This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Current Events-War

The wrath of Joseph and the West begins...

Sanctions upon two Russian banks as well as the country’s sovereign debt, as he blamed Moscow for what he called the beginning of an invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has suspended the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline after Russia recognized separatist-held regions in eastern Ukraine.

The Olympic Games are over. Will the War Games begin?

On a sidenote...The US dollar is down for a 7th straight week.

UPDATE 2/23/22

Ukraine declares a "State of Emergency". Im not sure what that entails. Usually that's reserved for natural disasters and whatnot. 

If your country is being "invaded" as the media is need to be doing more than press releases. 

UN Chief Antonio Guterres said "I am proud of the achievements of U.N. Peacekeeping operations in which so many Blue Helmets have sacrificed their lives to protect civilians," he said. "When troops of one country enter the territory of another country without its consent, they are not impartial peacekeepers."     

"They are not peacekeepers at all," Guterres said.    

Tough talk but the Federation holds Presidency of the Council at this moment and have indicated the operation is for "peacekeeping" purposes.

Very complex situation to say the least...

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres — who cut short a planned international trip to speak at the General Assembly on Wednesday — told the assembly in his opening remarks that the world was "facing a moment of peril."

On Tuesday, Guterres said the U.N. "and the entire international system are being tested, and we must pass this test."  

"Now is the time to get off the sidelines," said Thomas-Greenfield (US Ambassador to the UN). "Let us show Russia that it is isolated and alone in its aggressive actions. Let us stand fully behind the principles of sovereignty, political independence, and territorial integrity for Ukraine, and for all Member States."

Putin said the Kremlin has no intention of occupying the country, placing blame for any potential bloodshed on the Ukrainian “regime.” He threatened countries that would attempt to interfere with “consequences they have never seen.”

Those are some pretty serious sounding words. I dont think anyone is gonna try to interfere anyway, at least not militarily. 

"Who in the Lord's name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belongs to his neighbours?" US President Joe Biden said as he announced economic sanctions against Russia.

Joseph man, obviously your talks must not have been stern enough to dissuade the guy. Bobo did not take this seriously enough as he's already got enough on his plate with the partygate scandal, going against the science on COVID and doing photo-ops inside fighter jets. I mean, for pete's sake man, the guy actually mentioned the "Champions' League" in an escalating war rhetoric??? Macron looked oddly concerned during the far table meeting and Bolsonaro tried but there's only so much he could do. 

And all of that without any type of comment from the CCP??

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