This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Monday, December 28, 2015

Current Events-BO

Once again, President Obama tops the annual Gallup Poll for most admired man, although this year an intriguing pair is tied for second.
Donald Trump and Pope Francis both finished with 5% of respondents who named them their most admired man, well behind Obama's 17%.
LOL....BO? The most admired man? 2016 is gonna be an interesting say the least. Will something extraordinary take place that would give him a third term?

Current Events-National Debt

The Federal Reserve this month took interest rates up for the first time in nearly a decade - ending the days of free money. It might take a few years for higher rates to hit companies - as they look to refinance debt. But the troubling part is many companies aren't in great shape to eat the higher costs.

Many are actually putting a date on the beginning of the end for the Dollar...

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Current Events-China beef

China called on the United States to end "provocative" military actions Saturday after two B-52 bombers flew near islands in the South China Sea that Beijing claims it owns.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Just a thought....

So If BO is indeed the Mahdi...would he not bring muslims to where hes at?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Current Events-Heavenly bodies

A massive asteroid will hurtle by Earth on Oct. 31, at "unusually" high speeds, according to scientists.

Not wormwood...but something like that can always disrupt the powergrid.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

God says...

Here. I have an offer.

Worship me.

Then man, takes a lifetime to decipher whether to accept such an Offer.

And some never even ponder the mere "possibility."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Current Events-Israeli violence

Palestinians late Thursday set fire to a religious site in the West Bank revered by some Jews as the tomb of biblical patriarch Joseph.

Stuff is heating soon before it boils over?

Meanwhile, Russia is in Syria. 


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Current Events-Jerusalem

Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem Sunday morning to clear Muslim stone throwers who had taken refuge in the compound amid allegations they planned to disrupt Jewish worshipers on the eve of the Jewish new year.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Current Events-Chinese vessels

What particularly caused concern about the behavior of the Chinese vessels was, firstly, the fact that they came within 12 nautical miles of the United States coast. 
Pentagon officials indeed confirmed that five Chinese navy ships had passed through United States territorial waters as they transited the Aleutian Islands. And this has unquestionably generated headlines in many quarters. But it is important to emphasize that the ships had also completely complied with international law.
Nonetheless, analysts are assessing this incident as a significant chapter in the ongoing diplomatic, economic and covert military battle between the United States and China. The Chinese authorities have long objected to the United States transiting vessels in its territorial waters, or indeed operating in international waters just outside the limits of China. In this context, this latest incident could be seen as very much a retaliatory effort from the Chinese.
Certainly there has been no effort to deny the incident on the behalf of the Chinese authorities. The Chinese defense ministry has confirmed that navy ships had sailed to the Bering Sea for training after joint exercises with Russia, but that the activity was completely routine and certainly not aimed at any particular nation.
"you will hear of wars and rumours of wars"...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Current Events-Stock Market

New month, same old negative, scary, correction-like price action on Wall Street as the Dow plunged 470 points on the first trading day of September.

The volatility continues...

Monday, August 31, 2015

Current Events-Credit cards and chips

Techies are calling the upcoming shift in how we will use our credit cards at the store something like "dip the chip."
It's not a bad way of explaining things. Instead of swiping our plastic, we'll be able to slide or dip our chip-equipped credit cards at chip-enabled terminals at the register. You might see the new way of doing things as soon as the next time you shop at Target or another big retailer.
Ye. Let's start getting people used to "chips". Maybe one day we can just put it ON them.
2.  What happens if I don't get a new chip card soon?
"Nothing really," said Gerri Detweiler, at
LOL. Amazing.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Current Events-The Markets

Stocks dropped in early trading Friday as Wall Street gets set to close out a turbulent week that saw the major indexes swing dramatically and fall into official correction territory for the first time since 2011.

The up-and-down swing should continue for a while...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Current Events-Markets

Stocks surged again Thursday as Wall Street builds on the Dow's historic rally Wednesday as order is restored to the U.S. stock market following its first dip into correction territory in four years.

Stock Market volatility is akin to a car fishtailing. Sooner or later, it will crash.


