This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Current Events-International Economy

The Bank of Japan has surprised markets by stepping up its stimulus programme in a bid to ward off the threat of deflation.
Members of the bank's policy setting board voted 5-4 to extend its already unprecedented target of expanding the monetary base by 60 to 70 trillion yen (£340bn to £394bn) a year.

In a surprise move on Friday, the Bank of Japan dramatically increased the size of the quantitative easing program that it has been conducting.  This sent Japanese stocks soaring and the Japanese yen plunging.  The yen had already fallen by about 11 percent against the dollar over the last year before this announcement, and news of the BOJ’s surprise move caused the yen to collapse to a seven year low.  Essentially what the Bank of Japan has done is declare a currency war...

If you boost your exports by devaluing your currency, you take away business from someone else.  And ultimately other nations start devaluing their currencies in an attempt to stay competitive.  That is why they call it a currency war. 

It's already having an impact in surrounding economies as shares of auto makers Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors fell 5.9% and 5.6%, respectively, on Monday.

UPDATE 11/18/14

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Tuesday he will postpone a controversial sales tax rise scheduled for next October and call a parliamentary election two years earlier than planned.The announcement was made at an executive meeting of Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and comes as Japan's economy recently slipped back into recession.

On Monday, Japan said its economy contracted at a real annual rate of 1.6% in July-September, a second straight quarterly decline that returned the country to recession.

Ever since the tsunami...Japan has been in a tough situation. 

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