans lined up for bread and fuel Friday while others hunkered at home, bracing for a possible ground war from Israel over the relentless barrage of rockets Hamas has been firing across the border.

"Everything has changed completely over the past few days," said Sukrit Kapoor, a lawyer. "People are very, very worried. They have been stocking up on food supplies and so on to make sure they are prepared for the worst."

"People are expecting something big over the next couple of days – a ground invasion might be in the cards," he said.

Could this be THE event? Certainly. The bible declares that the AC will sign a 7 year peace treaty in Israel prior to the tribulation. PEACE and SECURITY is one of the AC's main agenda items.

Current Events-WAR;_ylt=AstggbxgX5Uw44S2kjr5A7nNt.d_;_ylu=X3oDMTVxMG84NjFqBGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IE5ld3MgZm9yIFlvdSB3aXRoIE1vcmUgTGluawRwa2cDZjY2NjNhMzQtZWFkZi0zYjNmLTljMDYtYmQ4ZDFmYjMzNGY1BHBvcwMyBHNlYwNuZXdzX2Zvcl95b3UEdmVyAzk4OTZlMjQwLTJmZmUtMTFlMi1iZWZmLWM1NWYzZGI0NzU1NA--;_ylg=X3oDMTMxOXBtY2o4BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNjkwZjM2MzMtMWNkZi0zMmIzLWE5ZGItNzQ5Y2ZkNjgzODFiBHBzdGNhdANwb2xpdGljc3x3b3JsZARwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2U-;_ylv=3

Again, my "red line" would be Jerusalem. Just one building/civilian/casualty.

Current Events-WAR

3:26PM EST November 16. 2012 - JERUSALEM — Rockets landed outside of Jerusalem and two struck near Tel Aviv on Friday night, panicking people who have normally been outside the range of the missile attacks coming from Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Sirens wailed to warn people in the Israeli capital that a rocket strike was imminent and many people scrambled for basements, but the missiles appeared to have landed in an open area outside Jerusalem, according to the Israeli government.

The holy line will be crossed if Jerusalem is touched. The "red line", referenced by Benjamin Netanyahu with regards to other issues.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said a ground offensive will be launched against Hamas if the rockets do not stop. Israel conducted just such an offensive in the winter of 2008 when Hamas unleashed a barrage of rockets.

On Friday night, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved an expansion of the draft of reserve soldiers to more than 75,000 army reservists if needed, according to Israel Channel 2. Trucks and tanks have been massing toward the border.

Israel began calling up as many as 30,000 reservists Thursday. Such call-ups are not done often, due to the disruptions they cause and the expense of mobilizing a civilian army. Many reservists received the order 6 a.m. Friday and, within hours, were on their way to Israel's border with Gaza in the south.

Hours before the Jewish Sabbath was set to begin, religious Israelis used social media to call on Jews around the world to recite Psalms on behalf of the country's soldiers. Rabbis said Jews in bomb shelters should not light Sabbath candles.

Done. Amen. 

Current Events-WAR

"We're here today to say to Israel: Go to Hell," said Mustafa Kamel from a Cairo neighborhood called Imbaba at a demonstration outside Al-Azhar Mosque that was planned by the Muslim Brotherhood.

This sounds extreme to me.

"Muslims are strong. In Egypt, we refuse Israel and the politics of America."

It is indeed a religious issue first, territorial second.

"The Muslim Brotherhood has made it clear they want to use this as an excuse to sever ties," said Eric Trager of the pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

The coalition surrounds Jacob, and he will be delivered.

"Where are the human rights with what happened in Israel?" asked Mohammed Gouma, 22, a protester from Beni Suef. "Children are being killed in Gaza, and what has Barack Obama done?"

Be patient sir. BO is just like any other "hero", there has got to be some drama before he steps in. It's all part of the plot. 

Current Events-WAR

Planned cease-fire appears to have failed.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"We want to kill in the name of God," chanted mourners as angry gunmen fired automatic weapons into the air. Hundreds of people raised their index fingers in the air, chanting, "God is great."

"This crime will not weaken us. It will make us stronger and more determined to continue the path of jihad and resistance," Hamas lawmaker Mushir al-Masri said in a eulogy. "The enemy opened the battle and shall bear the consequences."

"Israel must know that Egypt before the revolution is not the same as Egypt after the revolution," said Mohamed El Mekkawi of the Muslim Brotherhood's political wing. "Egypt has changed and we have to emphasize our citizens' demands." 









There appears to be "condemnation" from all sides....


Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has reportedly approved the summons of 30,000 reserve soldiers. The troops can be called into action by the military at any point, an IDF spokesman told Israel’s Channel 2 TV, as quoted by AFP

Things may be getting a bit serious.


United Nations condemns violence
The U.N. Security Council held an emergency closed-door session late Wednesday about the crisis.

And Obamahdi violated the constitution by being the sit-in Security Council General back in 2009.



“Let me say specifically about Susan Rice, she has done exemplary work,” the president insisted. “If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. And I’m happy to have that discussion with them. But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received and to besmirch her reputation is outrageous.”

Obama said he would not argue that Congress had a duty to get to the bottom of the attacks, “but when they go after the U.N. ambassador apparently because they think she’s an easy target then they’ve got a problem with me.”