Also driving the bullish price action today on Wall Street was "news that the Chinese government was directly buying equities in addition to making liquidity injections into the banking system," according to a report from Bespoke Investment Group. The government support helped the Shanghai composite index reverse losses late in the day and finish up more than 5%.

So the Chinese govt is pumping money directly into their markets. I wonder if the US govt does the same...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Current Events-The Markets

Stocks jumped about 2% at the open Tuesday as Wall Street rebounded from Monday's 588-point drop in the Dow in a stock market rout that sent all the major indexes into official correction territory.

On other, more important news:

The People's Bank of China said the rate for a one-year loan will be cut 0.25 percentage point to 4.6% and the one-year rate for deposits will fall to 1.75%. The central bank also lowered the amount of crash reserves Chinese banks are required to hold.
Yes. A major US newspaper with writers who graduated from top-notch schools misspell CASH. Instead, they put CRASH.
The announcement was made after the close of Chinese and other Asian markets, which were volatile Tuesday as Chinese stocks plunged again and Tokyo markets also fell sharply after earlier rebounding. The Shanghai composite index declined 7.6% to 2,964.97. The index is now below the psychologically important 3,000 level.

At least YAHOO! made the news a headline:

China cuts rates, reserve ratio after stocks plummet again

Monday, August 24, 2015

Current Events-World Markets

Markets throughout the world in disarray...

The Dollar bubble

So we find ourselves in the midst of a semi-stock market crash precipitated by moves the Chinese are making, namely, the devaluation of the Yuan.

It has become obviously clear that the US and China are clearly pegged together, at least for the time being, and what happens to China happens in the US and the rest of the world.

The chinese have manipulated their currency, and as a result, the following has occurred:

#1-August 9, 2015- China has reduced its holdings of US Treasuries by about $180 billion...and yet Bloomberg chooses to indicate that the demand for US treasuries is still "robust"...

Why would China make such a move?

Current Events-The Markets

NEW YORK —Stocks plunged at the open as the market bloodbath showed no signs of letting up with the Dow tumbling as much as 1,089 points in the opening minutes of trading.
The Standard & Poor's 500 index plunged 4.4% as the broad-based index joined the Dow in correction territory, a drop of 10% or more from its recent high. The Nasdaq composite index dropped 5% and also fell into a correction.

Market anxiety is on the rise after a big sell-off in China overnight, where the Shanghai composite index shed 8.5%, its biggest one-day decline since 2007 — and Chinese media were dubbing the selloff "Black Monday." The global stock rout then moved to Europe where major indexes there are off roughly 5%.

It goes to show....that China is indeed in control.

In other news NOT reported by USAToday:

NEW YORK, (Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange invoked Rule 48 on Monday in an effort to speed up and smooth trading at the market open, as exceptionally high volatility is expected.

Current Events-The Markets

BEIJING — Wall Street followed global markets lower Monday with the Dow plunging as much as 1,089 points at the open as China's slowing economy rattled investors from Shanghai toFrankfurt.
The sell-off Monday began once again in China as the Shanghai composite index fell over 8.5% to 3,209.91.

Current Events-The Markets

What’s bad for China is bad for the U.S.
China’s plunging stock market is ricocheting around the globe and dragging down U.S. markets, raising awareness of how the world’s two largest economies are profoundly interconnected despite political consternation over trade competition between the two nations.
The futures market indicates that the Dow could drop more than 500 points when trading opens this morning. That comes after China’s Shanghai composite indexposted its biggest one-day drop since 2007, falling 8.5% Monday.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Current Events-What is China doing??

Excerpt starting @9:12...Schiff breaks down the dilemma.

"Everybody is focused on the de-valuation, which is tiny. TWO or THREE percent. The PRinciple here is what's important. CHina said they do not want to be pegged to the dollar but to 'kinda reflect fundamentals'. Everybody forgets the Dollar has risen over 30% against a basket of currencies over the past couple years. Since the chinese currency is tied to dollars, it TOO rose. However, when the dollar collapses, China will not "fantasy fog lift" it by suppressing the value of the Yuan by purchasing US securities any further, China is not gonna be there to catch us this time.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Current Events-World Economy

Most nations in South America are either already experiencing an economic recession or are right on the verge of one. 

