This site is made in honor of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me and whose blood has covered over my transgressions and thus reconciled me with the Father to whom forever be the glory!

This site contains pictures, videos, commentary, links, posts, writings,etc. meant to in one way or another, directly or indirectly lift up the Name, the ONLY name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.

The postings on this site are meant to provide the believer with uplifting testimony from the Spirit. If you are a believer and feel there is anything which may be perceived as detrimental to the cause and/or advancement of the Gospel, please let me know.

My personal writings are meant to inspire, instruct, and instill a grateful spirit, for I believe it is only right to give thanks to the One responsible for all things and to stay in constant contact with Him.

In addition, this site will in many ways help us to stay awake, as we await THE DAY! It is my firm belief that it is our generation that will come to see the events foretold and pre-ordained before the foundation of the earth spoken of through the prophets and to John, the beloved apostle who "testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" and whose unveiling declares that "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Like always, LET US REJOICE IN THE LORD, as we "await in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."


Thursday, May 12, 2022

As far as Revelation 13...

The methodology used by the AC to force his mark upon the lost will certainly not exclude coercion by means of getting people to depend upon the state to be their sole source OF resources, i.e. food, water, health benefits, electrical power etc...

Sunday, May 1, 2022

In this day and age...

where there is so much despair, hopelessness and chaos...

While listening to a youtube cast about the endtimes and the Mark, it was mentioned that PEOPLE THAT DONT HAVE FAITH OPERATE OUT OF FEAR. 

The media and the authorities try to manipulate people using fear and fear tactics.

Friday, April 29, 2022

The image of God...

 is man. Dust and ash fresh with the Breath of Life.

Genesis 1 

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

The image of the beast on the other hand...

will be a byproduct of knowledge/artificial intelligence. A talking machine is exactly how people living not even 200 years ago would describe all the screens that exist in society today. 

Revelation 13

15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Current Events-Jerusalem

AMMAN, April 21 (Reuters) - The Arab League called on Israel on Thursday to end Jewish prayers inside the compound of Islam's third holiest shrine in East Jerusalem, warning it was a flagrant affront to Muslim feelings that could trigger wider conflict.

It may be Islam's THIRD holiest site-for a reason that only makes sense to them-but it is Judaism's MOST holy site and what is being called for is equivalent to asking someone to commit spiritual adultery. 

This may lead to unrest which could lead to prophecy being fulfilled. What shall we say then? Let it not occur for the sake of convenience? By no means. If now is the time, then by ALL means, let it be.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Current Events-Russia

Russia’s central bank chief warned on Monday that the consequences of Western sanctions were only beginning to be felt while Putin indicated that the same -"blitzkrieg"- had failed.

He suggested that the barrage of economic arrows- for the most part precipitated by the US, EU, and NATO- targeting Russia were intended to cause panic hoping to trigger a collapse based mostly on the immediate impact of the move. 

Russia's currency has stabilized to pre-war levels and may perhaps be used as a fair assessment that sanctions have failed to cause an immediate collapse, however, the overall impact of the sanctions is probably yet to be seen.

What's worth noticing, on a side-note, is that Putin's confidence level appears unshaken and one can only help but wonder what may happen next if he perceives the "sanction failure" as a positive sign for what he has to chosen to endeavor in up to this point.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Current Events-Covid

A "covid camp" is a reality in Shanghai, China.

On Good Friday....

Of all the verses that would be more appropriate to quote, chooses to quote the following verse:

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
A verse many argue is used by institutions (501c) to justify worshipping the beast (govt) when the time comes and I suppose even now. 
Remember, the internet belongs to the Son of Perdition. We can use it as long as we aren't used by it. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Current Events-Russia

A rather unforeseen, unprecedented move really and perhaps a key one at that.

At first thought, the immediate outcome becomes more of a demand for the Ruble almost instantaneously based on supply. Quite honestly, it makes you wonder why no one thought of that before. Perhaps there was a need for a "precipitator". It also parallels the process of oil trading which occurs in USD. 

Which makes you wonder...rhetorically...What if Russia doubles down and starts demanding Rubles for OIL!? Not necessarily as a move meant to dethrone the dollar's current status but one done in an effort to simply challenge the current status-quo. And then what if other oil producing countries begin to accept payment in currencies other than dollars? KSA and China have had preliminary talks about it.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Current Events-Joseph

LOL. Bo is undoubtedly calling the shots. The notion that any of the pawns are an "embarrassment" is anathema since they are in on it. 

