This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Current Events-War

The only thing that remains clear about the conflict in Ukraine is that things are more and more blurry.

Did anyone see the major role that journalism would actually play in end times? Probably not in times where the "Timeses" actually reported objective truths. 

Nowadays, WHERE the narrative comes from or WHO is reporting the "news" is a big factor on what "truth" is being told.

If you're not getting the inside scoop from multiple sources, you are probably being brainwashed one way or the other. Eventually, if not already, everybody will be lying and there will be no such thing as truth. How then can one know what's going on?

WE CAN'T! Which makes it more and more evident that an exit-stage-right route AWAY from the internet must be viewed as an option, especially for the Christian. The INTERnational NETwork (666) is just one big WEB, literally. You get tangled up in all kinds of stuff like greed and depravity. A place where people can publicly envy you, murder your character, cause strife, lie and practice anything with ill-intent/malice. A place where they gossip, 30 slander, and can openly hate God, curse you out, brag openly about what they "got" and who they "became". A place where not only can you do whatever you want in the name of evil but you also push along those who do the same thing. On the web, there's no point in trying to understand anything because it doesn't matter. 

The internet, in a nutshell, is hell. 

The more confusing it gets, the more enigmatic and unclear it gets, the better off it thinks it is. That's part of the LIE agenda. 

After all, isn't that where Satan is trying to trap souls? Isn't that why he wants you to believe in avatarism, artificial reality/intelligence, and "alternate worlds"?  He has to have a "place" where he can offer "immortality" to lost souls, after all, that's still mankind's main, unsolvable problem. 

Isn't that why Twitch makes you take a pledge to almost literally sign your soul away? A pledge to care more about your "online" self than your breathing self? 

How to live off of that web, the broad way, and wide gate that leads to destruction? Or is it a  coincidence that "windows" is a product of "Gates"? And who's to say that those dont lead TO HELL?

Start getting smaller. Downgrade. Dont buy. Dont indulge. Start thinking like a minimalist. Be open to the idea that life isn't a matter of comfort. It is the chance to choose. Do you want to live forever with God? Or do you love this dimension more than God?

FAST. PRAY. ASK. DENY yourself. Or does it not make sense that the last generation would be the most wicked one by far? And if so, doesnt that mean that quite possibly, 90% of the people living today could be lost souls including those who profess or claim to be Christians? 
It is very likely that most saints have already been. And that the most damned are still alive. World population as of today is close to 8 BILLION!


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