A global economic collapse is coming...Then what?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Current Events-September 2015

September 2015 is a month where several events (a mix of secular and spiritual) take place. With the exception of #13(just plain sesame, anthony patch, cern?) these events by themselves warrant careful observation. How much more so collectively?

If you dont wanna watch, here's a list of the events and links for further information:

Israeli Rabbi Says Messiah Coming

What is Shmitta

Rosh Hashanah and the creation of Adam and Eve

Anno Lucis Year of Light

UN Resolution for the State of Palestine Sept. 15

Jade Helm 15 ends on Sept 15.

International Day of Peace September 21

Yom Kippur (Day of atonement) starts the evening of Sept 21 

70th Jubilee year to start on Sept 23

Day of Arafat (Pilgrimmage to Mecca) begins Sept 22

Islamic Feast of Sacrifice Sept 23-26

Prophetic Time Cycle from Israel Recapture june 7 1967 to September 23, 2015 

Mayan Time Cycle in years to days from Sept 11 – Sept 23 (5126 days)

Madonna Tour east coast

Pope Francis Apostolic tour

500 Day Climate Change Limit

Ground Zero Media: Rain of Terror: Iran hit with Comet (Connection to Climate Change) 

Tomorroworld Festival

Feast of Tabernacles

Four Blood Moons

Articles about Economic Collapse in September 2015

Chinese President to Visit America in September 2015

Call for New World Currency 

1948 to 2015 and the connection to Israel

Madhi Coming in September?

Add to that the possibility of a rate hike by the Federal Reserve (1st time in nearly a decade)at its September 16-17 meeting.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Current Events-September 2015

Interesting article from an alternative media news source about events set to happen in September. My guess is that the mainstream media isn't reporting on it yet because it's still a month away but surely to do so when the time nears....

First of all, the most important template for global governance that the United Nations has ever dreamed up is going to be launched at a major conference from September 25th to September 27th.  The launching of this “new universal agenda” is such an important event that the Pope is going to be traveling to New York City to give the address that will kick off this conference.  This new plan is known as “the 2030 Agenda“, and it is being called “Agenda 21 on steroids”.  This is one of the most significant steps toward global government in the history of the world, and yet the mainstream media in the United States is saying virtually nothing about it.

Secondly, we also know that a major push for the establishment of a Palestinian state is being planned for September.  It has been widely reported by the international media that France plans to submit a UN Security Council resolution which would formally recognize a Palestinian state for the first time ever.  This is one of the most critical moments in the modern history of the Middle East.

In September we also have the end of the Shemitah year, the fourth blood moon, and the end of the Jade Helm exercises.  All over the Internet there is rampant speculation about a major stock market crash, devastating natural disasters and the weird “coincidences”.

Current Events-Economics

Stocks fell at the opening bell Tuesday as investors react to an earnings miss from retail giant Walmart(WMT) and another bout of turbulence in China's equity market.

Also weighing on sentiment was a 6.2% drop suffered by China's Shanghai composite index, a volatile index that fell more than 8.5% in a single day a few weeks ago. "Chinese stocks are down today following concerns that the Chinese authorities may be less supportive of share prices," Barclays told clients in an early-morning research note.

Keep an eye on the Chinese market, government, etc.

BEIJING — China's Shanghai composite indexplunged more than 6% Tuesday and other Asian markets also declined as investors appeared to show a delayed reaction to news that China's market regulator would allow market forces to play a greater role in determining stock prices.

The mainland China stock benchmark's 6.2% drop to 3,748.16 was its biggest decline in three weeks. The index fell 8.5% in late July as worries about China's ability to maintain high economic growth levels undermined investor confidence.
Last week, Chinese stocks sold off following a dramatic devaluation of its yuan currency that led to the nation's central bank injecting cash into the financial system.
Analysts said the immediate cause of Tuesday's sharp sell-off was a delayed reaction to a Friday statement by China's market regulator.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Current Events-Chinese economic muscle

After two days of turbulence caused by China's surprise intervention in currency markets, global markets flashed signs of stability Thursday as stocks around the globe rebounded after China slowed the pace of yuan depreciation and its central bank took steps to reassure markets.