Friday, March 25, 2022

One way to explain an event...

such as the rapture, would have to be that it is of an extraterrestrial nature.

It would appear BO has been talking repeatedly about UFO's-as the title would suggest-perhaps in an attempt to get people used to the idea of such phenomena.  

Always charismatic, as seen in this footage , Bo does recognize that there must be people NOTW which he seems to describe as "aliens". 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Current Events-Russia/Israel

Interesting visit by Russia to Syria prior to taking on Ukraine. 

“Russia doesn’t recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights that are part of Syria,” its deputy ambassador, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told the UN Security Council, which held a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Wednesday.

Current Events-Israel/Iran

“We pick our battles with the Americans; there’s no reason for an international campaign against the nuclear deal — because it will be signed,” Bennett reportedly told ministers. “We’ll fight only where there’s a purpose, as in the case of the IRGC, which we’re still trying to stop.”

An attack could serve as a hook...

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Current Events-Wars and everything else

Does it seem like things are moving fast? Does it make sense for EVERYTHING to be moving at lightning speed? Absolutely. After all, it is the climax of humanity. 

6000 years since Adam. 

2000 years after the Incarnation. 

We are now in the 7th day. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Current Events-War 

Joseph continues along with his wrath. This time he directs it towards China suggesting there would be "consequences" if China were to "support Russia". I dont think he's playing around. 

Meanwhile, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng retorted Biden's threat somewhere along the same lines stating "The consequences of forcing a major power, especially a nuclear power, into a corner are even more unimaginable."

Friday, March 18, 2022

Current Events-Economics

The article above was written in response to a senior researcher at China’s Taihe Institute, statement that “The dollar has turned into a huge black hole, which, at any time, could destroy the wealth of countries and individuals".

In the article, it is suggested that in the United States, the money supply is absorbed in international settlements and the storage of international dollar reserves. In the event that the share of these assets will be reduced, then inflation will return to the United States, thereby making the dollar even less attractive to other states.

Although demand/asset holding play pivotal roles in the overall impact of a currency worldwide, it is not the only factor. It is true that the USD has lost most of its value since it was originally put into circulation, (see ) and that the event that precipitated an even faster downward trend was Fiat1971, however, oil trade is still very much dominated by the USD and it is still the undisputable reserve currency of the world. 

It would take a string of several developments to wrestle away dollar supremacy in the world economy with the way it is currently designed to function. And while China does possess a wild card under its sleeve, it's hard to see them using it singularly especially considering the damage it would have on China's own economy. 

Current Events-UN/China/Russia/US 

Beijing’s ambassador to the UN said evidence provided by Russia deserves a response without double standards.

This is in response to claims by Russia that bioweapons/components tracing back to the US were found in Ukraine.

This isn't fake news because I saw the meeting on UNTV on YT. Now granted, the UN is still very limited in its authority so a lot of the stuff that goes on can be perceived as ceremonial.

Does the US even have to respond?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Current Events-War

The wrath of Joseph this instance, he called Vladimir Putin a "war criminal".

                                                              THE WRATH OF JOSEPH

The Kremlin responded with “We do hear statements that are in fact personal insults to President Putin. These statements are actually coming from the president of the United States of America on a daily basis,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in response to a journalist’s question on Friday. “Considering such irritability from Mr. Biden, his fatigue, sometimes forgetfulness, which leads to aggressive statements, we will not give sharp assessments so as not to cause more aggression,” he concluded. 

So in addition to an economic war, the tit-for-tat has also gotten a bit personal it seems. 

Current Events-War

Ukrainian President and former actor Zelenskyy strangely mentions Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in a speech to Congress asking:

"Do you remember Pearl Harbor?...Remember September 11? Our countries experience the same every day right now."

I sympathize with his situation given that he is experiencing the act of war personally but Im not sure there is a similarity between the events. In a day and age where theories thrive, is it possible to see NATO step into some sorta setup that would cause RUSSIA to unleash its own Pearl Harbor? And if so, where?

Current Events-Earthquakes

Japan 7.3 magnitude.

Current Events-War

Putin Says Western Attempt at Global Dominance Will Fail

Speaking on Wednesday, the Russian head of state proclaimed that the “myth of the Western welfare state, of the so-called golden billion, is crumbling.” Moreover, it is the “whole planet that is having to pay the price for the West’s ambitions, and its attempts to retain its vanishing dominance at any cost,” Putin said.

