This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The 'end of days' is a time period of high importance for the monotheist. It marks the beginning of the end for many, and the beginning of forever for others.

The last days will be a time of chaos in which events will take place in an unprecedented form. Supernatural phenomena will abound, and the inhabitants of the earth will be tested. It is important to point out that islamic eschatology gets much of its end time prophecy from the Bible. Islamic scholars are always quick to suggest that the Bible has been corrupted but yet they pick texts from this 'corrupt' source to formulate their own end times views.

It is simple. Jesus said 'you are the LIGHT of the world'. 'He that is not for us is against us'. Light and darkness have nothing in common. Light discloses EVERYTHING. Darkness CONCEALS everything. It is interesting to read literature that involves islam and substitute the term islam for darkness to see if and how the substance of these messages change.

The differences between the lie and the Truth is essential to the understanding of how climactic and dramatic the end times will be. It will truly be a time where faith will manifest itself for there will be such a strong delusion at the time, that no one will be able to FIGURE out what is the Truth and what is the lie. It will simply be a matter of what you believe. Given that God has ordained things from the beginning, it is easy to see how only God could design such a plan with divine power/intelligence. In essence, God removes logic and reason for the purpose of faith revealing. Many times we act in certain ways because we can conclude what the outcome would be. We are calculators. However, in the end of days, trying to FIGURE out things may be what dooms people.

It all begins with the rise of satan's messiah(antichrist). Since satan's existence revolves around God, it is only expected that satan try and duplicate the work of God in an effort to deceive many. Just as God manifested Himself in the flesh, so also satan will do the same. Just as Christ was resurrected, satan too will try and duplicate that.

The plot thickens when it is realized that the seed of Ishmael has an end times manifestation in accordance to its scriptures that can also be found in the Bible. Whereas many Christians think that all other texts are worth discarding, one would be wise in examining the scriptures that originate from the seed of Ishmael to see how EXACTLY SIMILAR the two accounts are in terms of personas. Islam like Christianity has a messiah, or the MAHDI. The mahdi is the major sign that indicates end times. The mahdi will usher in a socialist revolution that will be backed by all.

Socialism/communism removes God from the equation and gives people the false impression that an utopia has been achieved. Anytime you remove God from the equation, you remove Light. God /LIGHT HAS to be removed in order for people to remain unaware that this utopia is really a lie.

The mahdi will run a government for ALL. All for one and one for all. HUMANS are god! he will exclaim and proclaim. Since religion plays a major role in the world, the mahdi's solution to bring unity on that spectrum would be to appear muslim to the muslim, atheist to the atheist, agnostic to the agnostic, hindu to the hindu, buddhist to the buddhist, etc. The reason why I dont mention Christians with that list is because Christians, the LIGHT of the world, can not only see darkness but can also REVEAL or DISPLAY it thus spoiling the selfish party. It is ultimately a matter of self vs God. Wasn't it so with satan and God? PRIDE?

Religious or philosophical utopia would be achieved by means of 'tolerance'. This can be easily achieved because the 'minor' religions have no concrete truth about them in terms of deity. They are simply looking for someone who wants to do 'good' or further the advance of the human race, for if you have no god or if you have many gods, God isn't God, YOU are god. In fact, it is no major thing to say to a buddhist Jesus is God because there is no god in buddhism. They just look at what you do. This helps us to further solidify that what you 'confess with your mouth and believe in your heart' is just as important if not more important than what you do. ESCHATOLOGY ASIDE, HERE IS AN IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING:

For the believer, the importance of what I do is only important because of what I believe. If I didn't believe what i believe, then my deeds would testify to nothing thus making deeds pointless. I do what I do because it serves as evidence for what I know to be true. For the unbeliever, their deeds are only important because they lead to glory, since there is no reason that can serve as a precedent. Walking the walk only matters if talking the talk took place. The following illustration can help with cause and effect:

BELIEVER                  BELIEF -------> DEEDS ---------> GLORY---------> GOD
NON BELIEVER                                DEEDS--------->GLORY----------->SELF

The two main differences: The non believer lacks foundation/beginning which ultimately leads to glorification of self.


The concept of blasphemy only arises when a deity is assumed. In hinduism, there are MANY gods, so the value ONE god has to them really is irrelevant since they have a choice to pick from. There is no such thing as blasphemy in the 'minor' religions. However, there is 'blasphemy' in islam. So in order for the mahdi to appeal to the muslims, HE HAS to appear muslim enough, even if he appears something else, in order to get darkness to accept darkness. But how does darkness know what it is when it can't see itself? Now, this is where the nature of islam comes into play because islam is a religion of darkness, hence its primary symbol being the moon(the light of the night). Islam advocates for deceit(altaqiya/kithman) when the reason to lie would further the dark cause/agenda. In essence, if you can lie to others, you can lie to anyone, including yourself. When you lie to yourself, depending how far you go with it, you can even think yourself god! Darkness revels in darkness because darkness never reveals anything. All darkness does is go around in circles. It doesn't stand for anything because it can't see itself standing. The only things it does is perpetuate deceit so that MORE deceit can be born. It is a vicious cycle. Now, are muslims the only seeds of darkness? By no means. Anyone who lies is a seed of darkness and anyone who encourages darkness hates the light. The danger in allowing for deceit is that you let yourself pave your own way or manipulate everything in order to reach your goal which you claim is allah's will. In essence, allah can be perceived as self since one is allowed to think that what one is doing, whatever it is, one is doing it for allah. If a person can lie himself to the top, he would do it. He would give allah the glory, but then in reality he would only be giving glory to himself. For if one lies for allah and becomes god, then who is allah? Was allah the tool he simply used to permit himself to do everything he wanted to do in the 1st place?

Since the mahdi can't fool christians and the Truth, he will persecute them because they refuse to dwell in darkness. He will appeal to the rest of the world by suggesting he can identify with everyone. He is whatever an individual wants him to be. He is everything an individual wants him to be.  Obviously, this is only accomplished via deception. However, since deception reigns in these days, deception is accepted.  Here is what I gather from both sets of eschatology...

The muslim mahdi/messiah is the christian antichrist.

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