So the markets feel "turbulence" after the Chinese tweak their economic approach just a bit? 

Global investors are coming to the view that the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank will be "more supportive" if the China shock becomes more severe.

Oh. How kind of supportive will they be if China devalues the Yuan by 10%?

The selloff in risk assets, such as stocks, has eased today, spurring purchases of beaten down stocks that got crushed the past two days due to fears that the devaluation in China was an admission by Chinese officials that their economy was in dire straights.

LOL. Interesting angle. I have yet to hear that the Chinese economy is in trouble...or in "dire straights." 
In fact, I find it hard to believe that an exporter as gigantic as China will ever have economic trouble except if it would facilitate a new world reserve currency.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Current Events-Chinese Economy

China took action Tuesday that resulted in the biggest one-day drop in the value of its currency in a decade with the apparent goal of reinvigorating a slowing economy.
The yuan slid in value after the Chinese government changed currency controls. The move came amid the latest release of data showing weakening trade in the world's second largest economy.
The yuan fell 1.3% against the dollar compared to Monday's rate. While it might sound modest, it was the biggest one day fall since the yuan's value was decoupled from the American dollar in 2005 and became tied to a basket of foreign currencies, including the dollar.

So, China devalues its currency AFTER dropping $180,000,000,000 worth of US Treasuries. What does that imply?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Current Events-Chinese Economics

China has reduced its holdings of US Treasuries by about $180 billion...and yet Bloomberg chooses to indicate that the demand for US treasuries is still "robust"...

Why would China make such a move?

UPDATE 8/24/15

Because it is getting ready to dump its dollar assets and along with it its partnership/pegging to everything associated with it!

What used to keep the dollar afloat in previous crashes was customers, like China, who would purchase US securities for their own reasons, namely, currency manipulation. 

Imagine if...China simply decided to stop exporting????

The chinese will usher in a new world currency!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Current Events-7 year peace treaty

In case you hadn’t noticed, there is no Israeli-Palestinian peace process and no prospect of starting one – at least one that would lead to an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians on core issues like borders anytime soon. 

Bo will get it done...sooner or later. And then...fireworks.

Current Events-Economic default

Puerto Rico to miss payment, default looms

Puerto Rico's government said Friday it would not make a $58 million bond payment due over the weekend.

Puerto Rico, a territory of the United States, defaults on its debt. That's not that serious....

BUT....Imagine the following headline and the effects thereafter:


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Current Events-Gaybo

NAIROBI — President Obama called on African nations Saturday to confer equal rights to gays and lesbians, kicking off his first full day in the nation by undertaking a topic that remains highly sensitive on the continent.

"A man shall not sleep with a man as he does with a woman, for that is detestable."

Yes, we are all guilty of breaking the law at some point but as Paul says, "Sexual sin is sinning against your own body"..."The temple of the Holy Spirit". Furthermore, it is more egregious in the sense that the very IMAGE of God is being profaned.

It's one thing to break the law. It's another to be ok with sinful behavior.

Romans 1:32

"Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

Current Events-National Economy

An interesting move...what will it precipitate?

Current Events-World news

Iran's supreme leader tweeted a graphic Saturday that appears to depict President Obama holding a gun to his head.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Current Events-Ishmael persecutes Isaac

 A key committee of the United Nations cultural agency adopted a resolution this week whose language implicitly endorses the legend underpinning Islam’s claim to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount -- the assertion that Mohammed tied his winged steed there while en route from Mecca to heaven.

A new world order wont be a new world order unless it includes the Middle East(Islam) in its plans. It is too rich/influential of a region to ignore.