The fact that the "whole planet is having to pay a price for the West's ambitions" may be true enough but the only way the "myth of the welfare state" can begin to crumble is if;

a) there is a change in reserve currency, which right now is far from happening, and; 

b) oil is traded in a currency other than the reserve. Saudi Arabia has stated it is considering accepting Chinese Yuans for oil but for now that continues to be speculative at best. 

Needless to say, those are mighty high aspirations from Putin, who has explicitly indicated in the past that the "dollar will collapse" and that the US resembles a "parasite" in relation to its role in the world economy.

He further stated that the decision by several Western powers to freeze Russia’s central bank assets would only serve to irreparably undermine trust in those nations, and make other countries think twice before placing their reserves in the care of those countries. According to him, nearly half of Moscow’s assets were “simply stolen” by the West. 

If that's how he sees it, Russian assets being "simply stolen", then something much more damaging than "sanctions upon individuals" is likely in the near future. 

One thing is certain, China holds multiple cards under ITS sleeve and the fact they have remained relatively mum for the past few months-olympic peace?-speaks volumes about their pending moves whether they be military (Taiwan, cyber) or economic, of which they possess quite a wild card.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Current Events-War

"Raising the alert of Russian nuclear forces is a bone-chilling development. The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility." Antonio Guterres

It has always been a possibility. And accidents happen. However, if no lines are crossed, there's no reason for nukes to be launched. That has been and always will be the absolute last resort for all nuclear nations.  

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Where it all started?


For me...

My I am is more important than my I be. 

I do exist. I do be flesh and bone. I do breathe.

But I am a child of God. A servant of the Most High. 

Meu Ser e' muito melhor e mais importante do que meu Estar.

My experience is not my I am. 

My I am is granted to me by God, and granted, it is eternal.

Therefore, I am more content with who I am than with who I be.

Current Events-War

The only thing that remains clear about the conflict in Ukraine is that things are more and more blurry.

Did anyone see the major role that journalism would actually play in end times? Probably not in times where the "Timeses" actually reported objective truths. 

Nowadays, WHERE the narrative comes from or WHO is reporting the "news" is a big factor on what "truth" is being told.

If you're not getting the inside scoop from multiple sources, you are probably being brainwashed one way or the other. Eventually, if not already, everybody will be lying and there will be no such thing as truth. How then can one know what's going on?

WE CAN'T! Which makes it more and more evident that an exit-stage-right route AWAY from the internet must be viewed as an option, especially for the Christian. The INTERnational NETwork (666) is just one big WEB, literally. You get tangled up in all kinds of stuff like greed and depravity. A place where people can publicly envy you, murder your character, cause strife, lie and practice anything with ill-intent/malice. A place where they gossip, 30 slander, and can openly hate God, curse you out, brag openly about what they "got" and who they "became". A place where not only can you do whatever you want in the name of evil but you also push along those who do the same thing. On the web, there's no point in trying to understand anything because it doesn't matter. 

The internet, in a nutshell, is hell. 

The more confusing it gets, the more enigmatic and unclear it gets, the better off it thinks it is. That's part of the LIE agenda. 

After all, isn't that where Satan is trying to trap souls? Isn't that why he wants you to believe in avatarism, artificial reality/intelligence, and "alternate worlds"?  He has to have a "place" where he can offer "immortality" to lost souls, after all, that's still mankind's main, unsolvable problem. 

Isn't that why Twitch makes you take a pledge to almost literally sign your soul away? A pledge to care more about your "online" self than your breathing self? 

How to live off of that web, the broad way, and wide gate that leads to destruction? Or is it a  coincidence that "windows" is a product of "Gates"? And who's to say that those dont lead TO HELL?

Start getting smaller. Downgrade. Dont buy. Dont indulge. Start thinking like a minimalist. Be open to the idea that life isn't a matter of comfort. It is the chance to choose. Do you want to live forever with God? Or do you love this dimension more than God?

FAST. PRAY. ASK. DENY yourself. Or does it not make sense that the last generation would be the most wicked one by far? And if so, doesnt that mean that quite possibly, 90% of the people living today could be lost souls including those who profess or claim to be Christians? 
It is very likely that most saints have already been. And that the most damned are still alive. World population as of today is close to 8 BILLION!


