I guess a government shutdown doesn't prevent the ordinary from continuing to take place but will these changes mean much when the dollar bill is as good as monopoly money?
I think it's quite a reach to suggest events are prophesied
in currency notes in spite of the fact that money makes the world go
around. I think it's more accurate to suggest that the person doing the
folding believes that the events he claims are found on the notes will
take place. Personally, I agree. I think the US will suffer an attack.
Defense spending is down and the US will default on its debt one day
which will collapse the dollar. When the dollar collapses, it will make
room for a new global reserve currency. China continues to call for this and
coincidentally is the largest purchaser of US debt. The New World Order
will be socialist in nature and will eliminate the only capitalist
obstacle in the way, which happens to be the lone superpower still
alive, the United States. It will eliminate it economically first, as is
happening, then militarily, as prophesied in Revelation 18, which in
my opinion depicts the New Babylon as New York or the USA.