“And should I choose if I think she should be the best person to serve America in the capacity of the State Department then I will nominate her. That’s not a determination that I’ve made yet.”


Current Events- WAR

As Hamas’s armed wing warned that Jabari’s assassination “had opened the gates of hell”, Israel was braced for a surge in rocket fire from Gaza aimed at communities in the south of the country. Residents in towns in southern Israel were ordered to stay in bomb shelters, and schools in a 40km radius closed.

The "opened the gates of hell" statement is a bit unnerving....

Current Events-Martial Law

The White House on Wednesday receieved a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (PDF link) from two attorneys with the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), demanding that President Barack Obama release the text of what they called a “secret” new cyber security law that appears to enable “military deployment within the United States.”

The FOIA was filed in response to an article that appeared in The Washington Post this week, claiming that Obama issued a secret directive shortly before the elections that empowers the military to “vet any operations outside government and defense networks” for cyber security purposes.

However, because the exact text of the directive remains a secret, nobody can really say exactly what it does. That was somewhat disconcerting to American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel Michelle Richardson, who told Raw Story on Wednesday that without the text, “it’s hard to see what they mean.”

Current Events-World Economy

The eurozone has returned to recession as the region's debt crisis continues to hurt demand, figures show. The economy of the 17-nation bloc contracted by 0.1% between July and September, after shrinking 0.2% in the previous three months, Eurostat said. The eurozone was last in recession in 2009, when the economy contracted for five consecutive quarters. The news comes a day after millions of workers in Europe held a day of action against austerity measures.

Protests in Spain, Italy and Portugal were marred by violence.

Countries such as Greece that have been bailed out by international lenders continue to see their economies shrink. Meanwhile larger economies such as Spain have imposed spending cuts in an attempt to avoid having to ask for a bailout.


The head of the Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, blasted Israel as "the project of the devil" during a speech Thursday at an Islamic conference in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

The devil is a liar.

Video of sirens going off in Tel-Aviv

It appears phones are also down in Tel-aviv.


China and Japan voice concern just one day into event.

Usually, nations take a few days before voicing their opinions in non-urgent matters.

This appears urgent.


Shortest news article ive ever seen…

One sentence:

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's state TV says president has ordered his prime minister to visit Gaza Strip on Friday .


Israel has approved the call-up of 30,000 reservists as it moves troops towards Gaza. It increases the prospect of a ground war - while Palestinian militants fired rockets at Tel Aviv, Israel's main commercial city, for the first time in 20 years.

"There's already been an increase in movement of ground troops close to Gaza, the movement of tanks and so on."

"If there is going to be a ground offensive, those troops have got to come from somewhere else and they would need to be back-filled."

"So, in all likelihood, this is all part of the military planning for a ground assault into Gaza, should the Israeli prime minister so order."

"It's part of the plan, but that order has not yet been given. But this is a strong indication that Israeli troops are preparing to go into the Gaza Strip."

Mr Netanyahu said the army was prepared for a "significant widening" of its Gaza offensive. In a televised address, he said: "We will not tolerate a situation in which Israeli citizens are threatened by rocket fire."

US President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon both telephoned Mr Netanyahu ahead of an urgent UN Security Council meeting on the deteriorating situation.


Article written in September which I just now found...

How to describe the city of Jerusalem has caused controversy at this week's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, with confusing scenes on the convention floor as a vote was held on the issue. BBC Diplomatic Correspondent Jonathan Marcus explains why.
President Barack Obama reportedly intervened personally to have the sentence "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel" returned to the Democratic Party's main policy document on Wednesday.

For its part, the Republican programme refers to "two democratic states - Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine - living in peace and security".
Israel and many of its supporters regard a united Jerusalem - Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967 - as its undivided capital.


The danger is that it will simply unleash a new cycle of escalation which could eventually prompt a major Israeli engagement on the ground.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas have opened a new front in the propaganda war, via Twitter.


GAZA (Reuters) - Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip targeted Tel Aviv on Thursday in the first attack on Israel's commercial capital in 20 years, raising the stakes in a showdown between Israel and the Palestinians that is moving towards all-out war.

Israeli warplanes bombed targets in and around Gaza city for a second day, shaking tall buildings. In a sign of possible escalation, the armed forces spokesman said the military had received the green light to call in up to 30,000 reserve troops.

After watching powerlessly from the sidelines of the Arab Spring, Israel has been thrust to the centre of a volatile new world in which Islamist Hamas hopes that Mursi and his newly dominant Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will be its protectors.

Israel's sworn enemy Iran, which supports and arms Hamas, condemned the Israeli offensive as "organized terrorism". Lebanon's Iranian-backed Shi'ite militia Hezbollah, which has its own rockets aimed at the Jewish state, denounced strikes on Gaza as "criminal aggression", but held its fire. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemned Israel's action. Oil prices rose more than $1 as the crisis grew. Israeli shares and bonds fell, while Israel's currency rose off Wednesday's lows, when the shekel slid more than 1 percent to a two-month low against the dollar.

Hamas has said the killing of its top commander in a precise, death-from-above air strike, would "open the gates of hell" for Israel.

But before all that....a 7 year peace treaty will be signed. Many believe this to be the cutting of the  cordon/ribbon signaling the beginning of the Tribulation.