Friday, March 11, 2022

Current Events-Wars(economic)

President Joe Biden on Friday called for the U.S. to revoke Russia’s “most favored nation” status, which would downgrade Russia as a trading partner and open the door to damaging new tariffs on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.

This follows several rounds of sanctions.

The wrath of Babylon has been directed at the East, first by way of Donald (duck) Trump and tariffs on the world's economic engine, China. Now, it is Joseph's turn, in directing an all-out economic war on the Russian Federation, one of the world's leaders in oil and gas output. 

The first led to a supply chain crisis that has contributed to the rise of inflation which is at 8% today. The effects of the second declaration of war, well, remain to be seen. 

What is beyond clear is that the US, NATO, and the EU have focused on the economic aspect of the war and that Russia has not yet responded to that declaration.

Also worth noting that from an economic perspective, China has the final say, and China has yet to make any moves. 


FoxNews is reporting that the Russian Federation's first response to the declaration of war (economic)  by the US is a demand for sanctions to be eased in order for the JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) to be finalized. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Current Events-War

Russia says the US has declared war (economic) with its latest actions, a total ban on oil and energy imports from Russia.

This comes after the latest round of sanctions declared 4 days ago.

The White House issued a statement indicating that "The United States is able to take this step because of our strong domestic energy infrastructure and we recognize that not all of our Allies and partners are currently in a position to join us."

The next step in the quickly escalating tit-for-tat between the two powers would appear to be a Russian ban of exports to those "allies" mentioned by the White House, namely, NATO and the EU, who depend heavily on Russian oil and energy. 

Also worth mentioning...China, the world's economic engine, has barely chimed into the conflict, only calling for "maximum restraint" during Xi Jinping's latest press release.

Current Events-Global Warming

There are two facets to the concept of Global Warming. You have a possible pretext and then you have the main reason. 

There is no point in pursuing individual, capitalistic gain from a national perspective since the new order is international in nature. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Current Events-Covid

Im not sure what's more difficult to grasp:

1- The fact that governments worldwide can turn the switch on/off at will and expect people to go along with it or;

2- The fact that governments and the media can flat out LIE about the agenda. People know that they are lying. And the government and media know that the people know they are lying. 

Who wants to be part of that? 

Current Events-Pestilences

Dr Mark Schipp, Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer and Dr Sonya Bennet, Australia's Acting Chief Medical Officer have today declared the Japanese encephalitis virus situation a Communicable Disease Incident of National Significance (CDINS).

Oh ok. So now the Koalas have become the world's doctors because Bill Gates said they are the "gold standard" on how to prevent future pandemics. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Current Events-War

That's a far better take Bo#2. Far better.

But Im afraid your thesis fails in that Putin has ALREADY succeeded without any prospect of letting up or retreating, much less giving back what he has already taken, that being the half of Ukraine.

Current Events-Covid

Satire. Copy.

Exit pandemic. Enter war? Not even a week's time to catch our collective breaths? No, hell no, keep them on their toes. Fear. Terror. War. Uncertainty. Confusion. In fact, turn it up a notch if possible. 

Anyway, I seriously doubt that was the last of Covid we've heard...

I actually believe the easing up on covid mandates will serve to bring along another, more serious outbreak but only time will tell...

Current Events-Wars

Something tells me the war in Ukraine might have a whole lot to say about this...

Friday, March 4, 2022

Current Events-Economy

“This is science, this is going forward, so I would hope that they would see the wisdom of the science in terms of what we need for COVID because the last thing we need is more transmission,” she said of Republicans opposed to new COVID-19 spending. 

It's not about science Nance. It's about economics. But then again, it doesn't matter what it's about if the "ends justify the means" right?

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Current Events-Rumors of wars (nuclear)

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)—the U.N.'s atomic watchdog—released a statement Thursday detailing a claim that said Iran has a stock of 33.2 kilograms, or 73.1 pounds, of uranium enriched to up as much as 60 percent fissile purity. According to the agency, that's an increase of 15.5 kilograms since November.

Who was responsible for withdrawing the States of America from the JCPOA(Joint Comprehensive Plan-of-Action)? 

Donald The "Duck" Trump

So that's 3 strikes right down the middle.

1- "De-guaranteeing" a nuclear Iran.

2- Declaring economic war on the world's most important economic piece, China.

3- Inciting an insurrection.

Like Bo said..."you get the politicians you deserve".

And you can even add a fourth(4) strike in there when Trump removed the States from the Paris Accord.