Current Events-International Economy

Greece has extended bank closures and a $66 limit on ATM withdrawals until Monday, as the deadline for the country to submit detailed economic reform proposals looms.
The debt-strapped country has until the end of Thursday to present the plans in exchange for a bailout.
I expect the same thing to happen within Babylonian shores in the next 2 years. You dont have to be an economics guru to realize that living beyond your means by printing paper out of thin air is quite simply, reckless.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Current Events-Civil War

Tense Confederate flag rally outside Phoenix Walmart

PHOENIX — The same man who staged a contentious rally outside a Phoenix mosque in May led a noisy protest Sunday in Phoenix to denounce Walmart pulling Confederate flag merchandise from its shelves.

All of these types of events seem to be leading towards a Second American Revolution of some sort, especially if escalated.

Current Events-Economic Collapse(Greece style)

Greece's FM resigns as Athens scrambles to avert economic collapse

Thursday, July 2, 2015

*BREAKING NEWS* Here's how China, single-handedly, and once-strikingly, can DESTROY the American economy....

China...If They Pull the Plug, We're Screwed.

And what if Babylon REacts likewise?

It would make things worse for her. Here's how:

1-It loses revenue from the profits it makes when IT exports.

2-It loses exposure to the eye.

And thus, its much needed influence on other societies diminishes. America is largely dependent on doing so for economic prowess.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Current Events-Universalism

Headline says: Pope Francis just took a huge step in uniting science and religion.

As any universalist would....

I think it becomes more and more obvious that this pope is ready to unite the world in many different aspects.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Current Events-Secular disciple

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis says most climate change is due to human activity and calls it one of the most important moral issues facing society, according to a draft leaked Monday of his long-awaited encyclical on global warming.

Since when is a disciple more concerned about creation than Creator?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Current Events-World Economy

WASHINGTON — For a second year in a row, the annual summit of major world economies will exclude Russia when the group's leaders convene Sunday in a German castle.

Ekaterina Zabrovskaya, editor of Russia Direct, a Moscow-based website for opinion and analysis of Russian policy, said it's not a good sign for Ukraine that Russia was expelled from the G-8 because it means there are fewer opportunities for both sides to explain their positions and find some common ground. But it is not as problematic as it sounds.
"Russia has always considered the G-8 to be about prestige and more of a club," she said. "Being invited back would definitely be a victory for the Kremlin, but I don't think they are worried about rejoining ASAP."
Zabrovskaya added that the sanctions were counter-productive, not substantially harming Russia's economic elite but rather its ordinary citizens, and they fostered anti-Western, particularly anti-American, sentiment.

Current Events-Proxy War

Is the name of the game...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Current Events-War

Above the South China Sea (CNN)The Chinese navy issued warnings eight times as a U.S. surveillance plane on Wednesday swooped over islands that Beijing is using to extend its zone of influence.

“There is a real danger that China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily, and then the threat of third world war becomes real,” said Soros.

Yes Mr.Soros, that is a REAL possibility.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Current Events-Reserve Currency Alternative

Rumor has it that the IMF will announce a world reserve currency alternative on October 20th. After doing my own research, it appears to be just that, rumor. I checked the IMF page itself and such an announcement or anything closely related to it is nowhere to be found. However, I did find an interesting section on the IMF webpage.

Apparently, religion plays a role in the IMF as outlined in this section of its webpage. The word "Islamic", is used casually and nonchalantly, as if it were in use for what appears to be a long time now. It includes descriptions of how the religion views finance, what is or isn't prohibited, and uses specific terms like "sukuk"-Islamic equivalent for bonds-to add further to its advocacy thereof.

Current Events-Pope attacks capitalism

Pope Francis will denounce the inequalities of capitalism when he becomes the first pontiff to address Congress on his visit to the U.S. in September, according to his closest adviser.

Perhaps he is more than a pope...

In any case...we are well on our way towards a socialist New World Order.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Current Events-7 Year peace treaty

The Vatican made headlines around the world Wednesday by announcing that it hasfinalized an agreement with the Palestinian state on Catholic Church activities within Palestinian territories. While that announcement was the Holy See's most explicit statement to date recognizing Palestinian statehood, by no means did it mark a change in Vatican policy.

Moving forward towards the 7 year peace treaty and the Great Tribulation.