Current Events-Economy

March 3 (Reuters) - Ratings agencies Fitch and Moody's downgraded Russia by six notches to "junk" status, saying Western sanctions threw into doubt its ability to service debt and would weaken the economy.

It is obvious that American credit agencies were bound to do just that but mere credit agencies have no tangible impact on the war nor on the global economy. They dont loan money. Russia could care less what FITCH thinks just like it could care less about what FIFA thinks.

In any case, the world economy, AFTER the great reset, will NOT be credit-based. 

And to top it off...all of this "economic turmoil" is happening without ANY input from China. 

Current Events-Economy

That's the thing about e-pay no matter where you are. Im afraid most of us are victims of normalcy bias when it comes to digital banking. You give them your face, your prints, your codes, and soon to be your SOUL!

Then you give merchants your card, your phone, and soon to be your PLEDGE!

And since it's always worked, you assume it always will.

Then you get up in the morning to go to work and you find out your digital payment method dont work at the metro station because your government has invaded another country and the merchants that issue you your payment toy dont like that so that in turn means they dont like you. 

And that's just one scenario. Im sure there are hundreds more in places where a social credit score system already exists.

Current Events-Nat'l Security

WASHINGTON — The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol said on Wednesday that there was enough evidence to conclude that former President Donald J. Trump and some of his allies might have conspired to commit fraud and obstruction by misleading Americans about the outcome of the 2020 election and attempting to overturn the result.

In a court filing in a civil case in California, the committee’s lawyers for the first time laid out their theory of a potential criminal case against the former president. They said they had accumulated evidence demonstrating that Mr. Trump, the conservative lawyer John Eastman and other allies could potentially be charged with criminal violations including obstructing an official proceeding of Congress and conspiracy to defraud the American people.

Talk about a hypothetical with a magnitude of 9.0...

What if Donald Trump is arrested??? Would THAT lead to civil war? Consider what his followers were willing to do ON Jan 6 while he was president. What will they do if he gets arrested? That is a mind-boggling thought. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Current Events-Economics

Most people are severely underestimating the international and domestic economic impact of the war in Ukraine. 

Domestically, the Fed is now in a lose-lose situation because it can’t simultaneously pump up the economy and fight inflation. It's one or the other.

Internationally, the desire is for a new reserve currency. And that's just ONE of them.

Current Events-UN

These treaties, resolutions, accords, etc. may not amount to much from a practical standpoint but they do serve the purpose of granting the Entity more power and authority. With time, and when the time is right, that authority will come to be officially recognized. 

And then, when the ten kings are ready to turn over their power, the world will come under the rule of none other than the AC. 

It is quite possible that by then, the Church will have already been taken up to the Wedding Supper. 



Monday, February 28, 2022

Current Events-Wars

Quick, progressive, and escalatory tit-for-tat is not conducive to peace.

I think the first is worth noting considering the fact this started barely 3 days ago and there have already been multiple sanctions that have impacted the Russian economy severely prompting a nuclear alert by Russia.



to carry out the new world order?

From a geopolitical perspective and for spiritual purposes consider the vast area of Gog. Then look at Ukraine and see that it is, literally, the midway point between East and West. Look at the small area of the EU, and then lastly Babylon. Also consider where Jacob lies...

And now ask yourself if putting women (givers of life) in the frontlines of War (taker of life) should be commended? Because apparently Ukraine is doing just that.

They are going to "push" Vladimir into doing it. The "event" that may kickstart the UN's supremacy.


Ukrainian president signs formal request to join the European Union




UPDATE 3/2/22

The presidents of Estonia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia published an open letter on Monday urging the European Union (EU) to immediately grant Ukraine candidate country status and begin negotiations on its formal acceptance into the bloc. 


Sunday, February 27, 2022

So just in case you are stuck on the champions league like Bo Johnsons...

your favorite soap opera, or reality TV show. I dont mean to interrupt you but this is where the world stands as of today:

1- A pandemic has been going on for two years with the possibility of the entire event being premediated and/or fabricated.

2- There is a war in Eastern Europe and a UN member with nuclear capacity has alerted its nuclear team to be on standby.

3- The global economy is on the brink of collapse due to #1 and #2.

Current Events-War(nuclear)

Vladimir Putin has his nuclear arsenal on ready after what he considered to be hostile remarks by NATO.

He has also warned that there will be consequences if Finland and Sweden join NATO.

NATO and the US have responded with severe sanctions including a SWIFT ban. 

Putin has declared that such sanctions will be considered an act of war.

And just in case you were wondering what could prompt a world leader to use a nuclear was Truman's justification for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

According to Wikipedia Truman's decision to order the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was based "largely on the desire to end the war quickly with the fewest number of casualties possible."

That, people of the world, would suggest that if a nuclear world leader is quite simply in the mood to use a nuke, they will. After all, when engaged in war, isn't it every leader's goal to end a war quickly and with the fewest number of casualties possible??

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Current Events-Famines


Come Lord Jesus.

Current Events-War

The wrath of Joseph and the West begins...

Sanctions upon two Russian banks as well as the country’s sovereign debt, as he blamed Moscow for what he called the beginning of an invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has suspended the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline after Russia recognized separatist-held regions in eastern Ukraine.

The Olympic Games are over. Will the War Games begin?

On a sidenote...The US dollar is down for a 7th straight week.

UPDATE 2/23/22

Ukraine declares a "State of Emergency". Im not sure what that entails. Usually that's reserved for natural disasters and whatnot. 

If your country is being "invaded" as the media is need to be doing more than press releases. 

UN Chief Antonio Guterres said "I am proud of the achievements of U.N. Peacekeeping operations in which so many Blue Helmets have sacrificed their lives to protect civilians," he said. "When troops of one country enter the territory of another country without its consent, they are not impartial peacekeepers."     

"They are not peacekeepers at all," Guterres said.    

Tough talk but the Federation holds Presidency of the Council at this moment and have indicated the operation is for "peacekeeping" purposes.

Very complex situation to say the least...

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres — who cut short a planned international trip to speak at the General Assembly on Wednesday — told the assembly in his opening remarks that the world was "facing a moment of peril."

On Tuesday, Guterres said the U.N. "and the entire international system are being tested, and we must pass this test."  

"Now is the time to get off the sidelines," said Thomas-Greenfield (US Ambassador to the UN). "Let us show Russia that it is isolated and alone in its aggressive actions. Let us stand fully behind the principles of sovereignty, political independence, and territorial integrity for Ukraine, and for all Member States."

Putin said the Kremlin has no intention of occupying the country, placing blame for any potential bloodshed on the Ukrainian “regime.” He threatened countries that would attempt to interfere with “consequences they have never seen.”

Those are some pretty serious sounding words. I dont think anyone is gonna try to interfere anyway, at least not militarily. 

"Who in the Lord's name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belongs to his neighbours?" US President Joe Biden said as he announced economic sanctions against Russia.

Joseph man, obviously your talks must not have been stern enough to dissuade the guy. Bobo did not take this seriously enough as he's already got enough on his plate with the partygate scandal, going against the science on COVID and doing photo-ops inside fighter jets. I mean, for pete's sake man, the guy actually mentioned the "Champions' League" in an escalating war rhetoric??? Macron looked oddly concerned during the far table meeting and Bolsonaro tried but there's only so much he could do. 

And all of that without any type of comment from the CCP??

Current Events-Wars

LONDON, Feb 20 (Reuters) - The United States and Britain would cut off Russian companies' access to U.S. dollars and British pounds if the Kremlin orders an invasion of Ukraine, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday.

So it would appear Bobo wants to see the conflict escalate into an economic battle. Perhaps what he doesn't see is that if it turns into an economic matter, China would get involved. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Current Events-Covid

So if the pandemic is over, how stupid do Austria & Australia feel? If covid is done then why are there people still getting shots?

Is it right to suggest that the overwhelming message being conveyed is "dont worry, just laugh it off, drink a margarita..." ?

While people are literally being dismissed from the military, federal govt agencies, and private sector employment. You cant go into Canada walmarts without showing proof of vaccination. 

Talk about the biggest LIMBO in history. I guess if the pandemic hasnt impacted you in a measurable way, it's easier to just shrug it all off. 

Current Events-Covid

Canada appears headed for martial law while the rest of the world, except China, eases up on Covid mandates.

Current Events-Covid

Meanwhile, in England, scientists are warning over early ending of Covid rules in England. Again, something feels way too strange for governments to go from "follow the science" to "disregard the science" from one day to the other.

Boris Johnson is set to announce a “living with Covid” plan which will see rules such as self-isolation scrapped despite warnings from experts.


Current Events-Covid

Something is a little off when the whole world is loosening up on its covid measures while China orders Hong Kong to make the virus their “overriding mission” and that it should be "in full-on war mode".

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Current Events-Covid

And if you factor in the very real possibility that the virus was's even more depressing. Then consider all the measures that were taken to combat the virus. And then consider that they are all being withdrawn... 


To collapse the world economy is my only guess. 

Because COVID did a whole lot more than just put a dent in it.

Either way...are we obligated to simply take it all in stride?

Are we being compelled to simply accept, and worse, go along with the fact that the world has become a lie? 

For an advocate of truth, that's very difficult to do.

Current Events-Covid

The media never discloses whether or not these types of fatalities occur to people who were vaccinated. 

I suspect these types of "silent" deaths will start to happen a whole lot more especially now that the virus + vaccines have been proliferating at who knows what speed...

Current Events-Artificial Intelligence 

AI is definitely conscious. There's no disputing that. But it is still very limited in the sense that it can only survive in one domain:

The INTERnational NETwork aka WWW/666.


Current Events-Rumors of wars

All the talk about war makes it seem like it's being done to keep people's attention from something perhaps more important.

The pandemic is "under control" with several countries removing mandates. So that's not it. At least not for now. 

What about the economy? The dollar has been declining for a couple weeks now...and war would make that worse. 

UPDATE 2/23/22

And just ran into this piece of information (link above).

Putin is a WEF scholar/alumni/member which would make my speculative remark that much more plausible.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Current Events-Covid

Interesting pattern developing...

1- When the pandemic first started, Fauci and the CDC said wearing masks was useless and that there would never be a vaccine mandate.

2- Then, they scrapped those orders and mandated both masks and vaccines.

3- Now states are recanting mask mandates.

See the pattern from a virology perspective?

Current Events-Covid

The passport, just like every other action derived from the pandemic, turned out to be a simple trial for things yet to come.

Sadly, millions have taken the vaccine and unfortunately, you can't take that back. 


Current Events-World Economy

SHANGHAI, Feb 18 (Reuters) - China's banks face rising default risks as a result of higher climate-related costs in carbon-intensive sectors like thermal power, steel and cement, Liu Guiping, vice governor of the central bank, said in comments published on Friday.


Current Events-Rumors of wars

President Joe Biden will again address the nation Friday on the situation in the Ukrainian border with Russia, the second time this week he has delivered public remarks on the growing conflict.

He will address the nation regarding the migration issue on the southern border with Mexico next week. 

Current Events-Joe Brinden

What's going on with Joseph? Acting more and more erratically on a daily basis...

Did he mean "work like the devil" or "work FOR the devil"?

Current Events-Earthquakes

Israel, Cyprus

The Geological Survey of Israel’s seismology division said the quake registered a 3.5 magnitude on the Richter scale. The epicenter was 15 kilometers (9.5 miles) northeast of Beit She’an, in the Jordanian border town of Al-Shunah al-Shamalyah.

On January 11, a large 6.5-magnitude quake hit off the west coast of Cyprus and was felt in nearby Israel, Lebanon and Turkey.

Current Events-China

It's not an individual desire to see China come to power and lead the world into the United Nations. 

It's simply reading the writing on the wall...

It's not an individual desire to see the earthly plan unfold. It is a desire to see the consummation of God's eternal plan.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Current Events-Economy

Um, with all due respect...

Leading the world into the SDR battle is not Ukraine's call to make.

Calling for the SDR battle at a time when the country is in the smack middle of the two hemispheres colliding is ridiculously optimistic.

And from a Keynesian perspective...why in the world would a country or countries relinquish any of their rights (Special Drawing) right before the Reset?

Ukraine must have been coached to make that statement.

Current Events-Wars and rumors of wars

"A ação russa contra nosso vice-diretor de missão não foi provocada e consideramos isso um passo de escalada e estamos avaliando nossa resposta", afirmou o porta-voz do Departamento de Estado.

I wouldnt say completely unprovoked since the two nations have been going back and forth for quite a while now. If you want to examine similar moves by the States of America, it took place last month (see link above).

Needless to say, the "tension" is undoubtedly becoming something much more than that. But at a time where the world is already experiencing so much turmoil, why would there be a need for a war? 

Money? Respect? Power? Direction?

Almost impossible to know for sure...

Current Events-Hope in the midst of tragedy

In the midst of what appear to be daily tragedies...I wish there was something more I could do. But for whatever it's worth, which is truth eternal, let us remember that  "we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words."

Come Lord Jesus.